One Hit From Home Movie Review and Giveaway

I like Christian movies. I like that they have a positive message and there is nothing I will find objectionable in them so I can show them to my daughter without worry.

I was given the opportunity to watch and review a new Christian movie entitled,”One Hit from Home”.

The movie is about a ex-professional baseball player who has to return home after a career ending knee injury. He has to confront his own demons with being in his hometown and coach a failing local baseball team. The plus side to this type of movie is I was also able to get my husband to watch it because it involved a sports theme. He usually prefers much more objectionable type movies.

At first, he makes it very clear that he is not happy to be playing the role of coach, but as God works on his heart, he discovers it ignites a passion in him for the sport again and not only gives him a new life, but a renewed sense of hope and healing and a role in a young player on the team’s life.

I don’t want to give too much away about the story, because I really do think it is a valuable one.

I do have to say that one of my pet peeves with Christian films is the acting is not usually as realistic or good as in Hollywood films. Unfortunately, this film is in the same boat, but if you can get past the sub-par cheesiness of the acting, you will find a great Christian message.

The soundtrack was excellent to this movie, in my opinion.

One Hit From Home was released in 2012 and is available on DVD.

I was given a second copy of the film on DVD to give to one of my lucky readers! To enter, please use the Rafflecopter form below!

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  1. My favorite Christian movie is Facing the Giants. I also like FireProof!

  2. Anonymous says:

    My favorite Christian Movie is Soul Surfer

  3. I just saw The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry and love it!

  4. The Woodcarver was the last one I saw and it was pretty good

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