DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub

A couple of popular brands have recently come out with some charcoal facial skin care products. This is because charcoal has long been used to clean anything from teeth to skin for a long time. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the best face mask to treat acne had charcoal as one of itā€™s star ingredients. This is no new thing. In fact itā€™s probably more of a turn of the century thing or even older. The reason being is, charcoal has a way of taking out impurities and helping to clear blackheads and oily skin.

Now, you could go spend money on one of these new facial care products, or you could simply make it yourself. I like to make things myself because in a lot of products on the shelves there are chemicals and things I donā€™t recognize and the idea of putting something like that to deep clean my pores on my face just gives me the shivers. I looked at one of the leading brandā€™s ingredients for their charcoal facial scrub and it had 25 ingredients and the only one I recognized was water. I put together an easy recipe that includes a natural toner, scrubber and blackhead/grease fighter!

charcoal face scrub

Here is a simple 5 ingredient version of foaming charcoal face scrub to make at home. To find the supplies, scroll to just under the recipe. These are affiliate links, so I get a kickback if you purchase, but they are the same price as you would normally get. Thanks for helping me keep the lights on here!

DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub

5.0 from 3 reviews
DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub
  • ½ Cup Rose Water
  • 5 Activated Charcoal Capsules
  • 1 cup Water
  • 4 Tbsp Unscented Liquid Dr. Bronner's
  • 10 Drops of Lavender Essential Oil
  • Old Foaming Soap dispenser
  1. Clean out your soap dispenser well to remove any residue.
  2. Add the rose water to the dispenser and then the Dr. Bronner;s.Gently mix it together.
  3. Carefully open the charcoal capsules and dump them into the mix. Take a swizzle stick or something small and gently mix in.
  4. Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil.
  5. Slowly add water to full until almost full. Add your pump on and give it a squirt.
Use 1x per day to clear oil from skin. Reduce use if it dries you out too much. Make sure to rinse well.

Supplies needed to make DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub:

Rose water (works as a toner)

Activated Charcoal Capsules (blackhead/pore refiner)

Unscented Dr. Bronnerā€™s (foaming agent and cleanser)

The amounts of the items purchased here will make many bottles of this so this is a great deal.

More Uses for Dr. Bronnersā€™:

10 Practical Uses for Dr. Bronnerā€™s

DIY Soft Scrub Cleaner

DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub- Make your own charcoal scrub to fight blackheads. Charcoal helps clear out pores. Try this DIY Natural cleaner.Save

36 Replies to “DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub”

  1. Popping over from Monday Motivation =) Iā€™ll have to give this one a go! I like my LUSH charcoal scrub but Iā€™m sure this will be way more cost effective.
    Sarah J recently posted..Donā€™t Be Afraid To Stick OutMy Profile

  2. […] DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub […]

  3. Wake Up Wednesday #72 | Far From Normal says: Reply

    […] DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub […]

  4. Wake Up Wednesday Linky Party #72 | Blogghetti says: Reply

    […] DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub […]

  5. Wake Up Wednesday #72 | Epic Mommy Adventures says: Reply

    […] DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub […]

  6. […] DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub […]

  7. This looks really interesting. Such a good idea to make your own products so you know what is in them! Thanks for sharing with the #BlogFair. Hope you can visit again this week.
    Karen @ mummy do it recently posted..5 tips for getting back into routineMy Profile

  8. Will give a try!!

  9. What do you do if u canā€™t get the rose water, Dr Bronnerā€™s foaming agent & the lavender oil?

    1. I have some links for you to grab them off Amazon at the bottom of the post šŸ™‚ The lavender oil can also be bought from there as well. The Dr. Bronnerā€™s is not a foaming agent, but castile soap and it can be bought at almost any health food store or on the link on Amazon as well. Good luck!

