For one day only (11/9-11/10) I have a flash giveaway for FOUR winners!
Each Winner will recieve FOUR coupons for $2.00 off a pampers pack each.
Just enter on the rafflecopter below and make sure to share this! Remember this is for obne day only!
Coupons expire on 11/30 so it is vital you respond to a winning email within 24 hours so I can get them in the mail in time! You will have 24 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.
newborn and 6 months are the ages of my friends kids.
McKayla is 5mo and growing fast! Crawling is coming soon!
My baby boy is turning into a little boy at 16 months now!!!! We love Pampers!
My baby boy is 16 months now and turning into a little boy!!! We love Pampers!
She is 19 months old and she’s a girl.
She is one year old, her birthday was about a week 1/2 ago
I have a two year old son!
My daughter is 15 months (:
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Melinda Dunne recently posted..Friday Chatter~Maroon 5
She is 7 months old.
My daughter is 16the months.
I have a one year old niece.
My daughter is 20 months old