Home Archive for category "Homelife"

New uses for the “magic eraser”

I am sure most of us have used a Magic Eraser to clean pots and pans, counter tops and refrigerators. But did you know that it really can clean other things you thought were impossible? Here are some of the things I use it to clean: Rust. It really will take off rust on just



Have Guests dropping by soon? Need a quick cleanup?

Published on August 11, 2023, by in Homelife.

It happens when you least are ready for it. You get a phone call from someone that they are in the neighborhood and they would like to come see you and your main living area is a mess. Here are some tips for a quick cleanup! First, grab a laundry basket and start tossing anything



Does Your Child Need a Tutor?

Published on August 7, 2024, by in Homelife.

  The hyper-competitive admission requirements of colleges in America are making it more important than ever that students are given the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to be successful. Being smart or talented is not enough. Chuck Cohn, founder of Varsity Tutors offers up some insights into when a tutor can come to the



Appreciating Montana

Published on August 6, 2024, by in Homelife.

I have to admit, Montana is breathtaking. I have lived here all my life and I find that often times, there is a huge lack of appreciation of the splendor of it on my part. Now, I have never lived in a big city, but I used to dream of getting out of this place



Getting it off my chest

Published on July 11, 2024, by in Homelife.

  As I wrote the post on problems I face with large breast size last week, I was thinking ahead to what will take place tomorrow. I will be going in for a consultation for a breast reduction surgery. I am nervous, scared and ready, all at the same time. The path to this point



Happy July 4th!

Published on July 4, 2024, by in Homelife.

Saved By Grace would like to wish all of my readers a happy and SAFE 4th of July! I want to make sure you have a safe Independence Day and I have included some tips! When outside for long periods of time, make sure to apply sunscreen, even if it looks a bit cloudy or



Garden growing!

Published on July 3, 2024, by in Homelife.

I have been posting a lot about my garden since the start of spring and I wanted to update everyone on how it is coming along. Of all the vegetables, the beans are taking off! They seemed to sprout overnight. In the flower section, I am losing hope that they will ever grow. Seems like



A day in the sun!

Published on June 29, 2024, by in Homelife.

Montana has finally seen some sun! I don’t know why, but every year when it finally comes, it takes me by surprise. If you are thinking of moving to Montana, understand that while we do have all four seasons, but Summer and Winter really drag on and Spring and Fall seem to not exist at



My BIG announcement!

Published on June 26, 2024, by in Homelife.

If you have been reading my blog recently, you will see a little post on my breasts. In this post I talk about how having large breasts has really given me a hard time and actually caused tremendous health issues. Well, I have an announcement: I will be consulting with a plastic surgeon on the



Some of the best websites for kids

Published on June 26, 2024, by in Homelife.

I often look for great websites for kids online. I decided to compile a list and make it available to my wonderful readers! If you are looking for a search engine that is kid friendly and safe, try KidRex.org It is safe because it utilizes Google’s safe search feature. It is really fun looking. It
