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Diet Doc {Review}

I will be starting the hCG diet in a little while. ( I had originally planned to do it after Thanksgiving, but it may be my New Year’s resolution due to my busy Christmas schedule!) I was sent 3 pre-mixed soup mixes from Diet Doc to try. These soup mixes are easy to use and hCG diet compatible containing no sugars. You may be wondering what the hCG diet is. I suggest you read the article on Diet Doc’s website to find out more about it.

I was sent the Chicken gumbo, Steak Soup and Chilli Seasoning. Each having around 20 calories per serving.

I made the Chilli seasoning first and it was so easy to make. In an effort to save money and be healthier, I have recently started eating vegetarian versions of my favorites. I made the Diet Doc Chilli with beans and fresh tomatoes. The chilli was delicious, but I felt it was a tad too spicy. I added a bit of soy milk to make it creamier (allowed in small amounts on the diet) and that helped a lot.

All you do is add the powdered soup mix to water and let it hydrate for 10 minutes and ad your meat/veggies in and simmer.

I also tried the Diet Doc Steak soup and Chicken Gumbo. Honestly, I didn’t really like either of these. I am kind of spoiled I suppose. I like real gumbo too much and this was not as thick and good (fattening!) as I am used to. I could tell it was diet food and I wasn’t very happy with it. The steak soup was way too salty in my opinion and it lacked substance. I am also just not much of a fan of broth type soups.

You can find more soup mixes as well as shakes, bars and other food and information about the “What is hCG “ page the Diet Doc website.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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