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Boycott Wendy’s

I don’t normally write a whole lot about personal issues I am experiencing, especially one so close to home, but I feel this needs to be said and shared as I feel that Wendy’s of Montana has done my husband very wrong and people need to know about it. In these hard economic times, many people are losing jobs and getting laid off and finding themselves unjustly without work from places they worked at and were loyal to for years. My husband is no different.

Some of you may be saying, “It’s just fast food” and “oh well, he can just get another fast food job”. I can assure you, what Wendy’s of Montana did was far from OK and my Husband was shafted.


My husband worked for Wendy’s of Montana for over 4 years, and was going on 5. Two of those years, he was in management. In that time, he got numerous awards for excellent work. He was employee of the year, two years in a row, employee of the quarter, twice, and got the “Dave Thomas Excellency award” as well for being a model employee. He was also sent on two separate business training sessions out of town and was hand picked for those sessions as well as led to believe he would be promoted on numerous occasions.

Things stared getting very strange around December of 2012. He was told he would be moving to another location and was never told why. (It was mentioned to me later, and very recently, that the reason being was because “he won’t be with us much longer”.) That move never occurred and he was never told why.

Starting around mid January 2013, the DM (District Manager) put my husband on a “probationary period” for a “customer complaint”. Now, you have to understand this came as a complete shock to both of us since in the almost 5 years he was employed there, he was not written up for ANY infractions at all. And the supposed customer complaint was not something he did or could have controlled. It was a comment made by an employee to another employee, that was not profane in nature while my husband was busy doing paperwork he was supposed to be doing at that time. They told him it was his job to “control the crew” and that my husband needed to learn to be “more of an a*****e”. The DM mentioned to me that he was going to teach my husband to “be a b****”.

Let me ask this; How on earth is any person supposed to control what comes out of other people’s mouths, especially if they are not present to witness anything and especially if the comment that was made was not profane in any manner? Want to know what the comment was?? The employee jokingly called his co-worker a “Bushbaby“. Know what a bushbaby is? It is a small, adorable primate that lives in East Africa. The emploee that was called a Bushbaby was not offended. In fact he didn’t even remember the incident. This was what the customer complained about.


Shortly after he was put on probabtion for the bushbaby incident, (that he had no part in, even though he wrote up the employee that said the comment after he was made aware), I was fanagled into speaking with the DM (District Manager) because I knew him from years ago through my own employment there. He called the house asking for my husband, who was not home at the time. He manipulated me into speaking with him saying, “we know each other outside of work, tell me what your husband has said to you about the incident..” I mistakenly agreed to speak with him and he did not believe me when I said my husband was not there at the time (he insisted he was because he “watched the tapes”, but the time he said he was there was not when the incident occurred) and repeatedly cursed and said he was “Calling B******t”. I felt he was trying to pit me against my husband and manipulate me.

Interestingly, my husband was up for a bonus, which the DM held the day he was supposed to get it. It was later in that evening that he gave it to him saying it was at the other location in town by mistake.

Shortly after, he was taken off probation and we thought maybe the nightmare was over. In comes another customer complaint.

I was present at the time this incident occurred that the customer complained about. I had come in late night, right before the lobby closed to buy the special Valentine’s coupon books they had. The topic came up about appetite somehow and I said, innocently, “Yeah, (husband’s name) eats everything at our home.” An employee heard me say that and started laughing hysterically and said, “He eats everything, huh?” (implying a comment pertaining to oral sex). I said, “That is NOT what I meant!” A customer heard this exchange and called in a complaint. Again, my husband was not present until the very tip of this conversation and he was busy so didn’t really hear it. He just smiled at me and went back to work.

The morning after this incident, my husband showed up to work. He went in the back office, unaware there was even an issue. In the back office was the DM. He slammed the door violently behind my husband and for dramatic effect and to add to his violent outburst, stood up and opened the door carefully only to slam it again. He then “dropped the f-bomb” about 20 times, told my husband to hand in his keys, told him he was to get out. He was told he would get a call later when the DM “calmed down”.

Before they called my husband, they asked other employees who were there that night about the incident. The person who implied the oral sex comment denied even being there. They did not take a statement from my husband and did not allow me to speak on his behalf as a witness.

Now, on top of all this, in his search for another job this weekend, they have told potential employers why he was in trouble and that he should not be hired. He has lost out on at least one job because of this.

