4 Ways to Save Money on Your Next Move





Whether you are moving down the street or across the country it can be expensive. Since you can’t avoid moving, you can take several precautions to ensure you don’t go broke during the process. Here are a few tips to make your moving life that much easier:

#1. Plan Ahead

This may sound like the simplest tip, but it’s the one that people forget the most. When moving, you need to plan ahead from every angle. Canceling the Internet on time can keep you from having extra charges.

Even the time of month you choose to move can save you a lot of time and money. Also, make sure you get your mailing address changed and even your electric, gas, and water transferred. All of these accounts may not seem urgent, but if you miss an important bill, you can receive large late fees!

#2. Ask Friends and Family

It seems as though when it’s time to move, everyone disappears. However, do not be afraid to pick up the phone and ask for help from friends and family. Hiring movers is not only expensive, but almost unnecessary if you can find enough people to help you. Keep in mind that you will need help packing and moving, so recruit as many warm bodies as you can. Don’t forget to pay them in food and drink currency though.

#3. Part with Items

No one likes to part with items that they love. However, moving usually means getting rid of things you haven’t used in a while. That old chair sitting in the corner that no one as sat in for 15 years can probably go. Also, grandma’s old tapestries that are just taking up storage can probably go to.

Although the parting will cause sorrow, it will limit the amount of unnecessary items you need to take with you on your move. Have the kids get rid of some of their toys. Maybe it’s time that mom and dad part with some of their toys as well. You know that elliptical that’s been sitting in the corner for 15 months? Time to go!

#4. Sell Those Items

Maybe you are moving across country and need to make some quick cash. You remember all of those items you can’t use anymore? Sell them for dirt cheap, to someone who will use them. At the end of the day, if no one buys the items, you can simply donate them. Moving is the perfect time to dig through your storage items and sell items that you no longer need.

Are you ready to move? Thankfully these tips will help you save some money and your sanity. What are you waiting for? You’ve got packing to do!


Thanks to Jess Weaver for this wonderful post!

8 Natural Mosquito Bite Remedies



Summer’s in full swing and so are the bugs. If you live anywhere near water like we do, (we live a couple blocks from a river) you know all too well that these little buggers show up out of no where and ruin your day. While the best way to not deal with bites from them is to prevent them with sprays or citronella candles, that is not always something you think of when sitting outside to take in the cooler evenings in your backyard and once the bug bites are there, they itch enough to drive a person crazy!

You can try just taking some allergy medication or using an anti-itch cream from the store, but if you don’t have any of that on hand or prefer to go a more natural route, try the following ways to solve that annoying urge to scratch.

Here are 8 natural Mosquito Bite Remedies:

1. Mix baking soda and water to make a paste and apply this to the bite.

2. Try using the inside of a banana peel to get some itch relief.

3. If you have a huge spot with a lot of bites, or one that is particularly big and swollen, try ice.

4. Apply essential oils. Lavender and Tea Tree seem to work the best. You can find these at most health food stores.

5. Although smelly, onions are said to relieve itching and burning associated with bites. Just rub a freshly cut one on the affected area.

6. Clean the bite as soon as you notice it with soap. A clean bite is less likely to itch as bad in the long run.

7. Soak a cotton ball on vinegar and apply it to the bite.

8. Make a tea compress by using a tea bag that was just used and applying it to the skin. I find that camomile works wonders.


Pure Wisdom


Thanks to Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water for sponsoring today’s discussion!


It’s amazing how the generations before us have so much to share to help us live an awesome life. I am lucky to have had some awesome women in my life that have filled both my mind and heart with all I will need to make my way through this hard and often beautiful life.

My mom and I have not always had the most harmonious of relationships. Through all the heartache (on both of our ends) has been some major growing taking place, however. One thing my mom has always taught me has been to hold tight to family. While our relationship has had major ups and downs, one thing has always been there: family. Recently, there have been some major changes in the dynamics of my relationship with my mom. These have taken place in very emotional strides the last couple weeks. There have been tears of joy and pain, a whole lot of love and a lot of growing. It has been a change that has effected a lot of members in my family, but it is one of those things that helps as all be reminded how important family is. I am thankful for my mom bestowing this piece of pure wisdom on me.


