Fysiko Eyelash Serum

I was sent a free trail of Fysiko Eyelash serum to try to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.

Being that I am a natural redhead (auburn actually, but I have all the makings of a fire-red hair beauty-freckles, pale skin, you know the deal), one thing I struggle with is having short and sparse eyelashes. My eyelashes are so sparse and blonde, unless I use heavy mascara, you don’t even know they are there.

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I am using a trial run of the Fysiko Eyelash serum to see if it can help me grow the long-much sought after look of long, full lashes. This is my intro post showing you where I am at after 1 week of using it. I have not seen any results so far, but it can take up to 4-6 weeks to start to see them. Full effect happens usually after 16 weeks.

I can tell you, it is non-irritating. I tend to have pretty sensitive eyes and reactions to even certain eyeliners and Fysiko has no irritating effects. I suspect this is because it contains natural ingredients proven to grow lashes and it is cheaper than the leading prescription.


To apply Fysiko, simply use it like you would a liquid liner on the top lashes only with clean skin. You can apply it under makeup but it is suggested you wait a bit after applying Fysiko before applying eyeliner, shadow or mascara. (You can use it on eyebrows as well, but I don’t need help in that department!)


I am looking forward to seeing effects in a few weeks. I will keep you updated!


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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, (https://savedbygraceblog.com) was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. I’m excited to see how this turns out! I, too, have practically transparent, tiny eyelashes. Mascara is my best friend…
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