One Day without Shoes

I had heard about this event a while back called “One Day Without Shoes”. I read about it on Essie’s (nail polish) website and entered to win a bottle of their exclusive polish in the shade of “Barefoot in Blue”. Turns out I won and got my polish today.

I am excited to share with my readers what Tom’s shoes is doing for this event. They, along with Essie, are raising awareness by going without shoes for ONE day, “so kids don’t have to”.

So many kids go without shoes in other countries because they can’t afford any. This is A HUGE problem for these kids. It keeps them from being able to attend school (because shoes are required to attend school), leaves them open to getting infections and injuries and open to getting parasitic infections like hookworm. Imagine having to deal with no shoes. I feel so blessed that I have never known what that feels like.

Tom’s is encouraging you to donate to charities that help kids get shoes and raise awareness. I am also encouraging you to participate on April 10th, 2012 and go without shoes for the day and raise awareness. If anyone asks you why you are not wearing shoes, tell them why.

I know I will be wearing my polish on my bare feet April 10th.

You can find more info on the Day Without Shoes movement here:

Tom’s and Essie’s websites also have more info:



For more info on where to donate to a charity that helps kids have access to shoes see Tom’s blog

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  1. I will do it.

  2. Jeri, I think this is so important to spread word about. It will be a humbling experience for me. Please, share this blog post with others if you can.

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