Hope Paige Medical Id Marketplace

I was sent jewelry by Hope Paige in order to do this review. All opinions are my own.


Medical IDs have come a long way from the boring ones with the big red medical symbol. Hope Paige is a company that offers fun, beautiful pieces that you can enjoy wearing every day.

Hope Paige was started as a company for bringing awareness for Breast Cancer and has branched out to include many charities including the Ronald McDonald house and their newest pieces designed by celebrities that contribute, with purchase, to a charity for that specific piece.

I was sent a Crystal Bracelet-Amethyst for review and I chose this one because Amethyst is my birth stone. It looks better in person than on the website! I absolutely love the beads and the way they look gorgeous next to the crystal beads. The back is engraved with information about my condition, diabetes, and the bracelet goes well with everyday and dressy fashions.


I liked the lobster claw clasps on the sides to keep the jewelry in good condition. The bracelet itself is elastic, but the lobster claws allow you to keep it from being overworked by allowing you to clasp it on rather than stretch it over your hand. This truly is a great piece of quality jewelry.

Hope Paige offers a section that allows you to create your own bracelets as well, just like the celebrities did in their store. You can make a custom designed piece that not only fits your budget, but also your personality.

Hope Paige is offering my readers a discount of 15% with the code “SavedByGrace“. This code is only good until January 6th, so make sure to hop on this deal!

If you are looking for medical Ids with fashion and flare, I highly recommend Hope Paige.


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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, (https://savedbygraceblog.com) was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. This is the site my daughter wanted to get her bracelet from - she loves the pearl one. I am going to have to pass the discount code along!
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