Design on a Shoestring


I spent a good year collecting items for my ultimate design I wanted in my home. It was hugely refreshing when I finally had enough to do it and went through my home and de-cluttered a the beginning of the spring season this year.

The reason it took me so long was I do not have a great budget to work with and since I rent, my limitations on the wall coloring and flooring is something I am stuck with. However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t have a beautiful home on a shoestring budget!


Eiffel Tower Picture from The local Goodwill. It was $5.00

Here are some of my tips to creating a beautiful space:

  • First, decide on a color scheme you want to have. It is vital to making sure you have a beautiful design. Pick 2-3 colors/shades you want to stick to and stay with them. In my case, I went with warm autumn inspired colors such as olive green, brown and orange. Deciding this first will help you know how to find the right items.
  • Go for simplicity. If you look at home decorating magazines and showrooms, you see one theme: simplicity. There is no clutter, and the colors all go well together. This does not mean there is no place for knicknacks in a well designed home, it just means that the ones you have should fit the theme and be the ones you really like.


All pillows from the Goodwill, Down comforter for $7.00, Sign on wall at Ross outlet stores was $5.99

To find items to decorate with:

  • For faux floral arrangements, something I love, I hit up my local Michael’s craft store. Often at the end of the season, they will heavily discount their arrangements that were made by employees during classes. I got this one for a mere $2!


  • Don’t forget your local thrift stores. The right pieces may just be there, hiding among the knicknacks. You can also re-purpose what you find. I bought a calendar and placed a favorite picture in it in a thrift store frame.


  • Don’t put your nose up at dumpster “diving”. While I have never actually climbed in a dumpster for items, I have found some great pieces of furniture in them.
  • Outlet store like Marshall’s, Ross and T.J. Maxx have amazing deals on indoor decor.

The best tip to remember is you don’t have to pay a lot to have beautiful indoor design. You just need a little creativity and a willingness to do it!

6 “Weird” Beauty Tips You Should Try

We all have our little beauty secrets. What you think is a beauty secret, though, may be something other women are doing as well but like you, they may feel too embarrassed to share!

I am writing this post to blow the lid off beauty secrets that many women don’t discuss, but are amazingly effective!

Wait till you see what beauty secrets you may be using that are used by other women and maybe some others you may want to try yourself!


Photo credit: Trostle / / CC BY

Using makeup where it isn’t meant:

I will often use makeup designed for other places on my face for use in new places. For instance, did you know that if you mix eyeshadow with clear polish, you can make your own matte polish color?I sometimes use a blush on my eyes as a shadow and a lipstick lightly as a blush. Just make sure you are not using something that may be irritating to put near the eyes. I once made the mistake of thinking glass for my lips would make a good eyeshadow. Don’t do it. Just don’t.

Shaving your Face:

Yes, I said it. While many women think shaving is just for men, many women do actually full on shave their faces. In fact, it has been a model secret for years so the model’s faces look flawless in photographs. While many women pluck those few stray hairs they get on their upper lip or chin once in a while, there are benefits to shaving as well.

Did you ever notice that men tend to have more youthful looking skin into their aging years? This is directly related to shaving on a regular basis in many cases. Think about it. When men shave, they are not only removing hair, but dead skin cells as well. So, each time they shave, they are doing a major job at exfoliating!

Many professionals will even tell you to visit an aesthetician and have a procedure called “Dermaplaning” done. More or less, this is just a fabcy and expensive shave to your face with a straight razor. Skip the cost and do it yourself.

Skipping a day or two of shampooing:

It’s no secret that the No Poo movement is getting bigger. No Poo simply means no shampoo. While some people find not using shampoo at all unhygienic, it can actually be good for your hair and scalp to skip a day or two of shampooing. When you use shampoo, you are not only washing the bad stuff out of your hair (pollutants, styling products, spit up from Junior…) but the good oils that keep it shiny and soft. You also may be putting a chemical buildup on your hair by shampooing too often.

Skip a day or two and see how you feel.

Use Red Jello to color your lips:

Women have been doing this one for years. It is so simple to do and will give you an everlasting red lip look you crave! Just use a q-tip and dip it into water, then cherry or strawberry Jello mix. Dab it on carefully and allow to completely dry. Finish with a clear gloss!