What makes me so angry is this man, my husband, had never had a single write up in nearly 5 years. He was awarded for his excellence in his job and in my opinion, was unfairly targeted for reasons that I can only speculate on that are financial in nature. See, my husband was making the max they will pay for someone in his position. He just got that raise about 2 weeks before they put him on that probationary period.

Something is not right here. Something smells fishy and it is not the new fish sandwich at Wendy’s. It is in a corrupt company that if Dave Thomas was still here, he would probably be upset over his name being used to hide under.

I should also mention, that although I personally like the two employees that made comments that got the customer complaints, it was not new to Wendy’s that they say offensive things. Wendy’s management was very well aware of this issue.

Please, help me spread the word on Wendy’s and their disgusting antics. No one should have to put up with profane and abusive language from their superior, being defamed when trying to seek new employment, being unfairly targeted and other things I cannot mention.


I am tweeting this copy out and you are more than welcome to tweet it as well. Also, here is the national Wendy’s Facebook page (link removed) and their company website (link removed). Please note, these are not the Wendy’s of Montana ones, because conveniently, they do not have any social media accounts or even a website that I could find.

UPDATE 2/19/2013

Thank you to everyone who tweeted. I have been contacted by Wendy’s for discussion. I will update when I know more.

The Globetrotters play at the Adams Center, Feb. 27th, 7pm



Looking for an awesome event the whole family will enjoy? Get your tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters brand new “You Write the Rules” tour. Your family’s smiles will start before you even get to the game as the Globetrotters take kid participation to a whole NEW level. Your family can vote at and decide rules for the game that could affect the final outcome. With rules like double the points for every basket, and two balls in play at the same time, there’s an exciting rule that every kid will enjoy. After the game, Globetrotter stars will stay on court to sign autographs and take photographs with your kids. The only thing better than finding an awesome event for the whole family, is getting a great deal on it. Use the promo code “USFAMILY” when you buy tickets for your family to save $7 on each ticket purchased*. Get ready to experience the show your family will remember for a lifetime!

You can get your tickets here and don’t forget to use the promo code USFAMILY to save $7 on every ticket!

*Discount available on select seating levels ”


Natural Pain Relief

Since I suffer from some chronic pain issues, and I am leery of taking too many pain medications due to lots of allergies. I have found ways to help my pain by taking supplements or using more natural ways to heal.

Did you know your kitchen holds a lot of natural pain relief in it? It is true! Many things we wouldn’t even think of for pain relief lie in our very own kitchens.

Try some of these tips out for natural pain relief the next time you feel pain instead of reaching for that bottle of over the counter pain relief. They just might surprise you!


  • For toothaches, try cloves. Simply gently chew on a whole clove and you can find pain relief for up to two hours.
  • If you suffer from headaches or joint pain, try eating a small bowl of cherries daily. The same compound that makes cherries have their bright red color also works as a powerful pain reliever!
  • Eat fish or at least take fish oil supplements. I used to brush it off when someone told me it would actually help, but I started taking it years ago for daily joint pain and it helps a lot. It does take a while to take effect, but it helps, trust me. Bonus! Fish oil is good for your heart.
  • Soak your feet in salt water to ease ingrown toenails, and other foot pain.
  • If you have stomach issues, you may not think eating a pineapple, which is acidic would help but it does. Pineapples can help ease painful bloating and stomach cramps.
  • For an extra pain relieving and relaxing back rub, try adding a few drops of pure peppermint extract to your lotion and be amazed at how relaxed it makes you and your tired muscles feel.
  • If you are stopped up with sinus pain and pressure, try horseradish. Simply enjoy it on your favorite foods for a couple days and watch the pressure disappear.
  • Honey has some amazing medical uses for pain. It can be great also for dry skin. Make sure you check out my post on amazing uses for honey.
  • Have you ever looked at a bottle of over the counter headache pain medication? It often contains caffeine. Caffeine is actually a very powerful pain reliever! Try a cup of coffee the next time a headache creeps in.

Please note, I am not a Doctor and I have no medical training so take what I say as just suggestions for natural pain relief and always ask a medical professional about your pain.

  • Photo Provided by Sarah G via

Get the Best out of Pinterest!

Pinterest, a site that has grown so much in the last year, is a favorite “addiction” of many people-many of which are women. It is easy to see why. I like to call it “eye candy” because it it a virtual collage of photos connecting the user to recipes, DIY projects, crafts, fashion trends and tips and beauty. You can practically plan your child’s nursery or your wedding on the site!


For many bloggers, Pinterest has been an awesome way to connect people and drive traffic to thier blogs. In fact, my number one referring website for traffic is Pinterest. I get more traffic from them than anywhere else!

