Why You Need A Family Piggy Bank

Why You Need a Family Piggy Bank and how to start one

It may seem silly as an adult to have a piggy bank. That is something typically found on a child’s dresser. The truth is, a piggy bank can be a great tool to save for something big and you will be amazed with how quickly change adds up.


Why You Need A Family Piggy Bank


We started saving in our 1 gallon mason jar that we use as a family piggy bank about 4 months ago. We simply drop any coins we acquire into it. I don’t feel any pinch whatsoever in my wallet and my purse weighs a whole lot less. After this very short period of time, we have collectively saved just over $100 in change, in 4 short Months! Doesn’t seem possible, does it? Actually, you would be amazed with how much change you just toss around your home and forget about. When the jar is full, we will be spending it on something fun for the family with no pinch at all coming from our budget. For our small family of 3, this is quite a lot for a fun family outing.

A Family Piggy Bank allows you to teach your children about saving and it makes it fun for them. My 11 year old loves to add any change she gets and finds on the ground to our family piggy bank. She actually goes out of her way to look for it around the house, car and our apartment complex and gets excited to drop it in there. She is so excited for when it is full!

You can help your child with math skills. For little ones, this could be as simple as counting it. For older kids, like my daughter who struggles with fractions and percentages, it helps her to understand what 1/10, 1/20 and 1/4 of a whole is when we dump it out and count it together.

Start a family piggy bank and you will be amazed at how fast it can add up. Make a pact that everyone who contributes gets to decide as a team what it will be spent on, but it needs to be something that makes everyone happy.

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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, (https://savedbygraceblog.com) was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. {Melinda} I used this idea for my kids when they were younger, but I need to start again. It really is a great way to save money and work toward some family fun without feeling the pinch. :)
    Mothering from Scratch recently posted..why i thank God my kids aren’t perfectMy Profile

    • Christine says:

      Yeah, my daughter is getting really excited watching the jar grow and happily puts her change in there. Even if it takes you a couple months to save for something this way, it is well worth it and almost feels like free money when you cash it in! Thanks for stopping by again, Melinda!

  2. What a great idea! May have to start that tradition with my family. If you’re looking for a piggy bank, I know there are some great ones here that are just downright adorable!

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