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Dial Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash

I am so excited! I signed up to be a Purex Insider a while back and got picked for my first opportunity with Dial’s Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash! I was sent two containers of it to try out and let my readers know what I think.

I hadn’t ever tried Dial’s Foaming Antibacterial Hand Wash before, although I had tried other brands in the past. I love that the ones I was sent featured holiday designs so it made it fun and festive to place near my kitchen and bathroom sinks with no fuss.


How did it work? I thought it cleaned very thoroughly and I loved how it foams right out of the nozzle. It makes hand-washing simply more fun! I was able to get my nine year old to love washing her hands with the fun frosty design on the front and the nifty foam that came out. She said, “Whoa!” when it came out and she was easily able to get just the right amount with one pump.


I love that it is antibacterial. This is so important, especially during the cold and flu season. As you may know already, I am a FREAK about keeping my kitchen clean and cooking in a completely sterile environment (Culinary Arts schooling to blame!) and this soap made it very easy to clean in between handling different foods in the kitchen.


Dial antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash smells really good, too. I found that it left a nice, clean berry (or maybe it was cranberry??) -like scent. I didn’t feel that it dried my hands out, either. That is something I worry about having dry skin, especially in the cold winter days. This would be perfect to put out for those Christmas parties and when the family comes over.

Dial Antibacterial Foaming Hand Wash is available at most larger retailers like Walmart and Target.


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