20 Ways to Make Your Wife Happy

In the era of a new year, gentlemen, (I know you are out there and I know you sometimes read my blog! No shame, I think it’s pretty cool myself) I am writing a post about little things you can do to make your wife show that pretty smile you probably fell in love with. I can’t promise this is a list that will save your marriage or do crazy miraculious things, but I bet you will get some ideas on how to make your wife happy.

Now, I can’t say every lady out there will like my suggestions, but I promise you, if you just give some of them a try, she will notice the effort and you will most likely be rewarded 😉


1. Let her sleep in and you take care of the kids

2. Clean the bathroom [Read more…]

New Year’s Resolutions

I asked my friends and readers to tell me what some of their New Year’s resolutions were in an effort to get you started on thinking what you may like to try to do to better your life in the coming year. Sticking to New Year’s resolutions is hard. My suggestion if to make it something you can realistically do, or break your resolution into smaller goals in an effort to achieve them.

I am personally going to try to lose weight. I would like to lose 50 pounds over the next year. I am breaking this down into smaller increments to make them more achievable. For instance, my goal for January is to lose 5 lbs. I think I will lose more, but I think I can at least do this much. I have some exciting products to test out that will help me reach my weight loss goal and I look forward to reporting my weight loss on my blog. Be prepared to watch me shrink!


I also am going to give up smoking for good. I am just going [Read more…]

Nature Box

One of my goals for the new year is to eat better. I am hoping this combined with some activity will help me lose some weight. Part of eating better for me will be replacing the fattening and bad for me snacks with good, wholesome ones. I like that Nature box can help me do that.


Nature Box is a monthly delivery of good eats that opens your palette to a new discovery in healthy snacking. For just $19.95 a month, you get 5 different Nature Box Snack with a total of 15-20 servings in total. Shipping is always free and you can cancel at any time.

Nature Box snacks contain none of the following ingredients:

- High Fructose Corn Syrup

- Partially Hydrogenated Oils

- Trans fats

- Artificial Sweetners

- Artificial Flavors or Colors

There is a satisfaction guarantee as well. If you are not satisfied, you can get a refund.

In the box I go, there was an interesting array of goodies. Some I was not too sure about and others, I really enjoyed. The November Box contained; Carrot chips, Cinnamon Spiced Granola, Country Ranch Peas, Roasted Garlic Pumpkin Seeds and Chipotle Maple Almonds.




I liked that it had a wide variety of snacks with varying tastes from sweet to hot to salty. I enjoyed the packaging it came in and the box was chock full. I think this is a very good value at $19.95. I love that there is a money back guarantee. My favorite snacks were the Country Ranch Peas and the Cinnamon Spiced Granola. I added some raisins to the granola and it was so good!


I thought the carrots were terrible. I didn’t like how plain they tasted. I also thought the use of paper confetti in the box was wasteful, especially from a company that is trying to have an eco-friendly appearance. I also think the portion sizes were pretty small.

My Verdict:

I think this is 4 stars out of 5. It is really hit or miss with some of the snacks. I think a person either likes them or they don’t, but there is enough of a variety in the box to take your pick.

You can find Nature Box on Facebook and make sure to order on their webpage!


Join emeals and start the year right!






emeals can help you stay organized in what meals you will make for your family this year and help you plan it out with little fuss. In this busy time, everyone can use a hand and a few extra moments and with emeals.com, you can get just that!

How can emeals help you? First you pick a meal plan for your dietary needs, then emeals will help you plan it according to whats at the grocery store and on sale, and recipes on a weekly basis that you can use. You will also get a grocery list. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a personal shopping assistant? With emeals, you have just that! Just print your list and go! I love that they can take care of the planning for me and I can just head to the store and get what is on the list. This will save me a lot of time in the aisles at the store and allow me more time for couponing!

eMeals offers over 50 delicious meal plans and corresponding grocery lists every week based on food style preferences, family size and the current sales at selected grocery stores. Dinner menu plans include classic family meals, low-fat, portion control, low-carb, gluten-free, vegetarian, clean eating, paleo, and the natural and organic plan. For more information, please visit www.emeals.com.

Happy New year and happy new YOU!

Pssst.. Get 15% off the leading meal planning system at eMeals with coupon code “2013.”







Oreo Truffles {tutorial}

I made these last year and they were a huge hit at Christmas! They were actually requested for months by a former co-worker of my husband’s. I told him they were special and that I only make them at Christmas.

These Oreo truffles are so simple, you could make this last minute and be the hit of the party! And the best part is, they are no bake and require no special skills. Need some more convincing? They only use three simple ingredients!

Let’s get started!

To make Oreo Truffles, you will need:

- A box of Oreos or other chocolate sandwich cookies

-2 8 oz bars of cream cheese, softened

-White Almond bark or candy coating


To make Oreo Truffles:

1. Start by putting all the Oreos into a gallon size plastic bag. Using a rolling pin, crush them until they are annihilated 😉

2. . In a bowl, mix the cream cheese and crushed Oreo cookies together. Using your hands, form them into bite sized balls and set on a cookie sheet covered in wax paper. Place in the fridge for about 20 minutes to a half hour.

