Home 2012 Holiday Gift Guide Lather, Rinse, Clean {Holiday Gift Guide}

Lather, Rinse, Clean {Holiday Gift Guide}

I have this strange need to have strange things. Not strange as in a negative meaning, but strange as in unique! I don’t like the “plain vanilla” of products most of the time. I want the awesome version!

I recently came across Lather, Rinse, Clean.

To me, this is the queen of all soaps. I love the fun shapes and awesome scents. I loved them so much that I bought them to review! I had to tell my fans about them!

Lather, Rinse, Clean makes handmade soaps in unique, colorful and scent filled masterpieces. I almost didn’t even want to use them. I got myself a chocolate body scrub I had been eye-ing for quite a while and I almost wanted to eat it, it smelled so heavenly!

I got my daughter a cupcake soap. I got to pick the color of the frosting and the scent and I appropriately chose grape! Her eyes lit up and I noticed she spent extra time in the shower ;) When her gramma came to pick her up, she had to show her. It really does smell delicious!

Since it is fall, the shop has some awesome soaps that are very fitting from fall leaves to candy corn “soapsicles”. I got a Soapsicle in watermelon scent.

These will make awesome stocking stuffers for anyone that appreciates the fun and unique like I do!


I love and support small hand-made businesses so much that I am self sponsoring a soap of your choice to giveaway! Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

One Response

  1. What a wonderful review! Thank you so much and I’m so glad you loved everything!

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