Making a Cleaning Routine

Almost all of us love a clean home. Those that don’t, often belong on a show that will remain nameless (I watch it and immediately feel the urge to clean, why is that 😉 ) One of the biggest issues many people face is getting into a routine that fits their schedule for cleaning. We are all so busy! The last thing most of us want to do is work or run errands all day and then come home and clean house. Many times, too, deeper cleaning gets pushed to the wayside.


© Rmichaelballard | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

I try to follow a top to bottom cleaning routine when I only have time a couple days a week to get my place really clean. The rest of the week, I admit, I do the minimum such as dishes, picking up shoes and coats, litter box duty and papers etc.

On the days I am able to clean better, I follow this method:

  • Pick up all paper, clutter, etc.
  • Dust everything first. This makes it easier when I get to vacuuming as most of the dust on objects has settled in the air and more than likely the carpet.
  • polish wood such as cupboards, furniture and wood knicknacks.
  • Clean bathroom-sink, toilet
  • Vacuum floors and furniture
  • sweep floors
  • Mop floors

You can then do any deep cleaning you have to do. I try to do my floorboards, wipe down my oven doors, windows and watering plants once a week.

Another way to do it if you have little time for cleaning is to designate a chore each day. For instance:

Mondays: Bathroom

Tuesdays: Polish wood furniture and cupboards

Wednesdays: Dusting knicknacks

and so on….

The best way to keep on top of the mess is to clean as you go. For instance, in the kitchen, when I cook, I usually have a sink full of warm soapy water. As I cook and make dirty dishes, I wash them while I am waiting for my food to cook in stages. At the end of the meal, there are only cups, plates and silverware used in the actual meal to do, along with any pots and pans. I leave my pots and pans soaking while I eat. This way, they are good and soaked by the time dinner is over and need a quick wiping to clean up.

What is your clean routine? Do you have any tips to share with other readers?

Auto Safety Checklist

With summer coming up soon, many people will be taking road trips. I can’t say I am planning one as of yet, but I hope to take a couple small ones this summer! Many people do not know what to keep in thier cars in case of an emergency. It may be that we just don’t think it will happen to us or we may just be clueless. I did a bit of research and came up with this handy auto safety checklist. Make sure you take note of these items and pack them in your trunk “just in case”. I know I have some of the things listed in mine, but others, I missed.


© Thanatonautii | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Here’s to safe traveling!

  • Road salt or cat litter
  • Jumper cables
  • Flares and reflective devices
  • Extra windshield washer fluid
  • Water for everyone for 3 days
  • Ice Scraper
  • Cell Phone
  • Sweatshirts for everyone
  • Duct tape
  • Blankets
  • High carb food such as granola bars for everyone
  • Flashlight
  • Extra batteries
  • Gloves and hats for everyone
  • Fix a Flat repair goop
  • Spare change
  • Extra tire and flat tire kit
  • Matches

Now, you may think some of this stuff is silly depending in where you live. You have to take into account where you might be traveling as well, though. A funny story (that was not so funny at the time!) with us is my husband and my first anniversary road-trip. Our anniversary is May 2. One would think that you don’t really have to worry about too much bad weather that time of year, even in Montana. We decided to head to the lake and take the “scenic route”. When we left, it was 65 degrees, sunny and beautiful! We got about 65 miles from home and that all changed. We started to see small flurries of snow in the air, which is not completely unusual for that time of year. We decided the weather was probably not going to get much worse and headed on. Little did we know, we were headed for a bad winter storm! In about 15 minuets, we found ourselves in a snow storm where snow was just being dumped so fast, the trucks that were scraping the roads could not keep up with the downpour! It was a terribly scary trip until we got out of it about 20 minutes later! I remember almost crying as my husband, who is a good driver started skidding all over the road, even though he was barely moving at 20 MPH and thinking we were going to surely wreck. The moral of the story? Be prepared for anything when you hit the open road! You never know what is ahead of you!

I hope you have a wonderful and safe travel season!

Crayola is 110 years old!

Did you know that Crayola is 110 years old this year? To celebrate, Crayola’s 8 original colors are throwing a birthday bash!*

Join the crayons on a fun adventure at the new interactive attraction called “The Crayola Experience” and win a trip for 4 to be first in line to experience this re-opening of a fun family attraction in Pennsylvania! The Crayola Experience opens Next month, May 2013!


