Home Homelife Cook Safe in the Kitchen

Cook Safe in the Kitchen

Published on September 25, 2023, by in Homelife.

I am sure most of you know that I have a passion for food. Something else that is a passion of mine might seen kind of strange, but the two are very related. One could almost say I am obsessed with this other subject; Cooking Clean. What most people call the “stomach flu” is usually due to eating food that is not properly prepared and then the germs get spread.

When preparing food for yourself and others to eat, it is VITAL that you use some precautions. Cleanliness in the kitchen is not just about wiping things down and doing the dishes. With just a few simple changes, you can make your kitchen a “clean cookin’ machine”!

First lets start with the basic. It may seem obvious to you, but hand washing is essential when cooking both before, during and after.

Here are some other tips of mine:

  • Never “re-use” a cutting board for a different task without washing first, in hot soapy water. Many people just flip over the cutting board and use the same board for chopping both veggies and cutting up meat. This is a huge no-no! This is called cross contamination and is the #1 way food is made unsafe for consumption. I have actually have two different colored boards for these jobs. One is for meats only and the other is for veggies etc. Make sure to disinfect the counter after cutting up something on a board to prevent juices from other foods getting into your RTE (ready-to-eat) foods.
  • Keep meat on the bottom of your fridge and always place it on a plate to prevent spillover of juices and blood.
  • NEVER eat food that requires refrigeration if it has sat out at room temp more than 3-4 hours and always cool down food before placing in your fridge (more on that in another article). If you put hot food in your fridge, it can alter the temp in the fridge and cause spoilage of other foods.
  • When re-heating, always reheat to 165 degrees F internally. Get in the habit of checking foods when you reheat them and buy yourself a thermometer.
  • Make sure you cook meat to proper internal temps. Many people don’t know what the proper temps for foods are so I have included it here for some common foods. It isn’t enough to just visually see that you think it is done. Place a thermometer in the meat and see what temp it stays at for 15 seconds.
  • Don’t just wipe up messes, disinfect them with bleach and hot soapy water before moving forward. This goes for your hands, too. If you cut up veggies, wash them thoroughly before moving onto your next task. It only takes 30 seconds!

Proper meat temps:

For Chicken, always cook to 165 Degrees F

For Ground meat like beef, its 160.


I suggest keeping this chart from the Food Safety website handy.

Clean cooking really is about just making small changes to your routine. Happy cooking ;)


photo via palindrome6996 via flickr.com

8 Responses

  1. jennifer zuna

    Im also very fastidious about this stuff! Great post!
    jennifer zuna recently posted..Duality Nail Pak GiveawayMy Profile

  2. Dropping by from Bloggers Unite Facebook Group to show some blog support! Hope you can visit my blog too. =) Great post btw!
    Sharon Russ recently posted..Product Review: NARS’ “Hungry Heart”My Profile

  3. Char W.

    It’s very encouraging to see this topic. My hubby talks about this all the time. His father is a chef so he grew up with the safety rules in the kitchen.

  4. mary

    I love these ideas and tips. I’m a clean freak and any additional help is appreciated
    mary recently posted..Freschetta and the Fight against Breast CancerMy Profile

  5. Awesome post and beautiful kitchen! :) I always throw my leftovers right into the frige without cooling, thanks for the info!!
    Angela Christopher recently posted..Good Eatin’ Recipe Hop – Share your favorite recipes!My Profile

    • Christine

      Oh boy, I WISH that photo was of my kitchen. I got it from the creative commons on flickr. My kitchen is so tiny and I dream of one day having enough space to play around in! Thanks for commenting!

  6. Great post hun! This is somthing everyone needs to know about :D
    paige fowler recently posted..Follow and show some love to Dinahsaur’s Ravenous ReviewsMy Profile

  7. Some very good tips! I am always surprised at how many people will stick food out on their counter to thaw through out the day!
    Alaina Bullock recently posted..Mia MariuMy Profile

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