Use Diaper Rash Cream to Clear up skin irritations:

Before I had a breast reduction, I would get heat rashes in that area that were very painful. With my big girl thighs, I often get rashes from chafing skin when I exercise as well. One trick I use to clear it up is diaper rash cream. I know it sounds silly, but it works even on the most painful, raw skin almost overnight. I would imagine that it would work on just about any skin irritation that is from the bad combo from moisture and rubbing.

Use Lemon to Lighten your Hair:

This one has been going around since I was a teenager and probably before that. It actually does work! Just put some on your locks before you head out into the sun. Don’t expect your brown hair to go beach blonde or anything, but it will certinally speed up the lightening that already takes place in the sun.


What “weird” beauty trick do you swear by?

Arbonne’s New Calm line of Facial care Products

I was so excited when at the local Home & Garden show in Missoula, I ran into Arbonne Consultant, Stephanie Depew. She showed me an amazing line of skin care that is brand new to the Arbonne line of Skin care products. The line is called “Calm” and it is really amazing!


I tried 3 parts of the Calm line for a few days to see if I could see results. I admit, I was skeptical abut seeing any results after a few days, but I went ahead and gave it a shot.

The three parts I tried are the Gentle Daily Cleanser, the Gentle Daily Moisturizer and the Soothing Facial Serum. In this three part cleaning routine, that took just a few minutes to run through, I found immediate results! The Calm line is a line that was designed for folks with more sensitive skin issues so I also let my hubby try it as he has more sensitivity than myself. He was also so impressed with it! In fact, he was sad when we had to give the trials back!


What was so great about this line and what were my immediate results? I saw an amazing transformation in my skin’s texture. It went from having a nt so smooth feel to being baby soft and smooth. This happened immediately! What was more surprising, was the fact that it was not only immediate, but long lasting as well. I would do my routine at the end of the day and in the morning, it would still feel the same! I have combination skin and in some parts it is extremely oily and in other parts, dry and flaky. I noticed my skin had a uniform feel even after a long day at work.

The second most amazing thing about the Calm line was how it not only worked on it’s own beautifully, but it also counteracted problems that arose from other products I trued using! This was the truly amazing part, folks! I tried a blackhead removing scrub from a leading competitor. This was one I had not used before and was also new to the competitor;s line of products. I noticed an immediate burning sensation when I applied the blackhead cleanser and was shocked to not only feel this burning on my skin, but see my face actually get red and very irritated. The first thing I did was reach for the Gentle Daily Cleanser from Arbonne’s Calm Line and use it to clean the other stuff off completely. In less than a minute, my skin was not burning anymore and in less than 5 minuets, it was not red as well. The natural ingredients in the Calm line from Arbonne actually refreshed my skin and counteracted the poor treatment it received from the competitor’s product. This was truly amazing to me!

I can honestly say that if you have sensitive skin (or not!), the Calm Line from Arbonne is well worth the money and is money well spent!

I also tried the Chocolate Protein Shake Mix. This non-dairy vegan shake mix really is delicious. I was honestly again, a little skeptical as I didn’t think it would be that great. As a person who is recently trying to eat better and having a hard time getting over my sweet tooth, this was absolutely what I was craving. It mixed up nice and was smooth and tasty!

To get your own products from the Calm line or try the shakes yourself, please give Stephanie Depew a chance to guide you. She is amazingly supportive, friendly and easy to work with. I just know she can help you get the skin you are looking for!

You can find Stephanie on her Facebook Page and to order, just go to the Arbonne website and when asked, use ID# 13311116

Menu Planning Made Easier

Like most busy moms, I find taking the time to do menu planning hard to fit in my schedule. Too many times, we opt for take out and I hate this because I have culinary training under my belt. Lately though, in an effort to spend less, because taking the easy way out with take out is hugely expensive on our food budget, I have been looking for ways to make it easier to shop and menu plan with less time and stress.

Follow some of these tips and you may be finding yourself having an easier time as well!