To enter, simply go to the Crayola facebook page and hit “enter now”!

The new Crayola Experience has four fun packed floors of new interactive exhibits that are sure to bring your child’s creativity souring to new heights! The winner will be among the first to experience the all new Crayola Experience and will also get a three- night, all-expenses paid stay. What a fun family adventure!

Make sure you enter now!




*Crayola provided me information about this trip and the all new Crayola Experience. The picture is copyright of Crayola.

Take Your Blogging To The Next Level By Attending An Online Conference!

As a blogger for over a year now, I have heard of blog conferences and have dreamed of attending one. Being that I am in Montana and none of them are really ever close enough for me to travel to at this time, I feel sad to miss out on the fun and information!


I was excited to hear about an online conference from The Blog Workshop that will be taking place very soon! Online conferences offer some very exciting things that the “in person” ones do such as:

  • Hearing from experts in the field
  • Making friends and connections, both business and casual
  • Networking with other bloggers and some big name companies
  • Exclusive conference only information and activities

In addition to the above mentioned, there are some definite perks for joining an online conference. For someone like myself, who has no funds for traveling, this is a perfect way to stay at home, yet attend a conference! The ticket for the conference is also a lot more economical that I have seen for other conferences and I can not only choose what activities to attend, but do so in my pjs at home! Isn’t that why a lot of us moms love blogging to begin with?!

If you are wondering what is on the agenda for The Blog Workshop’s conference, you are in for a treat! You will hear from big names in the business such as IZEA, Sverve, Blog-Trends and even attorney Jeneba Ghatt! You will also have exclusive opportunities to win awesome prizes such as Video blogging equipment and LLC packages from LegalZoom!

Still not sure if an online conference is for you? Watch this video and Hear from some of the speakers on this awesome conference and why you should attend!


Make sure you check out the FAQs as well for answers to the questions you may have about attending The Blog Workshop’s online conference!


Are you ready to go? I know I am! I will be there and I would love to “see” you there as well! Saved By Grace readers can get $25 off the $175 price for this 3day online conference! Just use code TBW25HURRY and register to attend the online conference by April 26th!


Please note, ticket sales end May 10th and SPACE IS LIMITED!

The conference is May 17-19th, 2013 so hurry and get registered!

D.I.Y. Natural Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer is a staple of any mom’s gear. While most people use it a lot during the cold and flu season, it is still important to have on hand for the summer. I use it for outdoor picnics when there is no facilities nearby to wash hands before eating or on camping trips and even after trips to the park.

While it is generally reasonably priced, it can also dry your hands out. Try this easy recipe for making your own hand sanitizer that will work and not be as drying on skin.

diy natural hand sanitizer


D.I.Y. Natural Hand Sanitizer


To Make Hand Sanitizer, You will Need:

This is the easiest recipe in the world because you simply mix the ingredients together and place them in small containers. I re-use containers from cosmetics and even small toiletry containers. Make sue you wash them out well and that they have a tight fitting lid An old squeeze bottle is ideal.

Using a funnel might make it easier to get it into the containers as well.

If you find your mix is not as thick as you want, feel free to adjust with a teaspoon at a time of the Aloe Vera gel until you get the consistency you want. Just as with store bought sanitizers, you only need a small amount to use. You can also make smaller containers that fit in your pocket, backpack or purse.

The Aloe Vera gel will keep your hands softer than a regular hand sanitizer would and the essential oils make it smell refreshing as well as being used for natural antiseptic properties. Feel free to try another combination of scents if you want to! I suggest citrus essential oils as well.



This post contains affiliate links. Purchasing from them helps me keep the blog going, so thank you!

Lotion Melts {Tutorial}

I am finding more and more that making some of my own beauty products is amazingly easy and fun! I love that I can control what goes into them and customize them for my needs and fragrance preference!

I had a bunch of fun making these lotion melts with my crafting partner in crime, Joy. They are so simple to make and I love that they are so beautiful and useful. These lotion melts also really make skin baby powder soft! I plan to make more and use them during the summer to keep my feet and elbows smooth. They are great for people with sensitive skin because all the ingredients are natural.


