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Neoteric Diabetic Healing Cream {Review}

Diabetes often causes many skin issues. One I deal with is slow healing. I often get small bumps on my arms that itch and scab over. I have seen many types of doctors for this issue, but it still prevails and no one has really been able to give a a direct answer on what they could be. Because I have this annoying problem, I almost always have some that are healing. They seem to take forever to heal and in the meantime, they itch and I personally find them unsightly.

I tried Neoteric Advanced Healing Cream on a couple of these bumps over a period of time to see how fast it healed.


Neoteric works by using the power of oxygen along with Vitamin E, Aloe and a skin protector to work fast to heal skin. It strengthens the skin’s natural defenses and promotes healthier skin.


The secret to fast healing is in the TriOxygen formula which increases circulation and speeds up healing time.

Here is a photo of my skin before using the Neoteric Formula and one two days later:



It’s hard to see the difference, and I apologize my camera’s focus is not that great, as I need a new one, but I assure you there is a difference after just two days!

Here is a photo after just one week of usage:


You can barely even see it now!


It really does work, amazingly! I usually take several weeks to heal from these small bumps, but in just a week, they were dramatically healed up and almost unnoticeable! The cream is thick and has very little scent.


The price is a little more than I would normally pay for a cream, but I still think it is worth it!


I think the cream would not only be excellent for any diabetic that suffers from slow healing times like myself, but anyone! I was seriously amazed at how fast this cream sped up my healing!

To purchase:

Check out the Neoteric page for purchasing info. Currently, the price is $9.99 for a 4 oz size and 1/2 off the second bottle when you buy one. While there, make sure you sign up for coupons!



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