I-5 Design & Manufacture / / CC BY-NC-ND

Grocery shopping:

At the store, have a goal in mind. Don’t just meander around with no planning. I find that when I have a plan in place, I not only spend less time in the store, but less money as well by not picking up extras.

Make a list before you go. The best way I find to do this is after I have decided what I will be making for meals I then write down ingredients.

If you are a heavy couponer like myself, organize your coupons by sections of the store. Only take with you what you will need for this trip so you won’t feel encouraged to pick up more while you are there.

For basics like milk, bread or peanut butter, enlist your family’s help. Put a dry erase board on your fridge and whomever uses up the last of an item, they write it on the list. Add these items to your list before you go so you don’t waste your time making several trips a week because you forgot an item.

If you have older kids, ask them for help. I often will ask my daughter to go to aisles close to the one I am in and get the item I am needing from that aisle. This is great because it saves you time, keeps the kids occupied and teaches them to be frugal shoppers who can compare labels, prices and deals.

Do a weekly shop. This will cut down on food waste and allow you to only spend what you need for the week.

Compare prices with fliers from stores that are often available online before you go. Limit yourself to two stores that have the best deals. While I am a heavy bargain shopper, I find it wasteful of my time to go to more than that.


Menu Planning:

Before you plan for the week, see what you already have on hand and build from that. Less waste and less money spent at the store.

Try to think of ingredients that can be bought in bulk and used for multiple meals throughout the week.

Plan for leftovers you will have and plan meals using those. For instance, if I plan on making spaghetti one night, later in the week, I might make lasagna or a pasta bake using the leftover sauce.

If you are having a hard time deciding what to make, think about frozen meals you see in the store. Create your own dishes using the sides they pair with main dishes in them.

Stuck in a food rut? Browse blogs, recipe boards and pinterest to find some ideas. You may just get some inspiration for your own recipes!

Think of ways you can alter recipes for in-season foods like fruits and veggies. You will spend less money and create something new for your family to enjoy!

Stick to simple for breakfast. Pick up some oatmeal, cereal, grits or eggs for a main meal. Add in some fruit and yogurt for on the go!

Look at fliers for stores in your area online and make meals around what is on sale.


How do you make the most of your time for meal planning and shopping?

Green Laundering Tips

In an effort to make simple changes to going green, one way you can do this is by following greener tips for saving energy and time. I love the added bonus of saving money as well!


Photo credit: mysza831 / / CC BY

If you are really wanting to go green all the way with your laundry, you might try air drying outside, but that is not always possible where you live. Also, please check out my popular post of making your own powdered Laundry detergent! In less than 15 minutes, you could have enough detergent to give you 100 loads for less than $5.00!

Tips for laundering a more green way:

  • Keep Lint Screens Clean. Not only are they a possible fire hazard, but keeping them clean decreases drying time.
  • If you can, Line dry your clothes. You will love the fresh clean smell!
  • Transfer right away. When you finish a load, use the residual heat in the dryer to start a new load.
  • Do your laundry during off-peak hours. Call your energy company to find out when these are.
  • Re-use items like towels. Who doesn’t like less towels to do?
  • Separate loads for better, more efficient drying. Put heavier items with other heavier items and lighter items with other lighter items. You will get more uniform drying this way.
  • Don’t over-dry. This not only puts more wear and tear on your fabrics and dryer, but wastes energy.
  • Use hot water only when you have to. Unless it is heavily soiled or a load of whites, cold water will work just fine for most fabrics.
  • Pre-treat stains. You can then do a shorter cycle.
  • Match your water level with load size. Only do full loads if possible.
  • Do laundry when you have time so you don’t forget about loads in the washer. This will save you from having to re-wash those musty loads you forgot about.

What do you do to be more green when doing your laundry?

Appreciation for Moms Sale with Kidzies!

Kidzies, a fun personalization company is offering an amazing sale!


from now until the 26 of May, if you make a purchase from their Facebook page’s Appreciation for Moms Sale, you will be entered to win a $50 Gift Card good on anything on the Kidzies website! Also, everyone who makes a purchase, also gets a 20% off code. Chances of winning are amazing and exclusive for Facebook fans!

