Day 1 of the Hcg diet

The day was finally here for me to start my Hcg Diet. I was nervous and I did a lot of research on how to do this dieting plan. The original protocol was for a 500 calorie a day diet, but because of my diabetes, my Dr thought a 1200 would be best along with some walking daily

The Hcg Diet has 4 phases:

  • Load
  • Lose
  • Stabilize
  • Maintain

For days one and two, I am in phase one, “Load”. This means I was to eat as many fatty foods as I wanted while starting the Hcg1234 drops from Creative Bioscience. I actually found that I had to almost force myself to load up because the drops were really helping me with appetite suppression. This is a good sign already as I normally really struggle with this area when I try to restrict my diet.


Through my research, I have found a lot of conflicting info about what is and what is not allowed on the diet protocol. I will probably play around with certain foods and see if they effect my progress and adjust as needed. I can’t say for sure how long I will be on this diet. I said I would try to take the 90 day challenge from Creative Bioscience, but I also know that if I feel ill, I will need to discuss the diet’s effects on my health with my Dr.

One thing great about Creative Bioscience is, they have 24 hour Hcg diet support available for their customers at no extra change. I found the first gal I talked to to be very kind, helpful and motivational, however, the second person was honestly kind of short with me and wouldn’t discuss things, just tell me I had to do it this way or that way and when I said I had doubts, she simply said, ” You don’t HAVE to do it, you know.” I found that to be a bit of a de-motivater and sort of rude when I was calling for support. This diet will be a huge change for me and I know I don’t ‘have’ to do it, but I would like some motivation and support even though it is hard. I suppose it is just hit of miss with the support there, but I am happy none the less, that it is there.

I am now in the second day of Phase 1 today and I am doing my second Load day. I will update with my weigh in and “before” pictures in the next post!





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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, ( was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. Take the 90 Day Challenge with Me | says:

    [...] Day: STEP UP!The 90 Day Weight Loss ChallengeHow many times a Week Should you Work your ABS!90 daysDay 1 of the Hcg diet - Saved By Grace // jQuery(document).ready(function($){ if (navigator.platform == "iPad") return; [...]

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