Another woman in my life that has passed on some great wisdom was my aunt Sharon. She taught me that judgement of others is not something anyone should focus on. She loved anyone, to a fault sometimes, and she was probably the most nonjudgmental person I have met in my entire life. She truly believed everyone was worth something. Her heart was so big.


Being that all three of us-my mom, myself and my aunt before she passed-were/are type 2 diabetics, we talked about how to stay healthier a lot and my mom and I still do. It is funny that this campaign came at this time from Nestle Pure Life, because I have recently stopped drinking soda, especially after I experienced a major sugar crash at work that made me very ill, and opted for drinking more water. What is even crazier, is, the amount of weight I have lost since taking this pledge almost 2 weeks ago: 8 lbs!

Overall, I think it is extremely important to pass onto the next generation the importance of living healthy. Here are some of the things I am trying to instill in my daughter:

  • Make healthier choices. Instead of chips if you are craving something salty, try popcorn.
  • Get active, even if its just a walk or dancing in the living room, at least once a day.
  • Skip drinking pop to quench thirst at home and go for water.

I also encourage her during the summer to stay hydrated because staying hydrated is very important in the warm months. Here are some tips to stay hydrated for kids:

  • Drink water throughout the day, even more if you are going to be very active.
  • Avoid sugary or caffeine laden drinks as these don’t help and actually may dehydrate you more
  • Take time in the shade when you need to.

Speaking of water, I really like Nestlé® Pure Life®. #Pure wisdom should be shared with others! Visit the Nestlé® Pure Life® Facebook wall and leave a comment with the hashtag #momswisdom sharing what your mother told you and how it has made you a better person.

Nestlé® Pure Life’s® Facebook page is powered by almost 400,000 fans! Last year, over 100,000 fans joined the Nestlé® Pure Life® Hydration Movement by pledging to swap one sugary beverage a day with water for a year to cut 50,000 calories from their diet, and then share their family’s story of healthy hydration on the Facebook page mosaic.

Become a fan of Nestlé® Pure Life® on Facebook and stay tuned for the launch of this year’s Hydration Movement in late July! Nestlé® Pure Life® will continue to focus on healthy hydration, while also embracing Mom’s Wisdom – sharing and discovering all of the little things that moms have shared over the generations that make our lives better. And one thing all moms can agree on is that it’s important to keep the family healthy, hydrated and happy.

This year, Nestlé® Pure Life® is asking fans to take a simple online pledge to drink more water. They can also enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win prizes and share their own wisdom through the Facebook mosaic.

For Today’s Discussion:

What is one piece of wisdom about healthy lifestyle that you share with your kids?



Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap Concentrate

One of my most popular posts here on Saved By Grace has been my tutorial on how to make powdered laundry detergent. I promised a while back that I would follow up with a liquid laundry soap version and I finally was able to do it.

Liquid laundry soap

This recipe is for the concentrated version of liquid laundry soap. There are many recipes out there for liquid laundry soap, but most of them are not concentrates. I made this one because I don’t have room for a large tub in my home as I do not even have a washer and dryer set and must utilize the laundry mat. Besides, who wants to haul a huge tub with them every time they need to do laundry at the Mat?

I love the concentrate because you use less of it. Only 1/4 of a cup per load.

The savings? Just like with the powdered version, its just pennies per load. I made this for less than $1.00 and it will give me about 40 loads.

You will need the following to make liquid laundry soap concentrate:

  • 1/2 cup Washing soda
  • 1/2 cup Borax
  • 10 cups of Water
  • 1/4 bar Zote soap


All of these, besides the water obviously can be found in the laundry department. A word about Zote: I prefer it over Fels Naptha for this recipe because it melts better and faster and does not separate after it cools.

1. Start by simmering 6 cups of water in a pot.

2. Using a grater, grate a 1/4 of a bar of Zote soap.


3. Add the Zote to the simmering water and give it a stir until it melts.


4. Add the washing soda and borax and mix until dissolved. Remove from heat.


5. Add 4 cups hot water to your container. I use a 2.5 quart bottle from a bulk container of hand soap. It works great because this recipe fits perfectly and it has a pour spout.