To Make Lotion Melts, you will need:

  • 9 Tablespoons finely grated beeswax
  • 8 tablespoons raw shea butter
  • 8 tablespoons coconut oil
  • double boiler-I make my own with an old mason jar and an old pot filled with water
  • Stirring stick-I use a bamboo skewer
  • Silicone candy molds

1. To start, gather all ingredients. I found the raw shea butter at a health food store, but you can also buy it online. The beeswax and coconut oil I had on hand, but you can also buy this at a health food store, or I recommend Tropical Traditions coconut oil.


2. Start your double boiler with a high simmer (almost boiling). Place coconut oil and beeswax inside and melt down to a liquid. Then, add your shea butter and gently stir until fully melted. You can also add essential oil at this time if you want it to have a certain fragrance.


3. Carefully pour into molds holding your jar with a potholder. It will be very hot!

4. Wait for them to set up. They set up pretty quickly.

Here they are after about 2 minutes:


Again at 10 Minutes:


And again at 15 minutes:


5. When they are completely solid, after about 45 minutes to an hour, pop them out of the molds.


I recommend storing them in an airtight container. These would make lovely gifts for baby showers or for keeping in a guest bathroom! To use, simply warm in hands a few moments and rub on your dried body parts!


A little bit goes a long way with these guys, so use the smaller molds if you can find them. I do not recommend keeping these in a purse, as they attract lint and dust and they do melt with just body temperature.


Like this tutorial? See my Lip Balm one!



Purchasing A Small Animal for a First Pet

I remember being a child and wanting a pet to call my own. I had a dog at the time, Vince, a Boston Terrier, but I wanted to get a pet that I could keep in my room and be mine and mine only. Being that my brother and mom were not a fan of rats or mice, I asked if I could get a hamster. I was so happy when it was Ok’d by my mom and I went and got my first little buddy. I named him “Nosey” because of the way he wiggled his nose all the time when he sniffed around.

Flash forward to today. I now have a 10 year old daughter and like myself, she is an animal lover. The other day, she told me she wanted to be a vet.

Being that I hadn’t had a small animal for a while, (I owned rats for a couple years, but their equipment and cages were long gone) and certinally not a hamster, I was happy when I decided to check out PetSmart and start my journey there.

What I loved most about my experience with PetSmart was how knowledgeable the staff was. I spoke with Matt, who was the associate working in that department that evening. I saw hamsters of all kinds (some I had never seen before) and I told him what I was looking for. I wanted a hamster that was most open to human contact and less likely to be aggressive or bite. He suggested without hesitation, we get a Fancy Bear Siberian hamster. The ones in stores are black. I loved this as I had always thought hamsters were tan-ish in color.


I noticed that the hamsters sold at PetSmart were all male. I inquired why and Matt told me this was in order to avoid a pregnancy situation. In other words, it is to make sure you don’t take home one hamster and end up with a few more than you bargained for because the hamster you chose was pregnant. I remember buying female rat once and about 3 days after we bought her, we had 10 babies. I was not very happy. I think it is great that PetSmart takes this precaution.



After I had chosen the hamster I wanted to adopt, and Matt had answered all my questions, I filled out an adoption form and asked him to help me pick a cage. He pointed out an amazing set up that included all the pieces needed for a first home-food, bedding, a water bottle, wheel and even chew toys. He was very good at helping me compare prices and I told him my budget and there were several options to go with. He even showed me great accessories to purchase to make my hamster’s home the best ever!



Overall, I highly suggest adopting a small animal from PetSmart. The associates are friendly and extremely knowledgeable. I loved how smooth this purchase was and I was very impressed with Matt’s professionalism and knowledge.



Some things to keep in mind if you want to get a small animal for your children:

  • Make a budget that offers a bit of room in it for purchasing your pet’s supplies.
  • Do your research on what small animal would best fit your life. Don’t pick a nocturnal animal if the activity will bother you at night.
  • Pick an animal that is age appropriate. An animal that requires a lot of care may not be the best for a child under the age of 10.
  • Ask lots of questions when you purchase. If the employee doesn’t know the answers, find someone who does.
  • Purchase from a reputable business. This is crucial for making sure you get a healthy animal.

Overall, I think small pets can be great for older kids. They can teach responsibility and give your kiddo a fun and enriching experience!

Dolls For Downs


I came across this very amazing mom today on the internet. While I am not personally a mother of a child with Down’s Syndrome, I have been blessed to have wonderful experiences with a lot of different people affected by it.