If you are using Pinterest for your blog, I have created a list of pointers to get the most out of it!

1. First of all, Pinterest is best used for “Evergreen Content”. According to, evergreen content is:

Evergreen content refers to informational or reference material that never goes out of date, therefore desirable to websites looking to build a lasting readership. Good evergreen material is needed over and over by the general public, creating a built-in guarantee of continuing hits. The quality of the evergreen content in terms of its presentation, clarity and usefulness, will go a long way towards dictating the popularity of the website.

In other words, it is good for things like recipes, crafts, parenting tips articles, DIY subjects, beauty tutorials, fashion tips, etc. It is NOT good for deals, coupons, affiliate links, giveaways or anything else that can’t effectively be shared “forever” as a reference.

2. Join Pinterest re-pin groups such as the ones on Facebook. I started seeing the biggest jump in my Pinterest traffic when I started regularly joining in on threads where people promise to re-pin other’s pins and share them with their readers.

3. Add a “pin it” button or Pinterest share button to your posts and blog. This easily allows others to pin for you.

4. Since Pinterest is mostly visual, make sure you have the best picture in your article pinned. It will be, after all, the first thing that grabs someone’s attention in the plethora of pictures on the site.

5. When posting a description of your pin, keep it short and sweet and make sure it makes the person viewing it want t click to see/read more.

6. Always pin from original sources. This is just “Pintiquette” (aka “Pinterest Etiquette”) as it is more than annoying to click on a yummy recipe hoping to find out how to make it and find out it is nothing more than just a Google image.

7. Work on trying to gain many followers on Pinterest. This is vital to having your stuff go viral on the site.


I hope these tips have been helpful! What tips for using Pinterest do you have?

Love Letter from Our Father in Heaven

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I thought it important to share that love is so much more than romantic love. It is all encompassing and passion can be found in all types of love.

When I was a little girl, my mom would give valentines and candy to us, her children. It was important to her that we felt loved.

I think the ultimate form of love is when God sent his only son to die for us, so that we may have eternal life. He loved us so much!


When I was single, I often thought that although I desired to be a wife, it was not “in the cards”. A dear friend of mine gave me this love letter from the Father and it not only brought me to tears, but restored my shaky faith. In fact, just mere weeks after reading it, I met my husband. This was at a time when I thought there was no one out there for me. I thought I was destined to be alone all my life.

I hope if you are lonely and sad, this love letter from our father can do the same for you.

My Dearest Daughter,

I see your loneliness and fear;I know your hurts and your heartaches. In a special bottle I am storing each and every one of your tears. I see you searching for love, happiness and fulfillment. As much as I hate to see your pain, as much as it grieves Me to see you struggle, all of this must be; in order for you to totally and completely come to the end of your understanding , only then can you fully hear my voice. Listen Carefully. Amidst the noise of the world, I am calling. My voice is in the midst of your wost fears tenderly beseeching you to trust me. In the pain of your loneliness, If you hold real still, you can feel my arms encircling you and hear My soothing words of comfort. Yes, that still small voice inside of you is Me. Yes, that gentle touch is Me. Give Me your pain-yes, all of it, I will give you My peace. Give Me your sorrows and I will give you joy unspeakable.

I cherish you, Daughter. I shed my blood so you could be clean. I want you for My companion, My bride, to love and cherish now and through eternity and I plan to dress you in the finest white garments.As you live out My joy and experience the wonder of being My bride, I will be your gentle tutor, conforming you to my image. I must begin to teach you how to serve and live in submission to Me. Let me convince you of your great value and that intimacy is ever so much more than sex. Then, when you are healed you will be able to fully share the love I have given you with the one you someday will choose to bring me as your earthly husband. Then, and only then, will you be the kind of wife I would choose for him. Give yourself completely to Me. I want you to deny Me nothing. I will not hurt you, disappoint you. You can trust Me completely. I keep my promises.

Do not be overly critical of yourself or become depressed because you are not perfect in your own eyes.It saddens Me greatly to hear you criticize and devalue the one that I love so much.Daughter, in Me, you are complete and lacking in nothing. What right do you have to criticize the one I treasure? On what grounds do you find fault with what I have so fearfully and wonderfully made? Why do you call what I deem beautiful-ugly? Daughter, I want you to trust in Me one step, one day , one second at a time. Dwell in My power. Do not fear what might happen or what the future brings because my grace is sufficient and I will take care of you.

