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DIY Magnesium Oil Pain Spray

DIY Magnesium Oil Pain Spray including tips for making your own magnesium oil, how to use magnesium oil and information on what magnesium oil is.

I suffer from chronic pain and one of the things I hate the most about that is taking narcotic pain meds. I try to avoid them as much as possible. They have the potential for addiction, they make me feel gross and I just like to try to manage my pain as naturally as possible when I can.

I started taking detox baths a while ago for my chronic pain symptoms and I found that they really helped. The magnesium in the Epsom salt used in these baths is what is the “secret”. Although these baths help a lot, sometimes I just don’t have time to dip in the tub and when I saw you can make your own magnesium body butter, I wanted to make the oil that is used to make it. In addition to this oil (which is not actually an oil at all, but more of a thick solution), I added a bit of my Panaway essential oil blend from Young Living oils to give it an extra boost in pain relief. You should NOT use Epsom salt to make this. The kind of magnesium I used is different than what is found in Epsom salt. I used Pure Magnesium Flakes for this DIY magnesium oil pain spray.

Why You Should Use Magnesium Oil

Magnesium is a mineral our bodies need for everything from controlling muscle relaxation to being vital for our hearts. Magnesium oil can be taken through the skin so well because it absorbs into your blood so quickly this way bring relief for pain and aches within 5-10 minutes rather than the half hour to 45 minutes it would take a narcotic pain reliever. Since this is a homemade version, you also know exactly what is in it. For me, this is a huge plus. Magnesium oil is completely safe to use as well. You can use it on children to adults.

How to Use Magnesium Oil

Magnesium oil is like the coconut oil of spray on relief. I say this because it can be used for so many things! Here are a few ways you can use magnesium oil in your life:

Spray it on your feet for better sleep. do 5-10 sprays on the top of each foot and rub in. If using on children, use a bit of raw Shea butter (if they don’t have a latex allergy) or coconut oil as a carrier.

Spray 5-20 sprays on painful areas. Rub it in or allow it to sit on your skin. You will find relief within 5-10 minutes for mild to moderate pain.

Use it to boost massages. A back massage will never be the same when you spray this on before you rub it in. It will help with all those aches that we get from a long day.

The best part about magnesium oil is your aches, pains and cramps should get less and less frequent as you get your body up to par in it’s magnesium load. Most people are seriously lacking in magnesium in their bodies and this contributes to pain!

How to DIY Magnesium Oil Pain Spray

5.0 from 1 reviews
DIY Magnesium Pain Spray
  • 1¾ Cups Pure Magnesium Flakes
  • 2⅓ Cups water
  • 15 Drops Panaway Essential Oil blend from Young Living
  1. Bring water to a boil and add magnesium flakes. Gently give it a stir to dissolve.
  2. Add your drops of essential oil.
  3. When completely cool, give it a good stir again and pour into a spray bottle.

A Few Notes About Magnesium Oil

You may feel some slight stinging or tightness when you first start using it. This should get less and less as you continue to use it. If the stinging is too much for you, use it with a carrier oil such as avocado or coconut.

If you see a while film on your skin after, don’t panic. It is just the magnesium that didn’t absorb. Just brush it off.

Give your oil a gentle shake before each use to make sure it is well distributed.

This can feel drying to your skin. Feel free to apply a lotion over it after 10-15 minutes when it has mostly absorbed into your skin.

Please keep in mind that I am not a medical professional. The information here is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or ailment and should not replace seeing a medical professional.

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5 Easy Ways to Green Your Child’s Daily Routine

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

#NaturalGoodness #CollectiveBias

5 Easy Ways to Green your Child's Daily Routine

When we think of greening our homes, for many people, it’s the big things like recycling, buying sustainably grown food and maybe even driving a hybrid or good furl economy car. While these make a big impact, it is often the little things that make the biggest impact in the long run. It’s the things that we do out of habit that reduce our carbon footprints. As moms, we are professionals at getting our kids into daily habits and routines and these habits we teach our kids now will set them up for success in the future.

For instance. we teach our kids the importance of brushing teeth daily because we want them to grow up healthy and carry that habit into their adult years. We teach them the importance of eating healthy for the same reason.

green personal care

Do you try to run a green household and find yourself not really explaining why to your children? The one thing I have found with most kids is, they are eager to keep mother earth happy. They love to feel like they are able to do something significant at such a young age. I know my daughter has always been big on doing things that make an impact on other people and the earth we live in. For example, when we go on hikes or walks in parks, she is always wanting to pick up trash along the way so she can throw it away.

