Campbell’s Labels for Education Hamburger Casserole with #Labels4Edu & #cbias


labels for education

I remember the first time I heard of the #Labels4Edu (Labels for Education) program as a child. I was in elementary school and my class was told about collecting Campbell’s Labels for Education from their soup cans so we could get money for our school. It was so exciting to feel like I was helping my school and it sure helped to rev me up for it when there were in class and in school contests for who could bring in the most labels. I remember one of the prizes was a class-wide pizza party and I was so happy to hear our class beat out the whole school one year and took the “crown” for that!

The Labels for Education program is so easy to take part in now. For one, no more saving entire soup can labels, you can just clip the little part of the label and send them in with you kiddo to their school. You can also watch the points add up for your school and see what they are hoping to get with their points online.

campbells soup

I went to Safeway to get some Campbell’s Soup and check out the new system as I hadn’t taken part in the Labels for Education program since I was a kid. (One a side note, don’t you just love the way Campbell’s soup is displayed on shelves now? I wish I had one of these in my house!)


Another new thing that wasn’t around when I was a child is the fact that it’s not just for canned Campbell’s Soup anymore! You can find Labels for Education point on over 2,500 products now! These include snacks, cereal and even salsa! It is so easy to get points on everyday products we all have in our pantries! And to make the deal even better, you can also get coupons for the products, too!

hamburger casserole recipe

This year, you can also help get 1,000 schools $1,000! If you would like your child’s school to get this prize, make sure you check out information for the Grand Stand for Schools giveaway.

labels for education program

These wonderful products inspire me to make one of my favorite go-to meals for my family on busy school nights. I made Hamburger Casserole with Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup. I hope you make it and start saving Labels for Education for your child’s school! It’s too easy to get involved!

Campbell’s Soup Hamburger Casserole with #Labels4Edu & #cbias

4.5 from 2 reviews
Hamburger Casserole
  • 1 Pound of Ground Beef or Ground Turkey
  • 2 Cans of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup
  • 1 Bag of Frozen Green Beans
  • 1 Bag of Tater Tots
  • 2½ Cups of Cheese, Shredded
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  • Onion Powder
  1. Pre-heat oven to 375 F.
  2. Brown your ground meat over medium heat. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper on top.
  3. In a bowl, add your Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup. Do not dilute it. Add in your ground meat and frozen green beans. Sprinkle on a dash of onion powder and garlic powder. Mix well.
  4. Spray a glass baking dish (I use an 8 x 11 cake pan) and place an even layer of the mix on the bottom of the pan.
  5. Top with tater tots and sprinkle cheese on top. Cover with a piece of foil and bake for 45-50 minutes.

For a list of products that have points for Labels for Education, check out this list. Thank you to #CollectiveBias for the opportunity to talk about the Labels for Education program.

Spicy Sriracha Cucumber Stir Fry #Veggetti


Spicy Sriracha cucumber stir fry

I first saw the Veggetti on Tv as a commercial and I thought, “Wow! This could be great for me since it allows me to make low carb pasta!” I was very grateful for the opportunity to review it and give one away!

I decided I would get a little creative with my Veggetti and do something besides the typical spaghetti recipe. The thought did cross my mind to do spaghetti, then, I decided I wanted to focus more on a quick and easy meal that someone could enjoy at lunchtime instead. This recipe takes you only about 10 minutes to whip up as the Veggetti makes it easy to make your “noodles” quickly and get them in your pan.

I am personally on a spicy foods kick so I decided to make Spicy Sriracha Cucumber Stir Fry as I figured it would be right up my ally. I made mine very simple and didn’t add much more than a tablespoon or so of green onions to top it, but you really could top it with just about anything-Tofu, mushrooms, peppers, onions, carrots-you name it!

stir fry

Using the Veggetti is super simple! You just place your vegetable in the device (in this case, I used a cucumber) and twist. I did find that cleaning the device is best done right away as food can get trapped in the blades and is almost impossible to get out when it’s dry. The Veggetti is dishwasher safe, though, so that makes it easy.

Using vegetables in place of pasta can really save you a TON in carbs and Calories! For instance, ordinary pasta has about 40 grams of carbs per 1 cup serving. Using vegetables only has about 2. Huge difference!

Sriracha noodles

Are you ready to make some lunch? Let’s get started!

