How To Clean Pyrex Glass Baking Dishes

How To Clean Your Glass Bakeware

I love getting new bake-ware of the glass kind. The most common brand most people think of is Pyrex, but there certainly are other brands out there. The problem with Pyrex and other glass baking dishes is they tend to have a burnt-on grease build-up after a while that seems impossible to remove. I got sick of my pans being this way and heard that you could use some very simple ingredients that were Eco-friendly and safe to use. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to use some elbow grease!

Dirty Glass Bakeware

How To Clean Pyrex Glass Baking Dishes


First, gather your supplies:

To clean your Pyrex bakeware:

I used a cutting board to contain my mess and give myself a surface to work with. I placed a small amount of baking soda on the cutting board (less than 1/4 of a cup) to give me some to dip my toothbrush in.

I then dipped my brush in the Dr. Bronner’s Tea Tree Scented Soap, followed by the baking soda. Using circular motions, add the paste to your trouble spots on your bakeware. If yours is in really bad shape, you may find it more effective to use a large cloth to apply the paste.

Allow the paste to sit for at least 20 minutes. The paste will start to loosen up the stuck on grease build-up and make it easier for you to scrub. You will still have to scrub with a lot of work as it won’t just come right off, but this will make it easier.

After 20 minutes or so, grab a piece of aluminum foil and crumple it up. You should have various sizes of aluminum foil so you can cover large areas and smaller, more detailed ones.

Scrub away, applying enough pressure to scrub hard. The trick is to work in small sections before moving onto the next one.

It really is amazing how well this cleaned my bake ware. They look almost brand new again!

How To clean your pyrex

Look at those edges!

Cleaning Pyrex


**You need to get the Tea Tree Dr Bronner’s because it is partially the tea tree that helps loosen up the gunk on your glassware.




Today is #WorldBipolarDay and I Want to Share My Story

world bipolar day


World Bipolar Day


*Take a deep breath*

I want to share with you, my wonderful readers, about an awareness day that is close to home for me. It is World Bipolar Day. This is a day set aside to bring to light the illness of Bipolar Disorder and end social stigmas surrounding it.

Bipolar Disorder is very close to home for me because I, myself, suffer from it. Pretty severely at one point and I still suffer from some of it today. People who know me well know the path of devastation and destruction it used to leave in it’s wake for me for many years. I am going to be brave and share with you what I have been through in an effort to be as real and raw as I can in the hope that one person out there online will read this and find hope when they feel like there is none.

I was first placed in an inpatient care facility at the age of 14. I had depression so bad I thought about suicide almost every day. I would call my mom from school, nearly every day begging to come home in tears because I just couldn’t cope with it. This was first thought to be brought on from PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) from a sexual assault I suffered my 8th grade year. Although I am sure that was what triggered it, I did eventually get a diagnosis of bipolar disorder at the age of 19 after numerous hospitalizations for suicide attempts and threats.

As a young adult, I did not properly care for my illness and this led to destructive behavior such as drinking, promiscuity and at least a dozen hospitalizations-two while I was pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter.

As the years went on, I started to get psychosis and would hear, smell and see things that were not there. I would be tormented by thoughts of suicide, death and my own funeral. I had voices in my head telling me to hurt myself and end it all. I went weeks without a shower or changing my clothes or even coming outside. No matter what medication or therapy I tried, I never got any better. Some of the meds made it impossible for me to even function. I even went as far as to get injections of very strong anti-psychotic medications that made me sleep for 3 days in a row after taking them. I quite countless jobs, was let go of many others and was homeless a couple times because of my own actions due to untreated mental illness.

The most devastating part of all of this was at one point, I was unable to care for my child. Thankfully, My mother took on that role. I still saw her on weekends and holidays, but it tore me apart knowing that I was failing as a mother and that made my depression worse. I would still daily think of suicide. I actually used to think she would be better off without me as her mother and that fueled my depression and suicidal idealization.


My precious daughter as a toddler.

