Home Product Reviews Arctic Zero

Arctic Zero

As a diabetic, indulging in ice cream is not something I am able to do very often. The flavors often offered as “sugar free” are often boring like vanilla.

I was very excited when I was given the opportunity to try Arctic Zero. I had heard about this from friends and I was asked over and over to do a review on them! I noticed that Arctic Zero is low glycemic, which means good news for a diabetic like myself!

Arctic zero is only 150 calories a pint. It does not contain any sugar alcohols and it is also Kosher, Gluten Free, fat free, no GMOs.

Arctic Zero sent me one of each of their flavors, as well as their packs of ice cream bars.

  • Chocolate
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter
  • Coffee
  • Cookies & Cream
  • Mint Chocolate Cookie
  • Strawberry
  • Vanilla Maple
  • Pumpkin Spice

The bars were sold in packs containing Chocolate covered Strawberry, orange, chocolate and vanilla.

The first product I dug into was the Vanilla bars. I have to say, I love these. The flavor was good and the coating on the outside reminded me of a certain treat at a well known ice cream retailer. It was smooth and tasted like dark chocolate.

I then tried and sampled a bit out of each flavor in the pints. I was not really a fan of the Pumpkin Spice, but that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I just don’t like pumpkin flavored anything.

My favorite were of course all the chocolate flavors, but I especially liked the Chocolate Peanut butter.

There are some drawbacks to having this “guilt free” treat. I did notice the flavors were not as intense as with traditional ice cream or frozen yogurt. I would have liked that the flavors would have been more noticeable. Also, I wasn’t much of a fan of the texture. Arctic Zero was not as creamy as I had hoped. It had kind of a strange texture that I can only describe as a cross between an Italian ice and frozen Greek yogurt.

Over all, I would recommend this treat, but just be aware that it’s creaminess may not be what you are hoping for. I think its a fair trade though considering I can sit and eat a whole pint and not feel too terrible about it :)

You can find where to purchase Arctic Zero by taking a peek at the store locator on the website or even order it on Amazon.com! Yes, you can get ice cream treats overnighted to you ;)



4 Responses

  1. Melissa Lawler

    What a great selection of flavors!
    Melissa Lawler recently posted..Gluten Free ChimichangasMy Profile

  2. mmmm I just love Ice cream, i have never heard of this brand before. Guess I have a reason to go buy some ice cream now lol
    Katie Smith recently posted..Maternity Monday, 24 weeksMy Profile

  3. jennifer zuna

    I want to try these so bad! They look yummy!!
    jennifer zuna recently posted..Blood Doll Cover RevealMy Profile

  4. I have been hearing about these they sound so yummy
    Lori Alcorn recently posted..Vegenaise The better for you mayo review and GiveawayMy Profile

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