HELP! is here to help.


Are you tired of wandering around the pharmacy isle looking for the right product to take for your health issues? It can get confusing to read the backs of each product to find out what ingredients are in each one and if they will help what bothers you.

Help! products to the rescue!

I reviewed a kit with six different Help! products in it and they were so handy. There was no issue figuring out what to take and I loved how each package was thin and easy to toss in my purse.

One thing I really liked about Help! I need Help! Remedies is the simplicity. Have a headache? There is a product for that and it is clearly labeled,”Help! I have a headache”. No more guesswork.

Each package from Help! I need Help! is clearly defined and you can easily get on with your day without having to search for the right product. Plus, Help! promises you less and not more. Help! Products have less dyes, colorings, coatings and packaging than standard over the counter medications.

All of Help! I need Help!’s solutions are made from ONE active ingredient each & all of Help!’s remedies have no coatings or decorations.

Help!’s packaging is made of biodegradable paper pulp & corn-starch based bio-resin.

I loved that 5% of Help!’s profits go to organizations that make sure US Children without healthcare have access to it.

Being that this is allergy season for me, I found the Help! I have allergies package extremely handy. No huge bottle or flimsy package to tote around with me; Just a sleek, pocket sized pack. In my kit, I received the following Help! I need Help!Products:

  • Help! I have allergies
  • Help! I have body aches
  • Help! I have a headache
  • Help! I am nauseous
  • Help! I have a blister
  • Help! I have a stuffy nose

I loved the “Help! I have a blister” pack. In it, there were 2 different sized medicated bandages and they had humorous writing on them. One said, “Help, I have a blister on my large body part” while the other said, “Help, I have a blister on my small body part”

The people at help really have simplified what ails you, with a giggle or two thrown in. You can find Help! I need Help! remedies at Walgreens, Target, Duane Reade, Virgin America,, Morgan’s Hotels, Kimpton Hotels, Giant Eagle, Bartell’s and Pharmaca as well as on the Help! Website. The prices are very reasonable at $4 and you get 8 doses in each package.

Help! Products has agreed to sponsor a giveaway with a prize pack of the same products I got! This is an over $30 value!

Just sign up to win on the rafflecopter form below!

Make sure you “like” Help! I need Help! on Facebook and Twitter!



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7 comments on HELP! is here to help.

  1. Melissa Lawler says:

    The name!

  2. I love how easy it is to find what you need by just looking at the package!

  3. I love that they are pocket sized! Will fit in my purse easily :)

  4. Angel Poling says:

    I like the compact case the pills come in.

  5. that i can just toss them in my purse.

  6. Sam Buck says:

    I like how easy they are to store and use!

  7. melissa leyh says:

    pocket size and they are labeled for what they are:)