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Yardenit {Review}

One thing I would like to do at some point in my life is visit the Holy Land where my Savior walked and lived. Since I am not able to financially do this at this time, I am glad I stumbled upon Yardenit.

Yardenit is a store that is located on the shores of the baptismal site on the Jordan river. They sell some amazing souvenirs there such as baptismal kits, makeup, jewelry and my favorite, a 3 piece set of items from the region.

The three piece set include olive oil made from olives in the region of Galilee (perfect for annointing), water from the river jordan and soil from the Holy land. They are certified to be from the region. When I got my package from Yardenit, and saw this set, I actually got goosebumps, knoing it was from the area my Savior was so long ago.


I was also sent some skin care items which I have not had a chance to try all of yet, but they smell wonderful. Included in the set is moisturizing cream, Face Serum for dry skin, eye contoring cream and Natural Hand Cream. The Natural Hand Cream is a great size to throw in a purse of bag and take with you for these colder winter months.


Yardenit has so many products to choose from that would make perfect gifts. From toys to jewelry, there is something for everyone and every occasion.

Customer service at Yardenit is absolutely wonderful. I was actually very happy with how quickly I got the items and how friendly the folks were at Yardenit.

The Baptismal site looks absolutely beautiful. From the site:

Yardenit, the baptismal site on the Jordan River ,reflects the perfect combination of Christian heritage, stunning landscapes of the Holy Land and a history of civilization. Kibbutz Kinneret which runs the Yardenit site was founded in 1913 by eastern European immigrants and is the second oldest kibbutz in Israel.

Kibbutz Kinneret with the help and blessing of the Ministry of Tourism, have built a unique visitors center of natural limestone in the shape of a nave of a church overlooking the banks of the Jordan River. The main building consists of a gift shop with unique religious items, including holy water from the actual site and foodstuff eaten during biblical times and a restaurant which serves amongst other delicacies St Peter’s fish.At the gift shop one is able to either rent or buy white baptismal robes and towels

I encourage you to visit the site and see the stunning photos for yourself. I hope to one day visit the baptismal site myself one day.


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