How To Make Orange Pomanders


One of my favorite things to make during the holiday season is Orange Pomanders. They smell amazing and are a great relaxing craft anyone can do. I think the scent really warms up any home. With oranges on sale this week, I decided now was the time to sit down and bring this memorable fragrance in my kitchen.

The most expensive part of making Orange Pomanders is the whole cloves. If purchased in a jar, they cane run you between $4-$6. In bulk, it is half or less of that so I suggest you purchase that way. You only need about 1/4 cup (or less, depending on the design you plan on doing on yours) of them per orange, so they are not extremely expensive and this whole craft can cost you less than a dollar per orange.

Orange Pomanders last a couple weeks if hung and get more fragrant as they dry out. Most pomanders last between a month to several months if allowed to properly cure and dry. It is a good idea not to keep them in a room such as the bathroom where they will be exposed to too much moisture.

Originally, pomanders were carried as a spiritual symbol to ward off evil spirits in the medieval times. Now, they will ward off some evil odors. 😉

To make Orange Pomanders, You will need:

  • A medium navel orange
  • a 1/4 cup of whole cloves
  • a small knife or even a toothpick

Start by envisioning your design. You can do elaborate designs, or stick with something very simple as I did. The more cloves you stick in your orange, the more fragrant it will be.

Make small pokes into the orange to make inserting your cloves easier.

Stick the pointed end of the cloves directly in the orange. Do this until you have the design you want.

You can attach a ribbon to your orange by threading it through with a large needle. Make sure to go in deep enough to the meat of the orange so you have a good amount of the orange to stick with to prevent falling. Hang and enjoy!



5 Ways To Clean Your Toilet


This may seem like a funny post to stumble upon, but did you know that there is more than one way to keep your porcelain throne sparkling clean? I have tested out several ways to do this over the years and you would be amazed at how they work.

So get ready to see some wacky and useful ways to clean your toilet:

  • Use cola. This one is as simple as pouring a can of soda in your bowl, letting it sit and swishing it around. The bubbles in the drink help get rid of hard water spots. I am not sure I like this way because it doesn’t make me feel like the bowl is clean.
  • Borax is another way to clean a bowl. It has mild abrasive properties and when combined with lemon or another citrus juice, can not only leave your toilet sparkling, but also smell nice, too. Just flush the toilet once, sprinkle to sides of the bowl with borax and add a 1/4 cup lemon juice. Allow to sit for 10 minutes and scrub.
  • Vinegar can be used in much the same way as the borax and lemon juice or your can use baking soda as your abrasive cleaner with it. Add a 1/2 cup of vinegar to the bowl and allow to sit for at least 20 minutes before scrubbing or flushing.
  • Kool-aid. You can use the lemon Kool-aid to get your bowl clean as it works the same way lemon juice will. Just sprinkle in and scrub away!
  • A Mr. Clean magic eraser has been said to clean a bowl pretty well by just tossing a small 2 inch section of it in the bowl and leaving it overnight. I tried this once, and it actually did work. I wish I could tell you how, but I have no idea. There are some things in life I just go with and don’t question.



Ladies, Let’s Stop Doing This


I am just going to be real here, for a moment, ladies. We need to stop hating our bodies, no matter what size or shape they are. That is the bottom line.

It doesn’t matter if you weigh a couple pounds more (or in my case, about 80) than you wish you did, are pregnant and feel awkward, wish you could gain just a few more pounds of muscle or hate your flat behind. I can guarantee that you rock someone’s socks off. I can guarantee that no one notices that little flaw in your ears or big toe.

When we think of our children, we see nothing but perfection. If you are the mother of a child (or several) you know what I am talking about. Do you ever just look at the little hairs on the back of their neck? Or the chubbiness of their pinky toe? Do you ever just think to yourselves, “I made that! Isn’t it just absolutely perfect and miraculous?” It is indeed. Think about it, though. God looks at you the very same way you look at your child. Your friends, your loved ones…they see you the very same way as well. I also promise you that when you are making your child laugh or hugging them when they are down..they are not looking at the way your arm looks in that shirt or how many chins you have when you laugh.

So while I am not saying that being unhealthy is OK, it isn’t. But, I am saying that it’s OK to be who you are. Lets stop trying to fit into a neat little box. Overweight is not always unhealthy just as being thin is not always either way. Nothing is wrong with being thin, or athletic or curvy or even fat. It is your body. It is part of what makes you, you.

