Holiday Gift Guide Submissions!

At Saved By Grace, I want to make the holidays easy on my readers. I will be having tons of fun posts planned as well as a holiday gift guide featuring the coolest in gifts for people (and pets!) in your household! I hope to have the best giveaways, most entertaining and informative reviews and the coolest recipes and articles all for you, my readers!

Media, I am taking submissions for reviews and giveaways as well as events and ideas for YOUR products! Do you want to get your new products out to the public, the moms and the shoppers this holiday season? I have THOUSANDS of fans and followers and the perfect opportunity to get YOUR products in their minds! Please submit your products that you would like reviews written about and giveaways to for possible inclusion in my holiday gift guide!

I am especially looking for gifts for:

~ Moms and Dads

~ Pre-teen Girls

~ Grandparents

~ Pets

~ Girl friends and Guy Friends

~ Co-workers


I would love to feature food gifts as well!


This is YOUR chance to Get YOUR product out there. I will ramp up my promotion on social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and more this coming holiday season so it will see more pairs of eyes than you can imagine! Let’s work together to make this holiday the best one yet for my readers, fans and YOU!

I am open to doing Sponsored posts as well, so send me a pitch!

Please note, I will also be including the following with any reviews I do:

~If your product is worth over $75 I am willing to allow you to post a 125 X 125 ad on my sidebar for the holiday season

~Full promotion of your company/product on all social media I am involved in during the week it posts as well as general promotion of my Holiday Gift Guide all season long

~ An honest review and who I think this gift would be good for as well as categorizing on the Holiday gift tab on my blog. Reviews will be no less than 250 words long and include at least two (2) personal photos.

~ Full promotion of giveaways on all social media outlets I am involved in. Giveaways are a great way to gain new fans and followers for you to reach!

8 Responses

  1. I have a client with a children’s book you might like to feature. It’s called “When Daddy Snores” and describes a strange sound the kids are hearing after their dad goes to sleep. :D They use their imaginations to try and figure out what it could be. Free ebook available to you for review.

    Please let me know if you are interested and we can talk further.

    • Christine

      Hi there! Thanks for commenting. At this point, I am not reviewing books as I am backlogged. Thank you for your interest and feel free to contact me at a later date!

  2. Hi I make my own jewelry and home decor items and have a business Bella Joy Creations. I would like to know more about being in your holiday guide and having a review. You can check out my items at Thanks, Megan
    megan recently posted..Groupon FeatureMy Profile

  3. Eva Popek

    Hi Christine: Lovely site. I will be in touch with you and would love to share with you and have you share JesusRx. I am going to share the information on your friend and her family..Praying she gets the support she needs, and OF COURSE I will have to get a little something to help her reach her 200 item goal! I’m sure you are blessing your friend in ways you can’t even imagine. Have a great day!

    • Christine

      Eva, Thank you so much for your compliments and thank you so much for helping my friend by sharing and making a purchase. There are some cute Christian jewelry sets on the site! :) I look forward to working with you on a review of Jesus Rx.

  4. I am a Scentsy consultant that would love to donate products for your give aways. Our motto is give more than you take and you can read my personal story on my web page. I love to give. I also love giving the opportunity to do fundraisers.

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Home Holiday Gift Guide Submissions!