6. Pour the Zote mixture into the container with water.

7. Allow to sit overnight, until cool. Use 1/4 cup per load.

Please note, you may not get a lot of sudsing with this and that is fine. It is still doing it’s job! Also, don’t worry if it looks strange the next day, just give it a shake or stir and it will be fine. Since this is a concentrate, I recommend adding it to the water before you put the clothes in so it can “melt”.



Do you plan on making this or the powdered version and giving it a try?


Ten Reasons To Eat Bananas!

Bananas are a pretty universally loved fruit. They are low cost and you can do so much with them! One famous dessert, Bananas Foster, even puts them in a starring role!


You probably already know that bananas are good for you and full of potassium, but what else are they good for besides making a super awesome split on a hit summer day? Why should you try to eat so many of them? What benifits do they have for children (my daughter could eat several a day if I let her!) and adults?

Let’s take a look at everyone’s favorite fruit!

1. Bananas are high in vitamin B-6, which helps regulate blood sugar, aids in production of white blood cells and may even ward off type 2 diabetes!

2. Containing high levels of trytophan, they actually can help with warding off depression and the moodiness that goes along with PMS symptoms. Trytophan is converted into serotonin by your body. Serotonin is the naturally occurring chemical that leads to the happy feeling we get.

3. If you have a tummy ache, bananas can rescue you! They are high in pectin, which helps aid in digestion.

4. Every heard of the B.R.A.T. (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) diet when you are ill? The reason bananas are part of that is because they help restore lost electrolytes from diarrhea and vomiting.

5. High levels of potassium found in bananas is nature’s energy drink. The potassium acts as a natural aid in staying alert. This makes them an excellent mid afternoon power snack!

6. If you are trying to detox from smoking or any other substance, even sugar, try eating bananas during the withdrawals. Containing lots of magnesium, bananas can aid your body in getting rid of harmful substances.

7. Rub the inside of a banana peel onto bug bites and it will get rid of the itching.

8. If you are pregnant and in the throws of morning sickness, try eating a banana for its help with nausea.

9. Bananas are natural helpers in relieving symptoms of GERD as well as ulcers and heartburn.

10. Try a banana before a workout to increase energy as well as aid in recovery from painful muscle aches.


June 2013 Biannual Blogathon Bash!


Today, I start the June 2013 Biannual Blogathon Bash! (June 21-24) I am super stoked, as I have been in the past when I did the bash that I will get a ton done this weekend! I will be missing 4 hours today when I have to go to work outside the home at my serving job at a local dining spot, but I am surer a break will be much needed before I dive into blogging mania!

I have so much to do and catch up on now that I have a couple VA jobs as well as 2 other blogs I manage, but I am so excited!

The Biannual Blogathon Bash is free for any blogger to join and it is not too late!

What I love most about the bash is the mini-challenges. I am hosting one right here, on Saved By Grace and I think I learn several new things each time I do the Bash. This is my 3rd time doing it and I did the Mini-Bash a couple months ago. The Bash that happens twice a year, (in the summer and in the Winter) is 3 days long and the mini-Bash was 24 hours.

So if you are a blogger and you need to catch up and want to win prizes, Join me this weekend!


Biannual Blogathon Bash

Simple Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make TODAY!


I used to not know where to start when it came to Going Green. I used this as an excuse for so long that it nagged the back of my head and I just knew I was just in denial about how easy it would be to make Eco-friendly changes. When I switched over to making these changes, I almost felt selfish for waiting so long to do them because they were so easy.

Here are some things you can do RIGHT NOW to be more Eco-friendly!

With the weather warmer, Line dry your clothes and save electricity.

Only buy enough food for your meals. Wasting food not only wastes money, but resources.

Ride a bike and walk wherever you can. Good for you and better for the environment.

Make some of your own cleaners. I have a great tutorial on making powdered laundry detergent in under 15 minutes!

