Buzzy: A Great Product for Taking the Sting out of Shots

The following is a sponsored post. Although it is sponsored by Buzzy, all words, opinions and stories are 100% my own. I was not told what to write by Buzzy. I chose to do this sponsored post because I feel it resonates with my readers. This notice is in accordance to the FTC standards regarding advertizements in online publishing.


I am always on the lookout for new, innovative products for diabetics and moms. I came across Buzzy a couple months ago and was very excited when they agreed to work with me on review.

Buzzy is a tool for caregivers and personal use that helps to stop the pain of injections and finger pricks that kids and adults encounter with diabetes, routine vaccinations and other inject-able medications. The ay it works is by desensitizing the pain that comes from stings, shots and burns. It works very similar to the way an ice pack does although it is a two part pain reliever. First, it cools the area with it’s icepack “wings” and then, in the same way it helps to rub an area with your hands when you bump it, it soothes with gentle vibration.

Buzzy can be used many times and is so small it fits perfectly in a purse or pocket. The “wings” stay frozen for 10-15 minutes and can be applied before, during and after a shot. This is an amazing product for moms who have kids that must take injectables. I also find it relieving for my own use of insulin. Buzzy truly works for taking the pain out of shots.

Those that are needle-scared, will find a lot of relief from the fright by using Buzzy. I used it during a shot in my abdomen and also for pricking my finger for a blood glucose test. I found that the Buzzy device relieved a lot of the pain associated with both procedures.

Buzzy is great for just bumps and bruises as well that require ice therapy. It’s fun little shape will make any kiddo light up when Buzzy comes out to help them feel better.

Buzzy gets my “seal of approval” for it’s innovation and ability to make my life as a diabetic much less painful! I highly recommend this product and that is why I am placing it on my Diabetic Gift Guide!

You can find More info about Buzzy on thier Facebook page. Order Buzzy for $39.95 on the website.

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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, ( was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. Happy SITS Day! I hope you have an amazing one!

    That sounds like a great product! I have a child who has some sugar issues (they had been thinking Functional Hypoglycemia, but we are getting further testing to make sure since Type 1 and 2 Diabetes along with Hypoglycemia run in the family), and I think this would be great for him. I also have a 3 year old who would love this. :) Thanks for telling us about it! We will definitely have to be on the look out for it!
    Julie Moore recently posted..Cheesy Chicken and Broccoli Soup (Soy, Nut, Egg and Fish-Free, Can Be Milk and Wheat-Free)My Profile

  2. What a great idea Buzzy is!
    Ashley @ Married to the Game recently posted..Five on Friday: BelieveMy Profile

  3. What a wonderful product! Thanks for this review, I’m going to check it out for my boys.
    Nicole Kobilka recently posted..Jawbone UP ReviewMy Profile

    • Please do! They have a 100% money back return, so it’s well worth looking into. I don’t see why you would need a refund though as I found this to be amazing.

  4. Aw, these look cute and I’m so happy to hear that they work!
    Mamapotamus recently posted..House HuntingMy Profile

  5. it’s cute! my sister would have appreciated this as a kid for her insulin shots. happy SITS day!
    MarfMom recently posted..Friday FavoritesMy Profile

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