Manners Still Matter

One thing I have noticed lately is the increase in people’s rudeness and self centered-ness. At the risk of sounding old, I can almost say, “It was different when I was a kid.”

I now get ran down in grocery stores by other people’s carts, doors slammed in my face instead of held for me among other nasty behaviors.

I really have to wonder what is causing this shift. Is it all the technology? Perhaps it is just that children are being raised poorly now. Maybe it is just that people have forgotten manners.

Manners are so important. They help create a harmonious society.


Here are some I believe we should still keep in mind that matter:

1. Bumping into others happens, but you should always say “pardon me” or “excuse me”. Bumping into someone is not rude, but not acknowledging that you did, is.

2. Cover your cough or sneeze. I personally do what I was taught in Culinary Arts school and do it into my shoulder. It takes a bit of practice to remember, but then you are not sneezing into your hands and transferring germs until you can wash them. I am so grossed out when I see others not cover.

3. Letting your children run crazy is never OK. I had an incident at a local restaurant recently where the children were climbing all over counters, standing in everyone’s way and the little boy had these annoying squeaky shoes on and the parent was not paying a bit of attention to weather her children might have been annoying others in the restaurant. We left and the older couple did as well.

4. Use online etiquette. Don’t pretend that just because it is online, it is OK to be rude. Don’t make big announcements online until you have called the people closest to you. You wouldn’t announce your pregnancy to the world until you had told your husband would you?

5. Retailers take note: No one likes to be put on the spot to donate a dollar to a charity when they check out. Its not suggestive selling if it is a charity and I feel like everyone in line behind me will think I am some bonehead if I don’t donate a dollar.

6. Hold the door or elevator. Its just plain common courtesy and it takes mere seconds.

7. Please, just tell me if you are running late. send a text, call really quick or even instant message me. Being late happens to all of us, and you can help yourself not look rude by a simple communication.


Are there any manners that people seem to have lost these days that you think matter I may have missed? Leave them in the comments :)


photo via flickr by CarbonNYC


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  1. Ugh, my biggest annoyances with manners usually happen at the supermarket. If you see someone you know and want to chat, please use common courtesy and DO NOT stop mid-isle (usually blocking the entire way) and talk. Move your butt out of the way and make with the chit-chat. Just about every time I go shopping this happens…often at the checkout/entrance/exit doors! Really, people?! /end rant
    Sam Buck recently posted..A Few Weekend Winners!My Profile

  2. I agree. Most people just aren’t polite anymore. I tell my husband that it gets worse every year. People for some reason think it is cute when their small children are being obnoxious. It’s not cute. At all.
    Mistee Dawn recently posted..My Daughter, The Comedienne : Take TwoMy Profile

  3. I agree! I’m shocked how many people I encounter each day have a sense of self-entitlement and completely lack common sense and manners.

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