Home 2012 Holiday Gift Guide Jesus RX {Holiday Gift Guide}

Jesus RX {Holiday Gift Guide}

I love when my fellow Christians come up with unique ways to share the love God has for us with others. Recently, while looking around on Etsy (one of my favorite places to shop!), I came across Jesus Rx. At first I was not sure what it was, but after looking more into it, I found that it is a very unique product that was created by a Christian pharmacist.

What is Jesus Rx? Think of it as spiritual medicine for you Christian walk prescribed by the great physician-Jesus Christ. There are 12 “medicines” in all, each for a different spiritual theme or area you may struggle in. The “medicine” is delivered on pill-shaped cards, 30 in all with each medicine, that will help you find the Biblical answers and guidance you are seeking. The idea is that you read one each day and reflect on it in prayer.

I was blessed with the opportunity to review two of the “prescriptions”. I chose Marriage and Doubt. Both were excellent and made me thirst for more, so I would look up the scriptures I read each day and research them as well as be in prayer.

I love that the cards inside the beautiful glass jars are in the shape of a pill. I think that is so wonderfully symbolic of the spiritual medicine we can get from the Bible if we are seeking answers and healing. Some of the other “prescriptions” include:

  • Speech
  • Joy
  • Fear
  • Wisdom
  • Love
  • Anger
  • Finances
  • Children
  • Forgiveness
  • Peace

These are so versatile and could be gifted to so many different people who are seeking encouragement, guidance and uplifting on the great physician, Jesus Christ, can provide. There are some very fun details on the jars such as the Rx#, info about unlimited “refills” and “side effects”. The cards that come inside are high quality and glossy. There is also information on how you can receive God’s free Gift of Salvation if you haven’t already. What a great unique Christian Gift!

You can find Jesus Rx on Facebook as well as visit the website to purchase one for yourself or a friend or family member. I really think this is something to be used for years and years!




4 Responses

  1. Kyle

    Those look really amazing! I am going to have to purchase some of them for my church family!!! Do they have a site where I can purchase them?

    • Christine

      If you click on “Unique Christian Gifts” that is bolded in the article, it will take you to the site :) I am glad you like them! I think they are very awesome!

  2. Kyle

    Found the site! :)

  3. Great review! I love JesusRX!! I have the ‘Fear’ prescription right now! It is really helping me to be able to refer to these scriptures at a glance!


    Stop by anytime and be inspired!
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