Then, I met my husband. He was truly a gift from God. He was strong where I wasn’t. He encouraged me, helped me grow and picked me up when I fell down. I started seeing a therapist by the name of Ty and he was also a great catalyst in helping me have the strength to get well. I had seen other therapists before, but Ty is so different. He has a calm soul that really makes a person feel like they can overcome. I felt a friendship there, and that really gave me so much strength in my darkest hours.

You see, there was a time when I felt like I had nothing to look forward to. I felt much older than my years and honestly just tired. I felt useless and like I would never amount to anything.

Ty and my husband encouraged me to seek what is known as electro-convulsive therapy. In layman’s terms, it’s “Shock Treatments“. After much consideration, I chose to do it. My husband and I left on short notice to make the 3 1/2 hour drive to Spokane, WA, where I now reside because that was the closest place to me that did this treatment. After about a week and 1/2 of treatments, (that are nothing like in the movies or the old days..I was asleep under general anesthesia for them) I returned home (I don’t remember much of anything about this time period or the months leading up to it or a couple months after. ECT gives you both short term and long term amnesia as a side effect.).

The ECT was the miracle I needed. I got the treatment almost 3 years ago and right after, I started my blog. I originally started Saved By Grace just to have something to do at home and little did I know that between the ECT and this blog as well as God’s healing, I would find what life was all about. I no longer struggle with daily suicidal thoughts or feelings of harming myself. Do I still get depressed? Yes. I do, but I feel like I am able to recover from it much quicker than I was able to before. I can cope better. Do I think I can return to a “normal job”? No, I don’t think I am quite there yet. What most people don’t see, is, I still have quite a bit of anxiety and quite a bit of emotional pain I still deal with and although I am eons away from where I once was, I am still not recovered fully.

I am however, happy to be alive every day and to me, that is the biggest step to success and joy that I missed out on for so long. And I have my daughter living here with me, full time and I am able to feel the joy of being her mother full time. So, if you are suffering or know someone who is, there is hope for you. I am a testament to that. Please don’t give up.

What you have heard about bipolar is not always true- you CAN love life and you will not always feel this way. And, your illness does not have to define you. YOU are so much more than a person with bipolar disorder!



Ps. Thank you to all the wonderful people I have been blessed to have in my life. Your kindness, understanding and steadfastness has kept me alive. Some of the things I did and said over the years have hurt you and for that I am sorry. Just know that I am getting better and you helped make that happen.

Great, now I am crying.

8 Amazing Uses for Mouthwash

8 Amazing Ways To Use Mouthwash

Mouthwash is an amazing thing that will give you a good bill of health when it comes to your teeth. Your dentist will certainly give you the thumbs up for using it when he or she asks at your dental visits. However, it has other use that may surprise you.


8 Amazing Uses for Mouthwash


You can make a detoxing foot soak with it that may help destroy nail fungus. Just use a 1:1 ratio of water and mouthwash in a tub and add a small handful of Epsom salt. Dip your feet in for a cooling sensation that will help strip away dead skin as well as kill foot fungus such as that, that comes from athlete’s foot. You will probably not see results from killing nail fungus right away, but within a few soaks you may see it start to dissipate.

Any traveler knows that hand sanitizer is a must to avoid getting sick in highly congested areas such as planes or airports. If you don’t have any hand sanitizer on you, carry a small travel-sized bottle of mouthwash in your purse or pocket and splash some on your hands to disinfect.

In the kitchen, you can use mouthwash to remove the odor of highly pungent foods such as garlic or onions. Just splash some on your hands after working with these foods to break up[ the smell so you won’t be smelling it on your hands for hours after you have enjoyed your meal.

Dandruff shampoo can be amazingly expensive. Mouthwash can basically do the same thing as these expensive products. Just wash your haoir as you normally would and after rinsing, try splashing some on your scalp and working it in. You probably won’t see immediate results, but if you do this every time or even every other thime, your dandruff should clear up on it’s own.

Keep your toothbrushes clean and sanitary by soaking the heads in mouthwash between uses.