We need to stop looking at our face and all it’s wrinkles or perceived flaws and our bodies and all of it’s “too fats” and “too shorts” as a work in progress. It just is. Can it be “better”? Only if you FEEL better. Better is not what someone else perceives it to be, but what you do. This is not to say that you should throw everything out and be miserable or that you should not strive to feel just need to remind yourself that you are doing it for you and not some ideal of beauty.

Stop living for the future and what you hope you will look like in pictures by a particular date. Live for now. Smile for now. Take pictures and videos for now. What is the point of living if you are only living for tomorrow? Live for today and love yourself for today. Try to see yourself for who you are, not whom you wish you were and nurture her. Oh and don’t be afraid to wear what you want..even leggings. <3


Score a free ticket to the Hunger Games: #CatchingFire


This post is NOT in any way sponsored or endorsed by Covergirl or Lionsgate entertainment.

If you are like a huge portion of the country, you are looking forward to seeing the Hunger Games movie, “Catching Fire” that just hit the theaters. Did you know you can score a free ticket to the Hunger Games: Catching Fire just by purchasing some of your favorite CoverGirl products?

I did it and here is how:

Go to any participating retailer (I chose Walgreen’s) and buy $20 worth of Covergirl products. This is the pre-sales tax price. Then head over to the Covergirl website to see how you can mail in a form (but, really, who has time for all that?) or simply email a picture of your receipt to them for a code that will give you a free pass to the movie at participating theaters.

What’s more, if you shop at Walgreen’s, you could almost do it for free. I did it with just $13.89 including tax. My total before discounts and coupons was $26.33. I had coupons for $4.00 off two Covergirl Eye products from the Sunday inserts last week and this week, Covergirl cosmetics are Buy 1, Get 1 50% off at most locations. I also had some Walgreen’s Balance Rewards. (Those things really come in handy at times like these!)

So, while my savings was not that phenomenal, and I did pay almost what I would for a ticket, anyways, I got makeup that will make awesome stocking stuffers as well as a ticket.

Head on over to Walgreen’s (or another participating retailer) and take advantage of this amazing deal. It only goes until 12/31 and you want to make sure you see the movie before then! I plan on taking my daughter to it as soon as I am able. She has been dying to see this since she heard about it as she has read all the books.

For more information on this amazing deal, make sure to check out the Covergirl website for more details such as terms and conditions.



Holiday Travel Timesavers at the Airport


Traveling any time of the year has it’s stresses, especially if you are flying. You are under a time crunch and there are so many new fees and regulations that you may be left with your head spinning. Here are some tips to help you have less stress at the airport and enjoy your travel time.

  • Make sure you check your plane’s status before you leave your house to head to the airport. With inclement weather around many parts of the country during the holidays, it is good to know if there will be longer waits, layovers and late planes. Just knowing this can help you feel less stressed.
  • Make sure to pack your toiletries in clear bags. This will save time at the security check. Alternatively, you could wait to purchase these until you get to your destination.
  • Make sure you have all your ducks in a row and ready to go at security. This means having your ID, boarding pass, Passport and other identification handy
  • Reduce how much you pack. With high fees for even carry-on luggage as well as the need to check in bags that can take a lot of time, make sure you pack lightly. Remember, you can always do laundry when you get there, so there is no need to carry more than necessary.
  • Have someone drop you off. Around the holidays, the airport parking lots may be at capacity. To avoid the stress of trying to find parking, have a friend or a taxi drop you off instead.
  • Make sure you have all the arrangements made ahead of time for when you read your destination including rental cars. This will save you time when you get off the plane. It is also a good idea to check with them before you leave to make sure there will be a vehicle waiting for you.
  • Weigh your bags beforehand. This way, you will be able to anticipate what the charges will be and you can also give yourself a chance to lighten your load if need be. Knowing beforehand what your weight is will make the transaction smooth as well.
  • When you are through security, go directly to your gate, even if you have time until boarding. This way, you will not be rushing around trying to find your gate at the last minute and will be able to board with ease.
  • Make sure to keep your airline and car rental as well as hotel info programmed into your phone. That way, if any issue arises, you don’t have to go searching for the numbers and they will already be handy.
  • Download apps that can help with travel details such as your airline’s app. Many allow you to check in as well as check flight delays right from your phone. Also, try out Tripit, Kayak and FlightTrak. These will notify you if there is a change in flights or delays.
  • Know what triggers to scanners at the airport. Generally speaking, jewelry and belts don’t. Also, your tablet most likely won’t either. As far as laptops, you can get them through quicker by getting a TSA approved carry on bag for them.