Daughter, I know that you long to give yourself to someone, to have a deep relationship with him, and to be loved thoroughly and exclusively by him. But I must say NO! Not until you are satisfied and fulfilled and content being loved by me alone. Not until My love is enough. Not until you can see yourself truly complete in Me. I love you My Child. Until you discover that joy and satisfaction can be found in Me alone, you are not capable of handling the problems and disappointments that are a part of every relationship. You can never be truly united with another the way your heart desires, only I can fill the emptiness, only I can supply the ness, only I can love you enough. You must be united with me, exclusive of anyone else, exclusive of any other desires or longings before you will have the strength to endure the much heartache and yes, soul aches of even a perfect human relationship. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing and allow Me to give you My love, My joy, My peace, My patience, My kindness, My faithfulness, My gentleness and My self control. Then, You will need no other. Daughter, I want you to allow me to be enough.


You must keep your eyes on Me, expecting the greatest and best things from Me. Keep experiencing the satisfaction of knowing that I AM and you are My child. Keep learning and listening to the things I tell you. Stay Close to My side. Seek my face in the morning. My presence throughout the day, and my comfort at night. I am always there, Daughter. I will never leave you or forsake you. But, you must wait. Don’t be anxious. Do not get in a hurry. Don’t look around and fear or envy the things others have revived from me. You must keep looking far off and away. Look up to me or you will miss the things I want to show you and then when you are ready, I’ll give you all the desires I HAVE PUT IN YOUR HEART, the strength to endure all things and the courage to risk your heart.

You see, until you are ready, and the one I have for you is ready…I am working even this minute to have you both ready at the same time…until you are both living exclusively for Me, you won’t be able to experience the love I’ve prepared for you, which will, however imperfectly reflect your relationship with Me. Give Me the time to heal your wounds, console your heartaches and ease your disappointments. Give Me time to erase the painful memories of the past. Give Me time to heal you and make you whole and complete in Me.

I want you to experience real “agape” love, not the selfish, false love of the world. I want you to learn that love is patient and always kind. Love that knows no envy and is neer boastful or proud. Love that is never rude or self-seeking. Love that is not easily angered nor keeps a record of wrongdoings. Love that does not delight in evil, but instead rejoices in truth. The love that I want for you, Daughter, always trusts, always hopes, always preservers and never fails. Because this love is of the Spirit and not of the flesh, its natural fruits are joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I cannot give this love to you though another except dimly, and then only in limited capacity-for all will fail and eventually disappoint you. This perfect love, Daughter, can only be found in me.

Let My perfect love flow from you an spill over all you touch, Be not concerned with yourself, YOU ARE MY RESPONSIBILITY!!! I will change you, often without you even knowing it. Take your eyes off yourself, look only to Me. I lead, I change, I create, but only when you are NOT striving. You are Mine. Let me have the joy of making you into My image-ONLY I CAN DO THIS! Above all else, look to Me, and Me only, never to yourself or others. Do not struggle, relax and trust My love. I know what is best for you and I will do it and through you if you’ll let Me. Stop trying to become, and let Me transform you from within.


I love you, Daughter. Will you let My love be enough for you? I’m waiting…will you wait too?





How to Start a Small Savings When You Live “Paycheck to Paycheck”

Like many people in this economy, my husband and I live “paycheck to paycheck”. We used to have no savings. I decided enough was enough and started saving what I could. There are some very good reasons to have a small savings for emergencies. One being that it takes a lot of stress off you in case of things that happen to all of us like a car breakdown, a travel need for family emergencies, last minute gifts, unbudgeted for bills and so on. If you have a small fund for these things, it won’t even need to eat up any of your paycheck in case you run into an extra expense. The key is to not see it as extra money to spend, but money for emergencies.


Here are some creative ways to get a few extra bucks to save a bit aside:

  • Get a “piggy bank”. Seriously. My husband and I save all change we get, even the pennies. You would be surprised how quickly it adds up and since it is all in change, it is less tempting to spend.
  • Sell your unneeded stuff on eBay and put any profits into this savings.
  • Look where you can “trim the fat”. For a short while, put this money in your savings. For instance, my husband and I both smoked. For a short while when we were quitting, we put the money we would normally spend into savings.
  • Actually come up with a budget. You would be seriously surprised where large chunks of your money are going. That latte you get every day? if you get one at $3 every day, 5 days a week, you have spent over $60 a month on coffee. Make time to make coffee in the morning and you can put that $60 a month into savings and not feel a change in your budget.
  • If you can in your area, recycle. Even that 5-10 dollars you get a couple times a month will add up.
  • Clip coupons and for a period of time, put half of your savings on items into your fund.

