Mother’s Therapy Organics Giveaway

mother's therapy

If you remember, I did a review on Mother’s Therapy Organics and their amazing smelling hand sanitizers. I loved the awesome and refreshing cucumber smell and the fact that they are natural as well as non-drying. I have pretty dry skin to begin with and in the winter, that gets even worse.

If you are a new mom or any mom (or dad!) and love organic products for use on your young ones and yourself, you will love this giveaway! Mother’s Therapy has asked me to do a giveaway for their Family pack ($ARV $20).

One lucky reader of Saved By Grace will win this Family Pack from Mother’s Therapy Organics on February 15th. This is perfect and just in time for those Spring colds that will be making their way around soon. You can prevent them before they even get to you or your little one with an organic product designed to be safe and non-drying on your skin.

Just enter to win below! Giveaway starts on 2/4 at midnight and ends on 2/15 at 10 am. These times are PST. Please make sure you check out the review for Mother’s Therapy Organics for more information on the other wonderful products they sell as well as the giveaway terms and conditions for Saved By Grace. This giveaway is only open to US Residents 18 years of age or older. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery of prize.


If you don’t win, you can still purchase Mother’s Therapy Organics on the website. They are a perfect price and very affordable. Good Luck! Make sure to share this post for a chance at more entries!


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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, ( was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. I keep a bottle of child’s sanitizer in my purse… This way if we are in a situation where germs are around but no water to wash, I just squirt it on the kids and we go!
    Ashley Gill recently posted..Barbara’s Cereal for a Year GiveawayMy Profile

  2. I don’t carry it with me everywhere, but I do keep some on my nightstand, some by the computer, some in my car, and some on my desk at work!
    Greta recently posted..$25 Sears Gift Card Giveaway - Open WWMy Profile

  3. I try to keep sanitizer with me at all times. i carry in my purse.

  4. Melissa Smith says:

    I always keep some in the kitchen & I try to keep some in the truck.

  5. I love having sanitizer around. I would keep it everywhere if I could!
    Amberlee Cave recently posted..Purex Crystals Mountain Breeze Review and GiveawayMy Profile

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