Reflecting on Biblical Principles Concerning Cosmetic Surgery

As I have been going on this journey to get ready for my breast reduction, I had to stop and think,”Would God approve of this?”

Of course, I wondered if I was being ungrateful for the body God gave me. Was I rejecting his gift like a spoiled child, saying, “Your gift of a healthy body is not good enough for me!” ?

In order to find out about this question swirling in my head, I had to come to God in prayer. I also had to do some studying of his word and what it says. Of course there is no specifics on plastic/cosmetic/reconstructive surgery in the Bible, but there are some passages that help me understand how God may view this transformation.

Often, what you will find if you study the bible on things like this where there is no clear explanation is a self-check of what a person’s motives are. This is where the Holy Spirit is our guide. The bible says that if we focus on vanity too much, we are becoming our own idol.


Philippians 2:3–43 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.


In other words, am I doing this so that others will like me more? So I will fit in better? Or am I doing this so I can enjoy better health and a better quality of life? I think for me, it is mostly the latter. Of course, I will feel more confident if I can fit in more clothing and not have my breasts be the center of attention, but my main focus is my health. In a strange way, I feel having this reduction will bring less attention to me and allow me to be more modest.

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” (Proverbs 31:30)

PHOTO VIA FLICKR BY The Lingerie Addict











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