100+ Things to be Happy About

I donā€™t know about anyone else, but as winter drags on and spring seems to take forever to get here in Montana, I start to feel the effects of lethargy, frustration and even depression. I started keeping a journal of things to be happy about to not only help myself remember even little things matter in life, but there are so many little things that are absolute blessings!

In an effort to share my happiness with my readers, I want to share 100+ things off my list to be happy about. I recommend bookmarking this page to come back to when you need a boost in happiness!


100 Things to Be Happy About


Who knows? You may even get some ideas on how to cheer yourself up with this list!

  • Fresh, warm, clean Pjā€™s right out of the dryer
  • Baby Laughs
  • The first day at the Farmerā€™s Market
  • Tulips and buds on trees starting to come out in spring
  • Seeing your goals happen
  • Lazy afternoons in bed
  • Home made soup
  • Car shows
  • A fresh clean new pair of socks
  • Good coffee
  • That “accomplished” feeling
  • Really good desserts
  • Watching squirrels
  • A candle-lit room
  • That first grill of the season
  • Fishing, even if you donā€™t catch anything
  • A good belly laugh
  • Love notes
  • Soda in glass bottles
  • Old Fashioned taffy pulls
  • Day trips
  • A feeling of security
  • Warm blankets on cold nights
  • Star gazing on a clear night
  • Bubble wrap
  • Yard sales and hidden treasures
  • Warm maple syrup
  • Fun fabric patterns
  • A phone call from a long lost friend
  • A rainy night while falling asleep
  • Finding a new solution to an old problem
  • Fresh Farm eggs
  • Going through old photos
  • The smell of fall in the air
  • Vanilla bean ice cream
  • Yogurt bars with unlimited toppings
  • Being recognized for your hard work
  • A new soap
  • Trying a new food and liking it
  • The smell of citrus
  • Cupcakes
  • A good hair day
  • A moment where you were very witty
  • A clean home
  • The smell of cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven
  • The sparkle of fresh snow
  • “Open” Signs
  • Lasagna the next day
  • Cherry Pie
  • Funny sayings like “Hunky Dorey”
  • A long needed apology
  • Hand cut French fries
  • Cashing in change you have been saving
  • Your children making the right choice
  • Angel food cake
  • A & W root beer in frosted mugs
  • Napping in the shade on a summer day
  • Doing a new craft
  • Strawberries in Champagne
  • Great smelling candles
  • Finding that outfit you feel extremely confident in
  • Watching a cat “hunt” a string
  • Going berry picking
  • Seeing a wild animal
  • A homemade gift
  • Kilts
  • Spoon rings
  • Sneaking a taste of a recipe you are working on
  • Sleepy-head kids
  • Hearing “your song” on the radio
  • A fresh box of crayons
  • Wind Chimes
  • Children playing “dress up”
  • Penny Candy
  • 50ā€™s music
  • Watching old music videos
  • Layer cakes
  • Cheese tasting
  • Water fights
  • A new lipstick
  • “Finger nail” moons
  • Getting a “real” letter in the snail mail
  • A really awesome salad bar
  • Knee socks
  • Eating the cake icing first
  • Drive ins
  • Playing with the toys in the toy department
  • A brand new pair of jeans
  • Getting something for free with coupons
  • gourmet chocolate
  • Home made Mashed potatoes
  • Robinā€™s eggs
  • Learning something new every day
  • The smell of cedar
  • Canapes and Petit Fours
  • Piglets
  • Strawberries dipped in sugar
  • Decorating Easter Eggs
  • Balloon animals
  • Water Parks
  • Fresh brushed teeth
  • Girl scout cookies
  • Laughing at yourself



3 Replies to “100+ Things to be Happy About”

  1. I love this! I am a firm believer in living a “Glass Half Full” kind of life and trying to find the good in everything, so this does my heart good to know that Iā€™m not alone. Sometimes, all we see is negative and pessimism, so I applaud you for taking the time to be happy! Great Post!
    Niki S. recently posted..#SafetytipsforladiesMy Profile

    1. Thanks Niki!
      I have not always a “glass half full” person. I struggle with a heart of bitterness a lot and it is something I am really trying to change. Making a change in your attitude is so hard, but I know that it will make my life so much better. No use in being miserable! šŸ˜‰

  2. the simple things in life is the best things in life! Thanks for this refreshing read. 101st thing to be happy about is this post! Thanks!
    Tabitha Vos recently posted..Say Hello Diamonds GiveawayMy Profile

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