Home Frugal Living Help End Hunger In America!

Help End Hunger In America!

Published on August 21, 2023, by in Frugal Living.


A while back, I did a review for a company called Wow Gifts. While they no longer sell the line of products I reviewed at that point, they now sell a wonderful premium line of giftboxes with some new, unique charatoristics:

  • a voice greeting that plays upon opening
  • a custom photo insert
  • gourmet items like Godiva chocolates!

These make the perfect gift for the upcoming holidays for far away relatives! (or awesome bloggers who love chocolate-hint hint)

I really support Wow and what they do because they have a program that donates 5 cans of food for every gift sold to ending hunger for Americans! From now until Aug 30th, though, they will be donating 10 cans for every giftbox sold!

10 Days

10 Cans of Food Donated for Every Gift Sold

15% Off of All Purchases (for my readers using the code THANKS15)

Also, they are offering a gift certificate as a giveaway for one of my lucky readers! It is for $20! Please, take advantage of the code and make arrangements to deliver a personalized gift to your loved one!

Giveaway ends September 3rd!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

One Response

  1. Connie Bolick Lee

    I like the personal voice message and picture that you’re able to send with your gift box.

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