A fellow blogger, whom I respect a lot, recommended a company called SampleSource to me to try since they have just started sending out things in the US. SampleSource is a company that send out samples from top, well-know companies to anyone that requests them, in periodic packages. I was excited and eager to give them a try so I could share them with you, my readers. I signed up, which was an easy process filled with a questionnaire about my personality and habits and then got an email confirming that I would be getting samples, soon.

A little while later, I got and email telling me that my sample package had shipped. I was excited! However, a couple weeks went by and nothing ever came. I was disappointed, but as a blogger, I sometimes know that when things are “shipped” it means they are in the queue to be shipped, but don’t actually get shipped that day, but just in case, I decided to email SampleSource and ask where my package was.

This was their response:

Hi there!

Your samples should have definitely arrived by now - definitely. And the address you have provided is correct in our system.
I can see in the system that your order was shipped - and you would have gotten an email confirming that.
If the package still has not arrived, it may have been lost in the mail or misdelivered by USPS - although rare, sometimes it can happen.
Please accept our apologies! We send our samples by regular mail, just like you would send a letter to a friend, so we cannot track it.
The good news is that we will have more samples coming in a few months, and because you are a registered member, you will automatically be emailed when they are available.

-SampleSource Customer Service”

Simple enough. I felt they maybe could have sent me out something again or explained that they had no more to send or something, or heck, even offered to throw a couple extra in next time, but an excuse about it getting lost in the mail and an apology will have to do. I didn’t respond to that message and just kind of forgot about it.

Then, a couple weeks later, I get an email asking me to take a survey on the “samples I got”. Being that I belong to a couple sites similar to this and they require me to take the surveys in order to keep getting shipments, I thought, “I better take this if I hope to get samples next time..I hope there is a place on the survey for me to say I never got them..”

I did select the spot on the survey saying I never got the samples and then there was a place for me to put any comments I had about the samples or SampleSource.

I wrote in something about how I felt pushed aside and was basically told “too bad” about getting my samples and that was of annoyance. While, true, those were not the exact words they used in their email to me about my asking where my samples were, that was how it came across to me, since they were not willing to fix the issue and instead just made up an excuse.

Within minutes, I get this nice little nugget in my email from them:

H Christine

We saw your survey response - and that really was not fair. Nobody here told you “Too bad”. We explained the process and what likely may have happened.
If you are truly that upset, you are welcome to unsubscribe.
We took the time to respond to your email right away - in fact within minutes - so your note in the survey really isn’t fair at all.

-SampleSource Customer Service


So, dumbfounded, I am sitting here thinking, “Did they want my honest answers or did they want me to lie on the survey?” And what is this about “fair”? I was told to be honest. And that was honestly how I felt about being given an excuse and told, “we’ll getcha next time” instead of sending out a second package. Now, if they didn’t have more samples to send a second package, and they said that, I could be a little more understanding, but since that was not mentioned and I had no other relationship from past shipments in the mail from them, how did I know they didn’t just forget me? Perhaps it did get lost in the mail, but they just blamed the USPS rather than tried to make it right or explain further.

To top it off, to say, “If you are truly that upset, you are welcome to unsubscribe” is over the top rude and in my opinion, jumping the gun a bit. Why not at least attempt to solve the issue before you suggest that?

Yes, I am upset. I never got my products, was brushed aside and now sent a survey to take asking my honesty and was just attacked in my personal email because you didn’t like my HONEST answers to a survey YOU sent.

I want to make it clear, I am not upset at the fact that I didn’t get free samples, it was the sheer unprofessional-ism of SampleSource that upset me. I did write them back expressing everything I did here and was again told “I suggest you unsubscribe.”

Readers beware, SampleSource will possibly treat you this way if you have an issue as well. I suggest bypassing them altogether. I had intended on trying out this new service and recommending this to my fans, but I also believe in honesty and I just can’t recommend it after this. It really is a shame, because it seemed like a good way to try new products from top name companies. I also feel bad that these companies are being represented by this unprofessional company as well. I won’t hold it against them, but I hope they see this and decide to back out.