One of the easiest ways to be kind to the earth is to re-use what you can. Re-use grocery bags, jars for food and even plastic pop bottles.

The best ways to make Mother Nature your Best Friend is to just look for ways in your everyday life where you can reduse the amount you use and re-use what you do. Take shorter showers to save water, for example.

Double Duty Household Items



Plastic wrap, paper clips, cotton balls, toothbrushes..we all have these in our home. But other than the use we usually use them for, they seem to only serve one purpose. Until now! Let me show you my favorite ways to use these common household products!


sun dazed / Foter.com / CC BY-SA

Cotton Balls:

What you usually use them for: Cleaning your nails from nail polish, applying makeup and using in first aid.

New Use: Slip one into a rubber glove to protect your gloves from getting snagged on your nails, doing fine detail cleaning in hard to read areas and even for play with kids with crafts or games.


Nicole Lee / Foter.com / CC BY-NC-SA

Plastic Wrap:

What you usually use it for: Keeping foods fresh in the fridge.

New Use: Wrap your utensils in it when moving to keep them clean and together, make your rake or hoe have a tighter grip by wrapping a few layers around the handle and store a paint roller or paint brush overnight without having to rinse.


ccharmon / Foter.com / CC BY-ND

Paper Clips:

What you usually use them for: Keeping papers together.

New use: Use as a book mark in a magazine, replace a lost zipper pull and clean under your nails after gardening.


Orofacial / Health Photos / CC BY-SA

Tooth Brushes:

What you usually use them for: Keeping those teeth pearly white.

New Use: Detail cleaning on grout, a mini paintbrush for small chipped areas of furniture and to polish your jewelry.


What household products do you use in unique ways? Do you use any of the above products in other ways I did not mention? Tell me in the comments!


Patriotic Nails Roundup!

Looking for some nail art designs that are patriotic and playful? Look no further! I scoured Pinterest looking for the best tutorials You will find the nail art design here that fits your patriotic personality and your skill set! So get ready for the BBQ and fireworks and do some awesome nail art!

To go to the nail art design you want, just find the number that goes with the photo :)



“Fourth Of July Nail Polish” from I Wear The Canvas




“American Flag Nail Art” from Nail Art 101




“4th of July Fireworks Nail Tutorial” from From Brains to Beauty




“DIY Stars and Stripes” from Bespangled




“Simple and Fun 4th of July Nails” from For Smart Chicks




“3d Stars and Stripes and Glitter” from Sparkly, Sharp and Fabulous”




“Born in the USA” from Living After Midnight




“Fourth of July Love” from Haute Lacquer




“Flag Day/Happy 4TH” from Counting Down to Bliss




“4th of July Nails” from Nailside



Diva-licious Inspiration from Miracle Gro’s “The Gro Project”!

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.

A couple weeks ago, I did a post on Miracle-Gro ‘s The Gro Project. I showed you how easy it is to make a terrarium, for indoor gardening. Since I live in Montana and gardening outside can only happen this time of year, I am going to show you another project you can do indoors (and transfer outdoors later if you desire!)

I will be making a succulent garden in a pair of old high heels! I admit, I never really learned how to even walk in high heels without killing my ankles, so these heels I am using for this project are over 10 years old and have never been worn, just shuffled around on my shoe rack. If you like all your heels, I suggest hitting up a thrift store and finding a cheap pair for this project.

To make this Diva Succulent Garden, you will need:

To start, place the plastic food storage bag into each heel. Cut to size. You will be using these as liners. You may skip this step if you want, but since I have open toed heels, I decided this would make it neater.

Add Moisture Control Potting mix from Miracle-Gro to the heel-pot. Don’t fill all the way as you will need room for your plants.

Gently position your plants into the heels any way you like. With scissors, trim away the plastic liner to make it fit better. Tuck it in.

Done! You may also add Shake’n Feed All Purpose Plant Food to give your succulents an extra boost!


This is just one project I have made up after finding inspiration through Miracle Gro’s The Gro Project. There are a ton of fun garden projects to do on the Miracle-Gro Pinterest Page as well!

Find your inspiration with The Gro Project!

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