Clean your hairbrushes and combs with a mixture of 2 parts mouthwash to 1 part water. Just soak them in it for a few hours after washing with soap to get them back to being clean and to remove any styling product buildup.

Keep fresh cut flowers fresher, longer with a couple tablespoons of mouthwash added to the vase you put them in. Not only will it add some effervescence that will revive you flowers, but it will kill any chance of mold happening as well.

Clean your toilet with some mouthwash if you are out of toilet bowl cleaner. Just pour about a cup in the bowl and swish it around. Allow to sit for a few minutes and run your brush through it and flush. It will leave a sparkling bowl that is disinfected as well.


Do you use mouthwash for anything other than your pearly whites? Let me know your tips in the comments!

Naturally Dyed Rubberband Easter Eggs

Naturally Dyed Rubberband Easter Eggs

As a kid, I always did dyed eggs with the kits you buy for under a dollar that have the fizzy tabs that turn your eggs bright, neon colors. To get designs I would take the little wax crayon that came in the kits and draw relatives names and dip them in the small cups feeling like it was magic when they came out and had the “invisible” designs I drew on them.

With Easter fast approaching, I thought it would be a good time to experiment with something a little bit different this year. Being that I am not overly crafty, I decided to do rubber band designs that didn’t turn out as bold as I had hoped, but still made for some interesting looking eggs. I also dip dyed them in natural egg dyes instead of the technicolor ones as well.

How to Do Designs with Rubber Bands on Easter Eggs with Natural Dye


Doing the designs is really simple and only requires some rubber bands, natural Easter egg dyes and patience.

Just simply slip the bands over the already cooked and cooled hard boiled eggs. I went with skinny rubber bands because that was all I had on hand, but I think the thicker bands would create a more distinct look and allow more more creativity as the skinny bands kept wanting to slip off my eggs and it was rather frustrating.

rubber band easter eggs-1

When you have your eggs banded up as you want them, just dunk them in the natural dye and leave them there until you achieve the color you want. If you are wondering, the natural dye does not change the taste of the eggs themselves.

rubber band easter Eggs-2

The natural egg dye I used is pretty simple and requires no special skills or materials. I simply used some items I got at the natural foods market. You can find my recipe for natural egg dye on a blog I contribute to, Premeditated Leftovers. To achieve the pastel look of the eggs seen here, I left the eggs in the dye for a short period of about an hour and a half. You can get a bolder look by doing it longer.


How To Build a Shed In Time For Spring

The Workbench Life: Outdoor

How to Build a Shed in Time for Spring

By Robert Ferguson for The Workbench Life

Jump-start your spring cleaning by building a simple shed to help reduce household clutter. This small, do-it-yourself project is an inexpensive option for your storage needs. Keep in mind: the larger the shed, the more time and money required to construct it.

1. Planning

First you’ll need to decide on an area suitable for the structure. Choosing a level area is ideal, since it will reduce the amount of labor required to prepare the ground. Placing the structure in close proximity to your home will make it easier to transfer items from your abode.

2. Foundation

Simple sheds do not require an elaborate foundation. Construct a support system by placing concrete cinder blocks on a level surface. The blocks should be spaced no more than 4 feet apart to provide adequate support for the structure.

3. Floors

To construct a solid floor, use 2-by-6-inch floor joists covered by 3/4-inch plywood. Since there will be lots of moisture outside, we recommend using pressure-treated lumber. The extra money spent is well worth it, as the building will last longer. Assemble the floor joists on top of the cinder blocks to form a square. Place additional joists between the two sides of the square every 2 feet for additional support. Join the floor joists by using 16D nails or securing with 3-inch exterior wood screws. Cover the floor joists with pressure-treated plywood, and secure using 8D nails or 1 1/2-inch exterior wood screws.

4. Walls

Keep these things in mind as you construct your wall:

  • Use 2-by-4 pressure-treated lumber to construct the shed walls.
  • Plan for door and window dimensions.
  • To drain properly, the roof must be sloped. A common method used to achieve the slope is to build the front wall 4 to 5 inches higher than the back wall.