Want to get in on the sale? Make sure you “Like” Kidzies on Facebook and check out what they have in the sale! Over 50 items to choose from including one of a kind wallets, iPhone cover and Picture Frames!




Arby’s New King’s Hawaiian Sandwiches and a chance to win big!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Arby’s. All opinions are 100% mine.

Last week, my husband and I hit up our local Arby's for some delicious roast beef sandwiches. We were surprised and a little excited to see they were offering a new limited time menu item: The King's Hawaiian Roast Beef Sandwiches.

My Husband was so excited, he couldn't decide between the two, but went for the Arby’s KING’S HAWAIIAN roast beef sandwich. It had an extra helping of tender, juicy roast beef on top of a King's Hawaiian Bun and was exactly what he was craving! He loved it so much, he devoured his before I was even half done with my sandwich.

What made him have such a hard time deciding was what the other choice had to offer. Arby's also has a King's Hawaiian Roast Beef & Swiss with the same extra helping of Arby's famous Roast Beef along with Swiss cheese, crisp pickles and creamy Dijon mustard!

To celebrate these amazing limited time new sandwiches from Arby's and King's Hawaiian, Arby's wants to send a lucky customer on their own getaway to Hawaii in the Arby’s Hawaiian Getaway Sweepstakes!

One grand prize winner will get round trip airfare for two, and four night's stay in Honolulu, HI along with a premium group lesson at one of Hawaii's premier surf schools, Hawaiian Fire! Would this be an awesome getaway?

To enter to win, please visit from April 29th- May 26th. Hurry! You only have until May 26 to enter for your chance to win!

Make sure you stop in and try the ne King's Hawaiian Roast Beef Sandwiches from Arby's before they are gone!

Visit Sponsor's Site

Holding a Successful Yard Sale

With the warm weather upon us, many of us love to go hop from yard sale to yard sale, searching for hidden treasures and amazing bargains. Some of us even have enough to sell after doing a bit of our own spring cleaning. Holding a yard sale can be a great way to get rid of those unwanted possessions, outgrown clothes and toys and make a few bucks on the side.


Photo via morguefile by LadyHeart

Holding a yard sale can be a daunting project to take on. Many people don’t even know where to start. I have put together some tips on how to hold a successful yard sale.

  • Have reasonable expectations.
  • Check with your city about any restrictions or permits you may need to get in order to hold a sale.
  • Advertize in local newspapers and on sites such as craigslist. In your ad, note some of the items you think may draw people in such as furniture or tools.
  • On the day of the sale, hang several colorful and bold signs near the sale. Include arrows directing people to your home if possible.
  • Separate clothing by size. Hang some of the nicest items. Make sure the clothes you are selling are clean and free from stains, rips and tears. No one wants to buy clothing that should be made into rags.
  • Mark prices on each item so people don’t need to ask you. You may consider grouping items on tables according to prices.
  • Hold the sale with several other families. It will give you more people to help and allow you to share the costs of the permits/ads.
  • Place larger items like furniture near the street so drive by potential customers can see it.
  • Have boxes, bags and newspaper handy for wrapping up items.
  • Consider doing a “bag sale” for large volumes of clothing. For instance, do $5 a bag.
  • Be aware that some people like to be early birds and will show up an hour or so before you officially open for business. Decide how you will deal with them. Will you allow them to shop or enforce a strict policy that the sale starts on time?
  • Keep money with you at all times. A barista apron is an excellent way to keep it on you.
  • Go get some change before the sale. Get a few 20’s, a few 10’s, several 5’s and a whole lot of 1’s. Also, get coins. You want to be able to make change for people or they may just decide not to buy.
  • Never accept personal checks unless you know the buyer well.
  • Since you are holding a sale in order to get rid of stuff, price accordingly. Nothing is more annoying than going to a sale where it appears the seller is trying to keep their stuff with overly high prices. Be willing to make deals and allow others to haggle prices within reason.
  • Keep your animals inside if you have them. There will be lots of strangers on your property and this can make your animals feel uncomfortable.
  • Try having a “Free” item from a box with purchase price. This is an extra incentive for people to buy.
  • Have a plan for leftovers. Arrange for pick-up by a charity before hand if you can.

