Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gartner Studios

With mother’s day coming this weekend, time is running out to get your mom (or yourself!) the perfect gift. Luckily, Gartner Studios has so much to offer mom!

If you have a mom who loves to bake, you should really consider getting her gourmet cake mixes, frosting and decorations from The Duff Goldman collection. I was sent a red velvet cake mix, “not your bagel’s” cream cheese frosting, Cupcake wires and Cupcake clear charms to test out in my own kitchen! My daughter and I had a blast making these cupcakes!


As a person who longs for some baking talent, but doesn’t seem to possess is despite my female family members carrying this magical charm, this was a perfect way to make some magic in the kitchen! The cake mix was super easy to make and let me tell you, these cupcakes were awesome!


I rallied my helper, aka 10 year old daughter, into helping me make these delectable goodies. She was all smiles when she saw how red the mix was!


After we let them cool, I went to town decorating them with the cupcake wires and charms. The “Not your bagel’s” cream cheese frosting was amazing! It was so creamy and not over-overpoweringly sweet! It complimented the Red Velvet Cake perfectly!



As a cupcake amateur, I do have to say, the cupcake wires and charms took a bit of playing with to get them to set up. I am still not sure I did it right, but I think these would be amazing for a special occasion!


After we did cupcakes, we decided to dig into the candy Gartner sent us. I loved how pearl-esque the gumballs were! I think these would make amazing baby shower party favors! They are bursting with flavor as well. The chocolate balls covered in lavender foil would make awesome wedding favors, in my opinion. Gartner even has some craft ideas using these sweet confections!



After a day of baking in the kitchen, this mom wanted to relax. Good thing Gartner sent me a Mara Mi scented candle in “blush”. The fragrance was not over powering, but it did nicely fill the room with an inviting floral scent. It burned slowly and evenly and I loved the notes of fig and vanilla.


Doesn’t Gartner Studios just have everything moms will love? The best part is you can find all this amazing stuff at your local Micheal’s craft store as well as select Walmart and Target locations! So head there and check out all Gartner has including the products mentioned here and stationary, too!

Make sure to check out the Duff Goldman Brand on Twitter and Facebook as well!

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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, ( was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. These cupcakes look delicious.
    Giveaways 4 Mom recently posted..High-Value CouponsMy Profile

  2. the cupcakes look great. The candle is so pretty.
    aprila recently posted..Hugo The Happy Starfish-The Last Bully book ReviewMy Profile

  3. Savannah miller says:

    The cup cakes look so pretty!! I bet the candle smells amazing :)!!

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