Home Frugal Living Easy Peasy Cat Crackers

Easy Peasy Cat Crackers

If you have a spoiled cat like mine, you love to make him feel special. I like to make him these “Cat Crackers” to spoil him. They are not only easy and foolproof, but cheap and since you are making them, you know what is in them and they do not contain puurrr-servatives. (a little cheesy cat humor for you)


Easy Peasy Cat Crackers:

1 1/4 cup of wheat flour

3/4 Cup Cornmeal

1/3 cup water

1 can tuna in water, undrained

a pinch of salt

1. Combine all ingredients, making a dough. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F

2. Roll out dough thin, about 1/4 inch.

3. Cut with a knife or small fondant cutter. I didn’t have my fondant molds handy, so I used a large frosting tip.

4. Place on a greased cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Let cool and watch your cat enjoy :) Store in a covered plastic container or bag for about a week.



One Response

  1. Love this idea, I do have a cat she is very much spoiled and I’m sure would love homemade cookies, think my dogs might also..thanks for sharing.
    (tried to watch your video but my connection isn’t good :/ )

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