Spicy Sriracha Cucumber Stir Fry

4.7 from 3 reviews
Spicy Sriracha Cucumber Stir Fry
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Tsp Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce
  • 1 Chicken Boullion Cube
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • Any add-ins you want; mushrooms, carrots, onions, peppers etc.
  • Veggetti Spiral Cutting Device
  1. Start by using your Veggetti to cut up the cucumber.
  2. Add your oil to a saute pan and heat to medium.
  3. Place your add-in vegetables in pan and saute until semi-soft. Add in your cucumber.
  4. Saute over medium high heat for 2-3 minutes, flipping.
  5. Crush up your chicken boullion cube and sprinkling it on top. Mix in well. You should not need to add water or any type of liquid because the cucumber should have enough in it.
  6. Drizzle your Sriracha in and mix in well.
  7. Saute for an additional 2-3 minutes. Top with scallions and additional chili sauce if desired.

The Veggetti product, gift card, information, and additional gift pack have been provided by Ontel.

6 Things You Shouldn’t Be Throwing Away

6 things you should never throw away

Did you know that some thing we throw away not only pollute the earth for a long time (like thousands of years or more!) but also pollute our water supply or even our food? There are proper disposal programs for most of these materials that you should be taking advantage of rather than tossing things and there are many things that most people throw away without even thinking about it when the items could be used again very easily. Here are 8 things you shouldn’t be throwing away and some uses for them as well as how to dispose of them properly.

6 Things You Shouldn’t Be Throwing Away


Paints- Most people know that this is not something to just toss in the garbage, but do you know why? It might surprise you to know that wen garbage is in the landfill, it heats up as it decomposes. If hazardous things like paint get in the mix, it can actually be very dangerous because paint, varnish and so on are flammable. Instead of just tossing it, find out where you local Hazardous Waste facility is and leave it to them to get rid of it properly.

Kitchen scraps- This one is not dangerous, but more a matter of my personal preference. You can actually take many kitchen scraps and compost them. Things like vegetable peels, banana peels, egg shells and coffee grounds can actually be turned into nutrient rich soil. Never add bones, grease or meat to the compost, however, because then you will just have a pile of stinking mess.

Batteries- Many people just toss batteries when they are done with them, but they contain many harmful things that can get leached into our water supply and ground. Instead, save them up for a bit and periodically take them to someone that can dispose of them properly. Best Buy has a program in most locations.

Old medications- We drink trace amounts of medications daily due to many people flushing their old medications or tossing them in the garbage. Most communities have a collection day a couple of times a year where you can bring in old medications and have them disposed of properly. Call your local pharmacy for more info.

Old Cell phones- Just like batteries, cell phones can be dangerous for our environment. This is because of the battery in them, but also the device itself. Instead of tossing your broken cell phone into the nearest trash, donate it to a program that refurbishes them for the elderly, disabled and poor on a fixed budget.

Documents- This is more of a personal safety issue than an environmental one, but you should never get rid of mail, bank statements, check stubs or any other papers that have any identifiable info on you or your household members. Instead, get a paper shredder and recycle the shreds. If you don’t have time for that, wait until your local bank does a shred day. Most do this a coupe times a year where they will shred your documents and recycle them for you.




Homemade Tzatziki Sauce for Gyros

homemade tzatziki sauce for gyros

My husband and I love gyros around here. My 11 year is not too big of a fan, but I am hoping with time, she will learn to love them like I did.

I haven’t always loved gyros. In fact, I used to downright turn my nose up at them (just like I did with curry and anything spicy!). Good thing God brought my husband into my life to change me of my food snobbery. I could eat gyros every day if you let me!

One of the hallmarks of a good gyro is the sauce. It is called Tzatziki and it is basically a cucumber-dill sauce that is creamy and delicious. Think of it like the Greek ranch dressing! Oddly enough, at least where I am, it is kind of hard to find in the stores and even hard to find without preservatives and other nasty stuff. This is when I decided that it was just too simple to not make myself. I came up with this recipe on the fly, but it tastes pretty darn amazing. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Use it for gyros, or even as a fry or chip dip! It tastes amazing on vegetables as well!

Homemade Tzatziki Sauce for Gyros

5.0 from 1 reviews
Homemade Tzatziki Sauce for Gyros
  • 1 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 3 Tbsp Dried Dill Weed (or half as much fresh dill)
  • ½ of a small cucumber
  1. Start by mincing your cucumber to the sizes you want. I like mine to be pretty small, so my sauce is creamier.
  2. Add your cucumber to your Greek yogurt and add in your dill weed.
  3. Give it a good stir and then add your lemon juice. You want to make sure you stir it in well.
This can be stored in the fridge, in a covered container for up to 3 days. Make sure you give it a good stir when you take it back out to use it.