5. Rafters and Roof Deck

Install the rafters across the roof — spaced 2 feet apart on center — using 2-by-6-inch lumber. Place additional blocking in between the rafters over the front and back walls. Cover the rafters with pressure-treated plywood, secured with exterior wood screws.

6. Wall Exterior

Use pressure-treated plywood, textured plywood or siding to cover the wall exterior. Install the material square across the bottom while following the angle of the roof at the top. Secure the siding with 1- to 1 1/4-inch exterior wood screws.

7. Dry in the Shed

Prevent the shed from leaking by installing asphalt roofing. Cover the roof area with tarpaper, starting from the lower end and working your way to the top while overlapping each row by 6 inches. Complete the roof by installing asphalt shingles or rolled roofing over the tarpaper. Rolled roofing is the least expensive and easiest-to-install roofing material.

And there you have it! A simple, space-efficient shed
that’ll save you a lot of hassle. Job well done.

is a state-certified contractor and has more than 30 years of experience in
residential home improvement, which he shares with writing clients across the
U.S. Robert is also a frequent contributor to
Workbench Life

5 Myths About Caring For Denim

Guide For Buying in Bulk

Guide to buying in bulk

Buying in bulk is one of those things that most frugal living families will tell you is a big money saver. It seems pretty straight forward, but there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to buying in bulk.


Guide For Buying In Bulk


Know what you will reasonably use up in time before it expires. If you buy too much, adjust what you buy next time to avoid wasting money. Keeping a list of how much your family goes through will help you manage it better and have a good idea how much to buy when you get to the store.

Look for unit prices. Sometimes, buying in bulk in not the cheapest option. If you pay attention to have much each unit costs in the package, you may see that by itself or with coupons, you can buy individual sizes much cheaper.

Buy containers for your bulk loose products such as baking soda, brown sugar, pasta and spices. It will give you something neater to put it in rather than just leaving it in the bag and it will keep it fresher longer. Also, putting it in a durable container keeps it more sanitary as well as pest free.

Buy perishable items in bulk with caution. Do you have the freezer space? Can it be frozen? Buying meat in bulk is a great way to save money if you can. Just break up the large packages into smaller ones in zipper freezer bags with dates. This will let you know what to use up first. Most meat can be stored for 2-3 months and maintain it’s freshness in the freezer.

Learn skills such as canning and food dehydration so you can take advantage of seasonal produce that goes on sale. Being able to preserve it will allow you to enjoy it months from now when it is no longer on sale.

Weigh everything and bring a calculator with you. If you are buying from large bulk containers, don’t just eyeball it. Weigh everything and calculate the approximate cost. You don’t want to overspend and get a surprise at the register.

Cook with what you can get in bulk and plan meals around it. If a particular cheese is on sale this week, plan a meal or two around it. Shred the rest and stick it in the freezer. Cheese holds well shredded for a couple months frozen.


For more tips on bulk buying, check out these posts:

10 Things You Should Always Buy In Bulk

10 Foods You Should Keep in the Freezer

Why You Need A Family Piggy Bank

Why You Need a Family Piggy Bank and how to start one

It may seem silly as an adult to have a piggy bank. That is something typically found on a child’s dresser. The truth is, a piggy bank can be a great tool to save for something big and you will be amazed with how quickly change adds up.


Why You Need A Family Piggy Bank


We started saving in our 1 gallon mason jar that we use as a family piggy bank about 4 months ago. We simply drop any coins we acquire into it. I don’t feel any pinch whatsoever in my wallet and my purse weighs a whole lot less. After this very short period of time, we have collectively saved just over $100 in change, in 4 short Months! Doesn’t seem possible, does it? Actually, you would be amazed with how much change you just toss around your home and forget about. When the jar is full, we will be spending it on something fun for the family with no pinch at all coming from our budget. For our small family of 3, this is quite a lot for a fun family outing.

A Family Piggy Bank allows you to teach your children about saving and it makes it fun for them. My 11 year old loves to add any change she gets and finds on the ground to our family piggy bank. She actually goes out of her way to look for it around the house, car and our apartment complex and gets excited to drop it in there. She is so excited for when it is full!