  10. Could you replace the rose water with witch hazel?

    1. Well, I hadnā€™t tried it this time, but I bet you could.

  11. Renewing Serum CE says: Reply

    Charcoal has been well known to remove deep seated dirt in your face. It clears away impurities making face looks fresh. Great thing that you shared this post. Exfoliating do have great effects on skin especially in removing dead skin cells. Great job for this!

  12. […] Foaming Facial Scrub - a natural toner, scrubber and grease fighter all in one, this recipe lathers up well and contains just five ingredients: rose water, activated charcoal, water, liquid castile soap, and lavender essential oil. […]

  13. I have made this and am having a hard time with the foaming pump stop working. I love this cleanser but have had 2 pumps get clogged. Do you have any ideas?

    1. Hi Kasey, I havenā€™t had that happen to me, but I would guess itā€™s from the pump getting clogged from the charcoal. I suggest regularly rinsing out your pumps with something like vinegar and then water. Sorry that happened to you!

      1. I have tried several pumps. Is there a certain pump you recommend?

        1. I just re-used a pump from a foaming hand soap I had purchased. I believe it was Dial Brand. I only have experience with that one as I just use it over and over.

    2. Same thing happened to me. Very frustrating. It happened on the very first go and I havenā€™t been able to try another pump yet.

      1. I used a pump from an old Dial brand soap. I havenā€™t had clogging problems. Maybe try that?

      2. Hello, I know that this post and comment/question is old, but for anyone needing to know….you can just transfer what you have in the pump bottle to another bottle/dispenser and still use even though it wonā€™t be foamy. Though making this foamy makes it that much more inexpensive to make, and it “fun” to see or experience it, it will still be more cost effective and safer to use than store bought.
        Also, maybe try to add more Rose water or whatever type liquid you choose because the liquid (along with the soap) is what helps it to foam up.

  14. […] blackheads and acne- One of the most popular posts I have done on my blog has been my foaming charcoal scrub. I have had numerous people tell me that it cleared up their blackheads, acne and solved their oily […]

  15. DIY Foaming Charcoal Face Scrub - - DIY & Home Decor Ideas says: Reply

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  16. I even dissolved the charcoal in hot water before adding it to the bottle and it clogged it up šŸ™ Not sure what to do with this now, I donā€™t want to waste it. šŸ™

    1. Hi Ash, Iā€™m really not sure what to tell you to help you. I have several people telling me it clogged on them, but I have never had that issue, so I donā€™t know how to help. It might be that I am using an old foaming soap container, not a new one? Iā€™m really sorry I canā€™t be of more help.

  17. Hi Christine,
    I love your DIY charcoal cleanser! Should I use this straight to my face or can I use like a cotton ball or something? Also, should I leave it on my face for a few minutes before rinsing it out? Does it matter if I use a different liquid soap? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Jenny! Thank you šŸ™‚ You can apply it however is comfortable for you. I donā€™t generally leave it on, but I donā€™t see a reason why you couldnā€™t since itā€™s very mild for the facial area. I would say that you want to make sure you use something that wonā€™t be too drying for your face. I sue Dr Bronnerā€™s because I have combination skin and I try to stick with more natural stuff.

  18. Hi Christine,
    Thanks for sharing. The recipe is interesting and I wanted to try this later today. But how do I store this? And how this recipe lasts?

    1. Hi Wendy,

      I have never had it last longer than a month or so (meaning I use it up before then). I donā€™t know how long it will keep because of this. As far as how to store it, I would just store it the way you store any other facial care products. It doesnā€™t need refrigeration or anything.

  19. Very eccentric and informative information that definitely caught me off guard! Who knew, with a little rose water and the right amount of charcoal capsules you could make such an exotic and effective face wash.

  20. I donā€™t have activated charcoal capsules, I have a bag of it. How much would I need to add?

    1. Approximately 1 and 1/2 tsp would be sufficient.

  21. Great recipe! What else can I use instead of rode water?

  22. 20 Gentle And Healing DIY Face Scrubs - The Moms Buzz says: Reply

    […] Recipe: […]

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