3. Melt about 1/4 of the brick of Almond bark in the microwave in 30 second intervals until smooth and creamy.

4. Using a fork or toothpick, dip the balls into the white candy coating/Almond bark. Allow excess to drip off and place back on the wax paper. Refrigerate until hardened.



There are several variations you can do with this. Some suggestions are:

*Add an extract like mint to the almond bark. This will add an extra element of flavor

*Use those golden Oreos and cover them in the regular chocolate coating.

*Add green food coloring to the cream cheese mixture for St. Patty’s day

*Add red food coloring to the cream cheese mixture and green food coloring to the white almond bark for a festive look

*The sky is the limit with these bad boys!


The Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

* Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. The information contained herein was found and taken from other websites. None of the info contained in this article is meant to diagnose or treat any condition. Please see your Doctor if you have questions about your health.


One of the first things I noticed right before I was diagnosed as being a type 2 diabetic was needing to urinate often and feeling tired a lot. I went in to have my physical and although I was relieved to find out what was explaining the symptoms that had plagued me, I was also scared of the road ahead with being a diabetic.

I have compiled a list of symptoms that according to other online sources, you should not ingore. Make sure you always seek medical advice from a medical professional if you every question your health.

  • According to Women’s Health Magazine, you should see a Doc if you have a severe and presitant headache. It could be a migraine, but it could be something more serious.
  • Unexplained weight loss. You may be happy you lost some weight, but according to the Mayo Clinic, it could be the sign of a serious, underlying health issue.
  • Chest Pain. AARP has warned that it could be something very serious, even if you think it isn’t.
  • Sudden dizziness could mean something as bad as a heart attacj according to this Reader’s Digest Article.
  • That sharp pain in your side could be just too much movement while exersizing, or it could be something more troublesome according to ABCnews.com
  • If you are a woman of child-bearing age, you should not ignore heavy, painful periods as it could be an ectopic pregnancy accoring to this article on REDBOOK.

The bottom line is, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it and don’t give up on finding the answers. I think we all know when something is not right inside ourselves.


Photo via flickr by Walt Stoneburner


Romwe’s Final Sale of the year

Romwe Year-end Xmas Promotion


Everyone can get a Santa Claus’ Stocking with Mysterious Gift if your order over $60!

Romwe is High Fashion at good prices and they always offer FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE with no minimum purchase.

This runs from today (12/19) through December 25th!

Make sure you don’t miss out on this awesome deal!


12 Fun Ways to Wrap Your Gifts

I thought it might be fun to round up of some fun ways to wrap your gifts! I haven’t even wrapped my gifts for Christmas (shhh!) yet so it got me thinking that there has to be some awesome wrapping ideas out there. As usual, Pinterest did not disappoint.



Here is my top 12 favorite pins on unique wrapping ideas on Pinterest! [Read more…]

What does it mean to be a “Submissive Wife”?

This post was inspired by the many questions I get surrounding my role as I feel most fulfilled by in my home. Another bloggy buddy of mine from Slap Dash Mom posted on her blog’s facebook page about a conversation she accidentally heard at a table near hers while enjoying a meal. The gentlemen next to her were talking about thier wive’s unwillingness to be submissive ad how to “fix it”. This made me get the idea that I should maybe try to break up some misconceptions about what it means to be living in the role of submissive wife.**

I am not a huge person to label things, but for the sake of categorizing, I almost have to in this instance. I practice being a submissive wife in my home. For many, this conjures up images of being a doormat, being treated like I don’t matter and not being allowed to have an opinion on anything. For me, this is simply not the case.


I asked Sadie, “aka Slap Dash Mom” to allow her fans to ask me questions so [Read more…]

Online coupon that requires no clipping

At Saved By Grace blog, it is my desire to make sure I let you know about the best deals available online when I find them to be of value to my readers. I personally have made it my mission to never accept the starting price on anything, and always search for the best deals. You get that way when you start couponing and living frugally. But, what if I told you there was a start-up that is changing everything and developing a way to get you the best possible deals WITHOUT the hunting, cutting and spam ? I am happy to introduce you to Kurrenci.com the internet’s very first universal coupon.


Here’s how it works…

You sign up for a free account.

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Then, you visit any shop that accepts Kurrenci, or you can simply search by product on Kurrenci.com.

When you’re ready to checkout, you will see the amazing discount you get by paying with Kurrenci! The store owner makes your dollar worth more! Some days your dollar will be worth 1.15, some days 1.50 it all depends on what rate the store owner sets it to. But it can only go up! So you are basically always getting way more bang for your buck, without the coupon! It’s more valuable money!

At first this sounds too good to be true, but it’s not, they already have several sites accepting Kurrenci! See skincareheaven, babybot, voilaccezzories, and others!

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