9 Fun Things You Can Do With Kool-Aid

Kool-Aid is a kid’s staple. Not only is it fun to make and drink, but there are so many things you can do with it! Check out this list of 10 things to do with this cheap pantry staple.


1. Make play-dough and color your recipe with it. It smells fun and fruity and the color stays put!

2. Temporarily color your hair with it. This would be great for Halloween or your tween/teen who wants to add a bit of daring colored highlights to their tresses. Just Gather water, Kool-aid packs and conditioner. Put on disposable gloves. Start by adding 3-5 packs of kool-aid to a glass bowl. Add enough conditioner to make a paste. Add a small amount of water to make the paste slightly thinner. Apply to the head, making sure not to get any on the face, ears or neck. You may even want to cover your clothing with a plastic bag or wear an old t-shirt. Work the paste in until all section you want died are done. For highlights, just do small sections. Leave on overnight for a very deep color. Rinse out, but do not wash out. Will wash out with 1-2 washings.

3. Dye Easter eggs. Just add a packet to 1 cup of vinegar and leave each egg in for 1-2 minutes.

4. Clean your dishwasher! It has been said that a packet of lemon flavored Kool-Aid put in your dishwasher’s soap section and ran on a hot cycle can clear out rust deposits.

5. Mix Kool-Aid with 3 tablespoons petroleum jelly like Vaseline. Microwave and stick it in the fridge overnight. Beware though, it will dye your lips whatever color you choose, but it tastes delicious!

6. Winter is coming and that means snowmen! Put Kool-Aid in water with spray bottles. “Paint” the snow!

7. Make Kool-Aid watercolor pictures. Just add a small amount of water to Kool-Aid powder. Paint freely on thicker paper.

8. Add Kool-Aid to shaving cream for a fun bath time foam to paint with.

9. Make frosting! Just add a packet to vanilla frosting and you have a great flavored topping for your child’s next birthday cake.





The History of Makeup as I know it

I have always loved makeup and cosmetics. As a little girl, I longed to wear it and start taking care of my body the way grown-ups do. I remember wanting to shave my legs so bad at age 9, that I tried and ripped off half my shin in the process. I still have the scar.


When I started reading teen magazines, I noticed a brand that really had clean and neat ads. I wanted to buy it and check it out, so I marched into the first place I knew that sold it and was happy to buy a single blush from them. What brand is that? Clinique.

In my recent search for makeup knowledge, I decided to do a little digging around to see where Clinque came from.

Clinique was born from an idea between two Doctors in 1967 from an article published in Vogue magazine on the importance of skin care. What is interesting to note, is , it was the first of its kind to be allergy tested. Seems to me it was way ahead of its time and now the clean crisp ads I remember fit well with the brand’s image. It has always been their image to appear clean and free of skin bothering allergens. As someone who loves the marketing field, this all makes more sense.

But, I always like to dig even deeper and find out the history of things as far back as I can. When did people start doing skin care routines on their faces?

Egyptians were the first to adopt a skin care regimen. While they used mostly cosmetics, rather than direct cleansing, even those served a skin-boosting purpose. The Egyptians used henna and other metal pastes (like ore and copper) to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays. Think of it as a type of sun screen in ancient times. What is also fun to note, is, they would create eyeshadow using ground precious gems. I bet that created an awesome glitter effect! There is archeological evidence of this dating back to 6000 years. The Egyptians were so concerned with beauty, they were often buried with their makeup.

Back to the present time, I noticed in my daughter’s tween magazine, an add that was very similar to ones I remember seeing in my magazines-one for clinique. Seems like the image they put out is timeless and I hope it stays that way. The only difference is, if you are looking for Clinique’s line of beauty products in the UK, you don’t have to march yourself into a store, but can now buy online.

Remember, you are beautiful!

What are your first makeup or beauty memories?


What I have learned with this Move

As many of my readers may know, I moved from Montana to Washington state this past week. Being that this was my first “big” move, I had a lot to learn and boy did I!


Here are some of my tips for moving if this is your first time:

  • Start packing way earlier than I did. I started about a week before we moved. I procrastinated way too much. This meant we had to spend 10 hour days packing for most of the week leading up to the move. It was exhausting and tiresome. A lot of it could have been packed way before then.
  • Make reservations for your moving truck (we used Uhaul) weeks or even months before you move and make sure in the weeks leading up to the move, you check in to make sure you still have things set. Uhaul is also very good at replying to customer issues. But, make sure that you don’t just take the first quote you get from your moving truck company. I was very pleased to find out Uhaul will price match their competitors. Also, if you are moving your vehicle by way of tow, I found Uhaul to be far cheaper.
  • Have plan “B” for everything that could go wrong with your move. Save more money than you think you will need. Little things like food along the way add up quickly.
  • If you can, reserve your truck for 1 day longer than you think you will need it. You can then spare yourself the unpacking until 4 am that we did. I never knew it was possible to work so hard that you literally can’t work anymore.
  • If you can, pack clothes in black trash bags. I know this seems weird, but it was a lifesaver for us since we could pack the bags around our furniture and cushion them.
  • Mark your boxes. There were a couple boxes we didn’t do this with and we just threw whatever in them. Don’t do this. You will only aggravate yourself during unpacking.

Overall, be kind to yourself and those helping you move. Moving is extremely stressful and if you try to cram it into a short period of time when you didn’t have to, to begin with, you will only add to that stress. One final note, make lists. Add to it as you think of things. It will be a lifesaver.

So, It’s Been About A Month…

I bet you think I dropped off the face of the planet, didn’t you? I have been here, alive and kicking.


Photo by Jenn of Mountain Pearl Photography

I just spent the last week moving from Montana to the state of Washington. This was my first big move, ever. I decided rather than stress myself out more than necessary, I would take a break from my blog. Sorry for not giving you notice, but things quickly got stressful and I just had to give up the worry about it.

The good news is, with this move, I have learned so much.

  • If you set your mind to a goal, with hard work, it can be done. Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t. Including yourself.
  • It is essential to have a plan if things don’t go as planned. I learned this the hard way with a couple things.
  • You have more strength in you than you know.
  • It is possible to work so hard you literally fall down.

There were a few bumps in the proverbial road getting here and there are still some now that we are trying to establish ourselves in the community, but, I would be ever so grateful if any bloggers in the Spokane area of Washington would welcome me and help me out with finding things. Even with a TomTom, it has been quite a journey.


From a Montanaian at heart and now a Washington resident, I am excited for what the future brings and will be back to my regular blogging schedule soon!