I wish you luck in your savings endeavors!


Photo via flickr by Tax Credits

Manners Still Matter

One thing I have noticed lately is the increase in people’s rudeness and self centered-ness. At the risk of sounding old, I can almost say, “It was different when I was a kid.”

I now get ran down in grocery stores by other people’s carts, doors slammed in my face instead of held for me among other nasty behaviors.

I really have to wonder what is causing this shift. Is it all the technology? Perhaps it is just that children are being raised poorly now. Maybe it is just that people have forgotten manners.

Manners are so important. They help create a harmonious society.


Here are some I believe we should still keep in mind that matter:

1. Bumping into others happens, but you should always say “pardon me” or “excuse me”. Bumping into someone is not rude, but not acknowledging that you did, is.

2. Cover your cough or sneeze. I personally do what I was taught in Culinary Arts school and do it into my shoulder. It takes a bit of practice to remember, but then you are not sneezing into your hands and transferring germs until you can wash them. I am so grossed out when I see others not cover.

3. Letting your children run crazy is never OK. I had an incident at a local restaurant recently where the children were climbing all over counters, standing in everyone’s way and the little boy had these annoying squeaky shoes on and the parent was not paying a bit of attention to weather her children might have been annoying others in the restaurant. We left and the older couple did as well.

4. Use online etiquette. Don’t pretend that just because it is online, it is OK to be rude. Don’t make big announcements online until you have called the people closest to you. You wouldn’t announce your pregnancy to the world until you had told your husband would you?

5. Retailers take note: No one likes to be put on the spot to donate a dollar to a charity when they check out. Its not suggestive selling if it is a charity and I feel like everyone in line behind me will think I am some bonehead if I don’t donate a dollar.

6. Hold the door or elevator. Its just plain common courtesy and it takes mere seconds.

7. Please, just tell me if you are running late. send a text, call really quick or even instant message me. Being late happens to all of us, and you can help yourself not look rude by a simple communication.


Are there any manners that people seem to have lost these days that you think matter I may have missed? Leave them in the comments :)


photo via flickr by CarbonNYC


Aveeno wants to nourish your winter skin!

Aveeno, a leader in skin care has always been a favorite in this house. My daughter has suffered from eczema since she was an infant and Aveeno makes some wonderful products for treatment of it and products for everyone to use. I was sent an assortment of Aveeno products to try out on my tired winter skin.

Among the products I was sent, I was also sent an Eczema Care Kit. This kit contains an oatmeal bath and cream made especially for skin irritated by eczema. My daughter went quite a while without a breakout, but with the temps dipping low and the wind picking up, she soon had a minor breakout. She gets it on her knees, tummy and the insides of her wrists. For our family, it is super hereditary. My brother had it the whole time he and I were growing up and I felt so bad for him. His skin would get so dry, it would actually crack and bleed.


In the Kit, there were 5 oatmeal baths and the tube of cream. This is an amazing set up for anyone that suffers from eczema!



In the shipment, I received:

  • Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Wash
  • Aveeno Skin Relief Body Wash
  • Aveeno Positively Nourishing Energizing Pomegranate Grapefruit Cream
  • Aveeno Active Naturals Skin Relief Overnight Cream
  • Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion
  • Aveeno Eczema Skin Care Kit




I loved the creams. I have said before that I am more of a cream person than a lotion person, but I really loved the Aveeno Positively Nourishing Energizing Pomegranate Grapefruit Cream. The smell was crisp, clean and it truly did feel energizing. I found the creams to be non-greasy feeling and the moisturizing effects lasted a while. The Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion was great to keep by the sink after dish washing. My skin tends to be somewhat sensitive and this cream was great for that. (Don’t you just hate that feeling on your skin after you do the dishes?) I tried the Aveeno Eczema Skin Care kit on my daughter’s breakout and just as I suspected it worked fast and great. I used to use Aveeno on her tender skin as an infant and it was a lifesaver. I tried both the body washes and they seemed to lather well and clean well.


I did notice that the Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing cream was a bit greasy feeling. I also noticed both the body washes left a slight film feeling on my skin. However, they did both moisturize well.


Aveeno truly is a great all around skin care product. I have also been told there are certain products made by them that are Gluten free.

To Purchase:

Aveeno is available at most retailers such as Walmart, Target and Walgreen’s nationwide. The prices are a bit higher than many products on the market, but are very, very reasonable.