What has this amazing mother done? She created a line of dolls that her daughter, Hannah can have as a best pal and you can order, too! According to an article I read, she said her daughter told her one day that,”None of the dolls in stores look like me.” This amazing mother decided she would remedy that, herself!

I find this to be absolutely inspiring. Every child wants a doll that looks like them or that they can relate to. While this is not the same thing, I can remember as a child, I felt like dolls never looked like me either because I had freckles, dark hair and wore glasses. Until the recent popularity of a certain doll company’s dolls, this would have been a nearly impossible doll to obtain as most Caucasian dolls come in two forms: Blonde and brunette with little more personality.

I want you to know, I was not asked to write about this site or this mother’s business. I simply love the inspiring attitude she has and I love the crazy awesome love she has for her daughter.

Every detail on these dolls is precious, from the facial features to the hand painted surgical scars in the chests, and are sure to inspire you!

To order a Dolls for Downs doll for $75.00, (which is still in the beginning stages, and there are boy dolls available as well), please visit Dolls for Downs on their website and follow them on facebook.

ThredUp is opening a New Women’s Store!

When I come across good deals and news in the shopping forefront, I like to share them!

Have you ever used thredUp for buying and selling your children’s clothing? Now there will be a women’s clothing store run by the same company!


It hasn’t had it’s grand opening yet, but can you tell I am super excited? The best part is, for every person you refer to the site right now, you can get $5 credit to use in the store when it opens!

If you haven’t heard of thredUp, let me tell you a bit about this cool shop. You can buy name brand, high quality used clothing for your kids (and soon yourself!) at major discounts! Think: going to the Goodwill looking for those needle in a haystack brand names without the hunting. All the clothing is free of defects and must meet the high quality standards for thredUp. It is like a consignment shop online and the best part is, you can make money selling your own items on the site!

Come join me on the newest online shop by clicking on this link and signing up so you will know when the shop opens, plus you will get your own referral link so you can get credit as well!



Photo © Crystalfoto | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

My confession


*Takes deep breath*

This is a hard post to write. I have wanted to write it for quite some time, but has not had the nerve to do it. I worried I would lose a lot of readers or be seen as “lost” by my fellow Christians.

I feel it is time I “come clean” and confess my true thoughts on who I am and what I believe. This may get heavy, so please bear with me.

I must start by saying I am really disappointed when I am attacked because I am a follower of Christ. It is assumed I am a bigot, I hate poor people, I spread hate and If you disagree with me, you will get met with attacks telling you that you will meet fire and brimstone. This is so far from the truth of who I am and I am tired of being told that is who I am by others, simply because I call myself a Christian.

I have been doing a lot of praying and reading my Bible lately and searching within my heart. My confession? I am not a bigot..I am actually supportive of gay marriage and I don’t hate poor people. In fact, it may surprise you, if you don’t know me, but I am at poverty level myself and yet, I know there are people worse off than me and I pray for them.

I am a democrat. (if I have to define myself politically) While I don’t want this to be a political post, I want to point out that it is possible to be a democrat and a Christian.

I don’t think supporting gay marriage, a woman’s right to choose or helping the poor makes me a lost Christian. I think it makes me compassionate to the struggles of others. I think it means I can see outside my own struggles and love those who struggle differently than I do.

I want to make things clear-I am not saying that being a republican is wrong, but rather being a democrat and more liberal is not wrong for a Christian as well. While I follow politics, I admit, I don’t follow them as closely as I should because I fear what I read and hear is not entirely accurate. I don’t necessarily stick my head in the sand, but I don’t believe everything I read or hear either.

Why do I identify with gays, the poor and others who tend to have a small voice in our society? Because I believe in love. I believe as a Christian, my #1 job is to love. While I can never love the way Jesus did, because I am only human and I admit, I sometimes make rash judgements of not only others, but myself, I strive to love the way he did. I believe God has called me to love everyone, even those who hurt me and even those whom society deems as second class citizens.

I guess what I am trying to say is, my mission in life is to love. I find peace in that and I find a greater understanding of who God is when I love others.

I hope this doesn’t affect your ability to keep on following me on my blogging journey. If it does, I don’t apologize for being who I am or for what I believe.




Picture © Limcheng-en | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images