Liebster Award Nominations!

I was nominated for a blog award named the Liester Award. It is an award that started in Germany to give smaller bloggers recognition for all their hard work. “Liebster” means “Beloved”.

You receive this award from a fellow Blogger that feels your blog is important and special to them.

If you receive this award, there are three rules.

1. You must award 3-5 other bloggers with the award. In this case, it is five. You must leave a comment on the blogs you nominate letting them know they have been nominated.

2. The bloggers awarded must have less than 200 followers.

3. You must thank the blogger that nominated you on your blog with a link to their blog.

Participation is completely voluntary and is not limited to any genre or writing for that matter. Basically, the blog can be about anything and simply has to be one that you feel is worthy and that you would like to give recognition to by passing it on.

I am completely flattered to have been nominated by Lin at Little Millerisms.

My nominations are

1. Give Oh Giveaway! (she is just over 200 followers, but I think that just happened recently and I love her blog!)

2. Mistique Uniques

3. Walking By Faith

4. What The Foo

5. Grandma’s Cookie Jar

Secret Spaghetti Sauce

This recipe will be a bit different. I will not completely give away my secret, but I will tell you what is in it. Test it out for yourself and adjust the ingredients to your liking.

Chrissie’s Secret Spaghetti Sauce

Tomato Puree

Canned or fresh diced tomatoes

Fresh mushrooms, sliced

Italian seasonings

Brown Sugar

Onion powder

Garlic powder

Shredded cheese

Browned ground beef or turkey

I will give you a hint..add a little then adjust.

Cj’s Mystery bars

Today, I have a guest poster. She is a fellow Montana blogger and wanted to share her recipe with my readers. Please show her some love by visiting her blog and by leaving some comments here.

Please also vote for Cj’s Recipe!

All you have to do is LIKE the Cook’n fan page and Like Give oh Giveaway’s recipe for mystery bars. She’d really appreciate your help! Thanks! If she wins, she wants to give it away on her blog! Remember, just like the comment made by Give oh Giveaway!

Without further adieu here is my bloggy friend, Cj, from Give Oh Giveaway :)

Hello! I am Cj from Give oh Giveaway. I am a stay at home Mommy of 3 little girls under the age of 5. I love to coupon, do reviews & giveaways and LOVE to bake! My hubby always jokes, “Don’t eat a cookie Cj makes!”, because honestly I can’t make cookies even if it was to save my life…but I have developed a talent for baking pies and bars.

The recipe below is called Mystery Bars, as a child growing up in Las Vegas my family of 10 would make the 1200 mile drive to middle-of-no-where Montana to my Grandparents farm house for Christmas. Grandma Santa (yep, that is her real name, not a nickname) would be prepared with dozens of these awesome bars. They were our favorite Christmas treat! Every time I asked her what they were made of she would always answer….”It is a mystery” and wink at me! She would send some home with us every year, but they never made it Idaho border. We eventually moved to Montana and I luckily got to spend many hours in the kitchen with Grandma Santa baking mystery bars and learning all her secrets! I want to share with you my family’s favorite tradition and I hope you love them as much as we do!

Mystery Bars


1 cup brown sugar
1 cup Butter (margarine won’t work)
1 bag of Chocolate chips (or 2 cups)
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)
40 saltine crackers


Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with foil and spray well with PAM (easy clean-up). Line crackers side by side on cookie sheet until it covers the whole pan. Boil brown sugar and real butter over medium heat (stir often) until it reaches rolling boil. After it reaches a rolling boil, time for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour and spread over crackers. Place in oven for 8 minutes. Turn off oven, remove from cookie sheet from oven. Let rest for 30 seconds. Press crackers back into place with wooden spoon as best you can. Sprinkle choc. chips over top and place in TURNED OFF oven for 2 minutes. Take out and spread melted chocolate chips. Sprinkle with nuts (optional)

Let cool and break up (with hands or wood spoon) into pieces. DO NOT CUT with knife; you will get foil pieces in your bars. For quick cooling, place on hot pads in freezer of fridge until hard. Store in airtight container in fridge or freezer. This recipe is a great make ahead of time, freeze and thaw later dessert! Will last up to 3 months if stored in airtight container with wax paper between layers of cookies. So yummy too! Blow your quests away with this inexpensive but tasty treat!

You can visit Cj’s blog, Give Oh Giveaway here:

Also, please make sure to stop by her Facebook Fanpage and “Like” it!

You can also follow Cj on twitter!

Magical Mashed Potatoes

Ok, so they aren’t technically magical, but they are pretty darn good and always get eaten up in my house. Feel privileged. I am sharing my secret! (My husband calls them “love potatoes” because he says the reason they are so good is because of the amount of love I put into them-goof.)

picture from flickr by Nisha A

Chrissie’s Magical Mashed Potatoes

(Makes a huge post of mashed potatoes-I never really paid attention to how many servings, but my best guess is 10-12)

10-12 Medium potatoes, peeled and cut in half

Onion powder

Garlic Powder

about a cup of ranch dressing

1/2 cup milk

2 cups shredded cheese

2 Tbsp dried chives


white pepper

Pretty simple:

1. Boil potatoes until soft, but not super mushy and drain. Put back into pot.

2. Hand mash (not with a mixer) to break up larger chunks. Add cheese and mash together.

3. Add milk and ranch

4. hand mash or use a mixer (I always hand mash-I like a chunkier texture with my mashed potatoes, not a puree)

5. Add a dash of salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and add chives. Mix well and adjust to your tastes.

My family thinks these are so good they don’t even need gravy, but you are welcome to eat with gravy :)