Home Homelife Have Guests dropping by soon? Need a quick cleanup?

Have Guests dropping by soon? Need a quick cleanup?

Published on August 11, 2023, by in Homelife.

It happens when you least are ready for it. You get a phone call from someone that they are in the neighborhood and they would like to come see you and your main living area is a mess. Here are some tips for a quick cleanup!

First, grab a laundry basket and start tossing anything that doesn’t belong there in it. You can worry about where it goes later. Put the basket in a bedroom.

If you have mail or other papers lying around, grab a folder. Slide them all in it so they don’t get lost.

Do a quick sweep of the kitchen and spot clean. Toss any dirty dishes in the dishwasher or stove to get them out of sight.

Run a rag over the counters and dusty areas quickly.

Since guests seem to always need to use the bathroom, do a quick wipe over the toilet and sink and toss anything out of place in a drawer.

Run the vacuum over the main floor area with some scented carpet crystals.

This usually only takes me about 20 minutes if I rush. You can feel more confident in your presentation of your home now :)



photo from flickr by UggBoy♥UggGirl


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