Lord, It’s Me, I need Your Help!- Dealing with Anxiety

I have long suffered from anxiety. It used to be absolutely terrible. I would really have these “freak out” type sessions. If you have ever dealt with an anxiety issue, you may know what I am talking about.


First, you start to get sweaty palms. You then start to sweat everywhere else. Before you know it, you have a mind that is going 100 different directions and it makes you just wanna run. You get grouchy and irritable and can’t even stand your own self.

I have overcome a lot of the anxiety I used to suffer from through therapy, but I still have my moments. One thing that I have personally found that really help was my sking the Creator for help. Just a simple, “Hey God, can you help me out here? I am kind of feeling a bit out of control with worries. Can you bring me a sense of peace?” has always done the trick.

I also have found that the following help as well:


Breathing exercises. A simple conscious breathing moment can really make you come back down from that anxiety high. Just close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Feel yourself breathe in. Feel yourself blow out all the air in your lungs. It is amazingly calming.

Finding a distraction. Even if it is something like cleaning the house. It’s amazing how when we focus on something so mindless, we are able to escape the anxiety, even momentarily and find our center again.

Go for a walk. A simple walk around the block to get freah air can really help.

Listen to uplifting music. For me, its the local Christian radio station.

Write it down. What has you so worried? I often just write down what I am worried about and find that putting it on paper allows me to just let go.


My favorite bible quote on worry:

Jeremiah 29:11

“..For I know the Plans I have for you, declares the Lord. ..Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future..”


How do you deal with anxiety?

Bubble Pizza



If your family loves pizza, but you’re on a budget and can’t order take out every week, then you’ll love this pizza recipe. My family really loves pizza, but since we’re on a budget I have an ongoing list of homemade pizza ideas to keep them happy. This particular recipe is one of my most frugal. The ingredients are super simple and inexpensive. You can be as creative as you want and add just about any toppings your family likes to it. It is just the basic concept that you should appreciate and then customize it to fit your family.

You may have heard of a bubble pizza before, but if not imagine if you will the crust, only instead of being flat it bubbles up because it is made from canned biscuits all pieced together. You can make it as big or small as you want and can even make personal sized pizzas to let your kids choose their toppings.

Bubble Pizza Recipe


canned biscuits

jar of pizza sauce

mozzarella cheese – You can use other cheeses if you wish.

toppings of your choice – My family enjoys pepperoni, bacon, mushrooms, spinach and chicken.


Open the canned biscuits and flatten them with your hands into a pizza crust shape onto your pizza pan. As I said before, you can make the crusts any size you want. Use three biscuits to form personal sized pizzas or use the whole can or several cans to form a larger pizza crust. After the crust is formed you basically add the sauce, cheese and toppings like you would with any other pizza. Finally, bake in the oven at 350 degrees until crust is brown and cheese is melted and bubbly.

The most unique thing about this pizza is its crust and the fact that it is inexpensive. You can get as creative as you want with it or stay as simple as you wish.


Alyssa is a Christian mom blogger and published author who loves helping moms with WAHM tips, frugal recipes, budgeting, and parenting. She, her husband (Greg) of 13 years and her three precious children call the Deep South home.

Homemade Taco Seasoning Recipe

My family eats tacos like they are going out of style. What gets expensive (although it is not usually too bad if you can find it on sale) is the taco seasoning. To solve this problem, I started making my own and came up with this easy homemade taco seasoning recipe. It is really very simple and the great thing about making things like this yourself, is, you can adjust to your personal tastes!


For this Taco Seasoning Recipe, you will need:

  • 1/2 Cup Chilli Powder
  • 3 1/2 Tbsp ground cumin
  • 3 1/2 Tbsp Garlic salt (use Garlic Powder if you are watching sodium intake)
  • 3 Tbsp Chipotle Powder
  • 2 tbsp ground oregano
  • 1 tbsp Cayenne (cut in half or omit depending on spiciness factor you are trying to achieve)

To Make:

It is very simple. Just combine ingredients. To use, just add 2 1/2 Tbsp per lb of ground meat or chicken with 1/4 cup of water. Stir it and evenly distribute the taco seasoning mix and let water evaporate. I also suggest drining meat of grease before adding. This also goes well in taco casseroles and really give burgers a kick if you mix it into the ground meat and them make patties!


10 Uses for Plain White Vinegar

It’s amazing what you can do with simple ingredients. Vinegar is a household product that most people have in their kitchens. Vinegar is cheap. It makes awesome salad dressing, but did you know vinegar is so versatile it can be used in so many more ways? Take a peek at my list for 10 ways you can use plain everyday white vinegar.


1. Have you ever forgotten a load of laundry in the washer and gotten that musty smell? Don’t re-start the whole cycle wasting time and laundry soap. Just put 1/4 of a cup in and run it on rinse. The smell will be gone in a flash!

2. Mix it with equal parts vinegar and water and you have an odor neutralizing all purpose cleaner. If you don’t like the smell of vinegar, try adding a citrus peel to the mix.

3. Clean your windows and mirrors with it. It is much cheaper than window cleaner and it will leave it streak fee just as well.

4. Clean that mess in your microwave with it. Just put a bowl of equal parts water and vinegar in the microwave and warm it up for 30 seconds. Let it sit for a minute and take a cloth and wipe clean. The vinegar will loosen all the stuck on grease and grime.

5. Soothe a bee sting or a mosquito bite with it. Just dampen a cotton ball and dab it on. (for more mosquito bite fixes, see this post)

6. Run a cycle of vinegar through your coffee pot. This will get rid of any built up hard water spots and refresh your coffee maker to like new condition. Don’t forget to run a cycle of water after or you may be in for a nasty cup of coffee!

7. Use it to tone your face. For most people a 1:1 ratio of water to vinegar will work. Adjust if you have more oily or dry skin.

8. Looking to make your locks shine? Rise your hair with vinegar (either plain white or apple cider) and you will see it improve!

9. Clean stuck on foods with it. Just fill the container with water and add 1/2 to 3/4 cup of vinegar and let soak over night.

10. Weeds got ya down in the garden? Spray undiluted vinegar on them.