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Color Secrets Pro Nail Polish (lacquer) {Review}

I love nail polish. I could be wearing no makeup and still feel pretty with the right polish on. It is the ultimate accessory. In my opinion, you can even make or break an entire outfit with the right or wrong polish. I love that you can change it to match any trend, design and outfit you have in mind.

Nail polish trends are constantly changing and they allow so much in the creativity department.

I was sent 3 shades to try from the Color Secrets Pro line by JB Cosmentics. I love the colors they sent me, as browns are something that really can look great with most outfits and gold is really in now!


The three shades I tried were “The Holiday”, “The Universe” and “Chocolat”. Here they are swatched from left to right:


I did some on each nail to show how they appeared on nails. This is 3 coats of “Chocolat” and “The Holiday” and 4 coats of “The Universe”.


I also did this look with “Chocolat” and “The Holiday”, since gold accented nails are in style this season.



There are so many shades to choose from. On the website, there are 68 in total. I love the price as well; Just $2.99 each!

I also tried the Nail Appliques as well. You are supposed to peel them, stick them, smooth them and go. I found the appliques to not stay on at all as they are essentially just a sticker. I followed the directions exactly and they started to peel off right away. These are not durable at all. On the package, it says you can apply a gel topcoat for more staying power, but I didn’t have any of that here.

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There are so many shades to choose from and I found that the polish stays well and does not chip off easily. Did I mention they were also DBP, Toulene and Formaldehyde free? This is awesome! They do not have that over-powering chemical smell a lot of lacquers have either. I also found they dried pretty quick as well.


They were not as vibrant as in the jar. I had to put several coats on to achieve the darkness and intensity I wanted. However, they dry quick between coats.


Awesome value! These have amazing staying power and I highly recommend them!

To purchase:

Head over to the Color Secrets Pro website. Make sure you follow them on Facebook and Twitter as well! Recently, they also started a blog of thier own for the nail laquer line. Makes sure you check it out for the newest tips and trends in nail fashion!


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