Here’s to hoping your sale is an awesome hit!

Gracie is Full of Grace!

Grace Beecher is not your typical teenager. While she runs a blog and many of the things she writes about are very typical, her goals for after she graduates are awe-inspiring. Grace wants to go on a 9 month long mission to show the love of Jesus halfway around the world.

Where is she going? She will be going to the Adventures in Missions, Passport: Immersion trip that goes to some of the poorest places in the world such as Central America, Southeast Asia and Africa. On this mission trip, she will do outreach projects to the poorest of the poor.

I deeply admire any young person who has such spirit and a great goal in mind, one filled with love and a greater calling.

This is not the first mission Grace will be attending. She has also helped build a house in Guatemala as well as spent a month living with the people in Kenya.


Her mission that starts September 1st, 2013 will start in Central America. There, she will spend 3 months teaching English, working with impoverished children and doing community service. After that, she will spend 3 months in Southeast Asia, an area known for human -trafficking and slavery. She will be building relationships with those who are enslaved and giving them the courage to leave the industry. Finally, in Africa, she will be visiting hut to hut and spreading the love of Jesus.

This amazing and inspiring young lady needs to raise 12,000 dollars to attend her trip and according to her blog, she is 1/4 of the way there, but she needs your help! You can donate any amount monthly, quarterly and one time in any amount by visiting her donation page. I encourage you to donate to this wonderful young lady and for her mission.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Proper Food Storage

While many of us rely on the “sell by” or “use by” date on food to determine if it is safe or optimal for eating, there are some foods that do not come with a label telling us this info and even with the labels, there are some foods that are still usable past their dates. In this post, I will discuss proper food storage and time limits of common household foods.


What does “sell by”, “Use By” and “Expires on” mean, anyway? Is there a difference?

Sell By is the date the store is no longer able to sell the item. It does not mean it is in-eatable past that date, it simply means the food cannot be sold past this date as determined by the USDA.

Use By is the date that the manufacturer determines for best product quality. Again, it is not when the food is in-consumable, but when the quality will start to decrease and optimal flavor and taste is lost.

Expiration is exactly what it means. It is when food is no longer considered generally consumable and can actually be dangerous in some instances.

Now that you understand the differences, lets take a look at some common food people have in their homes and how to properly manage food storage. These calculations are for if you buy fresh at the market, not off the discount section.

Fresh Fruits:

  • Apples, pears and peaches keep about a month. Store in the crisper of your refrigerator
  • Berries keep about 2-3 days
  • Citrus fruits keep about 2-3 weeks

Fresh Meats:

  • Beef, about 1-2 days for ground and 3-5 for steaks and roasts
  • Chicken, 2-3 days
  • Fish, 1 day max


  • Hard Cheese, around a month to 6 weeks
  • Soft Cheeses, 2 weeks
  • Milk, 1 week past sell by date
  • Sour Cream and Cottage Cheese, 10-30 days
  • Butter, 1-2 weeks

Dry goods:

  • Sugar & flour, 2 years if stored in an airtight container. Check your flour for insects if keeping longer than 6 months
  • Pasta and dry beans, 2 years
  • Rice, white will keep for 2 years if stored in an airtight container and brown up to 1 year


  • Casseroles and meat dishes, no more than 3-4 days
  • Soups, 1-2 days
  • Gravies and sauces, 1-2 days in fridge


  • 1 week, and frozen for up to 3 months

Fresh Veggies:

  • 2-10 days depending on type, lettuces tend to turn faster
  • Root veggies like carrots and rutabagas, 2-3 weeks
  • Potatoes, do not refrigerate, kept in cool dry place for 2-3 weeks


Most foods can be frozen from 1-6 months. For optimal flavor, use as quickly as you can and never freeze veggies and fruits with high water content like lettuce or citrus.

It is important to heed these notations on food storage as they will not only make your food taste poor if used past dates, but it can also make you very sick. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease control), over 3,000 people die from food-borne illnesses each year with the elderly, young children and those with compromised immune systems most vulnerable. Even if you do not die from them, 1 in 6 Americans will get a food-borne illness this year causing mild to very severe symptoms.

Image via MorgueFile by hotblack