You can help your child with math skills. For little ones, this could be as simple as counting it. For older kids, like my daughter who struggles with fractions and percentages, it helps her to understand what 1/10, 1/20 and 1/4 of a whole is when we dump it out and count it together.

Start a family piggy bank and you will be amazed at how fast it can add up. Make a pact that everyone who contributes gets to decide as a team what it will be spent on, but it needs to be something that makes everyone happy.

Cauliflower Pizza Crust; A Low Carb Option

As a diabetic, one thing I hate to not indulge in is pizza. I admit, I do still enjoy some here and there, but I always get thin crust. Lucky for me, I love thin crust over the doughy stuff so it’s not too much of a sacrifice.

However, I am always searching for new ways to make old favorites better and lower carb without sacrificing taste or texture. I love this Cauliflower Pizza Crust that Katie came up with for me. Cauliflower is one of the best things you can use to substitute in many recipes. I often use them in my mashed potatoes as they don’t take away too much of the great taste I love, but allow for me to enjoy my favorite side dish.

The other thing that is great about cauliflower is it is low cost, so it is perfect for those that are wanting a low carb option without having to spend a lot at the store. Cauliflower has about 30 g of carbs in an ENTIRE HEAD of it, so you can truly indulge in this pizza without worrying about a spike in your numbers.

Low Carb Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

5.0 from 1 reviews
Cauliflower Pizza Crust; A Low Carb Option
Recipe type: Pizza
Cuisine: American
  • 2 Cups Cauliflower Florets (Approximately 1 small head cauliflower)
  • 1 Egg White
  • 1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella
  • ¼ Cup Grated Parmesan
  • 2 Teaspoons Minced Garlic
  • 1 ½ Teaspoon Italian Seasoning Blend (½ tsp Oregano, ½ Teaspoon Thyme, ½ Teaspoon Basil)
  • 2 Teaspoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  1. Chop cauliflower florets into ½” pieces. Place in food processor or high powered blender and pulse until cauliflower forms a powdery consistency.
  2. Pour into microwave safe bowl and microwave for 1 minute.
  3. Pour cauliflower into cheese cloth or kitchen towel and squeeze out excess liquid.
  4. Place remaining cauliflower bits into medium mixing bowl. Add in cheese, seasonings and egg white. Mix well and form into dough.
  5. Pat out onto cookie sheet or pizza pan.
  6. Bake at 400 degrees for 5-7 minutes on each side flipping as needed to brown evenly.
  7. Top with desired traditional pizza toppings. Bake an additional 7-10 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbling.

Do you plan on giving this a shot? What is your favorite pizza topping? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Prom is Almost upon us! Have you gotten your daughter’s dress yet?

Can you believe it is almost prom season again? It seems like I just had my prom yesterday. Unfortunately, as my old body tells me, it was more than 10 years ago and I will just leave it at that. In fact, I have a daughter who will be of age to go to prom in just a few short years, myself.

I am really looking forward to the day she asks me to help her get ready for prom. One thing I am going to do is try to be as economical as possible about it because I am too frugal to spend too much on a dress and all the accessories. I hope I have instilled this same attitude into my daughter.

Unlike when I went to prom, there are so many more ways to get the best deals on dresses and the best selection and that often means looking online. I was very happy to stumble upon JenJenHouse as a one stop shop for all prom fashion needs for my daughter and look forward to shopping there when she is at this very special time in her life.

Prom fashion has changed a lot since I went. I won’t tell you what year, but I remember the dresses being a lot different. I really like the current fashion of prom dresses I found on JenJenHouse’s website. This one really caught my eye as it is classic, yet fun and modest all in one.


Whats dressing up without accessories? There are some great hair accessories out now days. Something like this could really add that bit of glamor to any dress your daughter chooses. What girl doesn’t want to feel like a princess on prom night?


I hope when you are looking for prom attire this year or soon that you check online as the prices are just right and the styles are fun and contemporary.



This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media. All opinions are my own