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Purex Baby { Review + Giveaway}

When my daughter, who is now almost 10 (wow, time flies with kids, doesn’t it?), was just a baby, I was so worried about her skin. She had little patches of eczema on her wrists, elbows and knees. I didn’t know what to use to help her skin and I didn’t know there was special detergent for babies.

Introducing Purex Baby, new from the makers of Purex. Purex Baby is specially formulated to be hypoallergenic and gentle on a bay’s sensitive skin. I wish I had this when my daughter was a baby! I used Purex in the past because it cleans so well and comes at a great price, making it economical and smart.


You will still get the same bright clean clothing with Purex Baby as you would expect from Purex.

I used it on my daughter’s clothing even now since she still suffers from eczema. She has not had a breakout for a while, but Purex Baby is a great way for me to make sure she stays that way. Purex Baby would be great to use for anyone with allergies and sensitive skin.

Purex Baby would like to let 3 readers of Saved By Grace win a free bottle of Purex Baby! Just enter on the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a free bottle. Make sure you check out the store locator since Purex Baby is so new and may not be available at a store near you, yet. Also, make sure you check out my Giveaway terms and conditions! This giveaway will end 01/15/2013


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. My munchkin is almost two, and my stepson is almost 6. Yikes!
    Sam Buck recently posted..Keep Your Nights Warm With Spicy Subscriptions! {Review}My Profile

  2. No kids, just two nephews :) One is 6, the other is 2.
    Maggie True Armstrong recently posted..Rebellious Addiction Two Rhinestone Heart Cuff Giveaway! Ends 1/21My Profile

  3. no kids but I have sensitive skin and would like this.
    Thanks for the contest.

  4. stephanie says:

    1 year old

  5. Laura Jacobson says:

    My grandson lives with me and he is 2! :)

  6. Nicole Larsen says:

    My daughter is 5 :)

  7. debbie jackson says:

    trying to win for my sister who has 2, 4 and a new baby debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  8. My kids are 2, 5 and 8 years old. Two girls with a boy sandwiched in between.

  9. My boys are 8 & 5 but they have very sensitive skin, so we still use the baby detergents.

  10. livivua c says:

    five months

  11. I have {starting with the youngest} 3 months, 2 years, 11 years, 12 years, 14 years, 16 years, and 21 years. I think I got them all!

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