If you are looking to take your green routine even further with your kids, here are 10 ways to green your child’s routine.


5 Easy Ways to Green Your Child’s Daily Routine


1. Switch out their toothpaste. Did you know Tom’s of Maine makes a green kid’s toothpaste in Silly Strawberry flavor? Tom’s of Maine has been a favorite brand here for a while and it’s because it contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners like saccharin. Plus it is not tested on animals. My daughter loved it when she was younger. Now she uses the same stuff we do. I like either the Tom’s of Maine Whole Care or Antiplaque and Whitening. They also don’t contain any of the stuff that is found in other brands. I love that Tom’s of Maine has been around for so long. It’s definitely a brand I trust. Plus, It’s now available at Walmart so it’s a totally reasonable price (and even better with this $1.00 off coupon for any Tom’s of Maine product)and convenient.

toms of maine kids toothpaste

toms at walmart

2. Stop using brown bags for lunches and get a reusable lunch bag. This is a big one and while you are at it, skip the plastic zipper style baggies and instead check out the options for reusable ones. There are many available that are even dishwasher safe.

3. Don’t buy individually wrapped snacks. There is so much waste created with these packages. Instead, buy larger sizes of things and divide them yourself or even make some of your own. I made some delicious Elderberry Blueberry Fruit Leather the other day that was definitely kid-approved around here!

4. When they hit teens or preteen years, start them off with a no aluminum deodorant. Tom’s of Maine has a great smelling Fresh Apricot aluminum free deodorant. This works great for my 12 year old and I like knowing that I am not introducing her to the things that are in other deodorants. Tom’s of Maine contains natural ingredients and no artificial colors, fragrance or preservatives. Plus, they are not tested on animals.

natural deodorant

5. Buy self care tools that are earth friendly. Our family uses toothbrushes made out of recycled plastic, but there are also ones made out of bamboo as well. One of my daughter’s favorite brushes is one that is made of Eco-friendly material. Oddly enough, while it was a little more expensive that other brushes I had bought, it has lasted the longest. To me, that is the biggest reason to buy them as well; less waste.


What kind of green practices do you have at home with your child’s daily routine? I would love to hear about it in the comments!


More Tips for Going Green:


7 Ways to be more Sustainable this Summer

6 New Frugal Ways to Go Green in 2015

What to Use instead of Plastic

12 Green Bloggers Tell You How to Go Green Right Now

How to Cut your use of Plastic

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7 Ways to Be More Sustainable this Summer

7 Ways to be More Sustainable this Summer including what you wear, what you drink and how you travel.

Thanks to Gurus for sponsoring today’s discussion.

Being more sustainable in every day is so important to my family. Being that we live in an apartment, my off-the-grid-gal is screaming for ways I could be sustainable if only we had our own place, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to do what I can to live a more green lifestyle when I can.

If you are looking for more ways to be sustainable in the upcoming heat of summer, here are 7 ways to be more sustainable this summer.

7 Ways to be More Sustainable this Summer

Drink more tap water. One of my biggest beefs with packaging is plastic water bottles. I cringe when I have to buy one because I forgot my reusable bottle with me. I make an effort to use it at least 1 more time before getting rid of it and I look for the kinds of plastic that can be recycled. If you drink more tap water, you won’t have a need to buy water bottles.

Wear sustainable footwear. In the summer, we often but cheap plastic or foam flip flips to wear for the season, but these are simply not a sustainable option. Look for ones made of natural rubber such as the ones from Gurus. I was curious about them and was recently sent a pair to try out and I absolutely love them. They are made from sustainably sourced natural rubber and they even plant a tree when you buy a pair. Plus, you can’t beat the unique India-inspired design. If you are wondering about the design and how comfortable they are, my answer is a YES! They are actually very comfortable. I would say more so than traditional “flipflops”.Scroll to the bottom of this post if you want to win a pair! You can also use the code savedbygrace at the checkout and get 15% off your order!

gurus natural rubber shoes

Hang-dry your clothes. Skip the dryer and go outside to line dry your clothing if you can. Not only will you save energy from not running your dryer, but you won’t heat your house up causing your air conditioner to work overtime and your clothes will smell amazing!

Shop local farmer’s markets. If you are lucky enough to live in an area that has farmer’s markets, shop them for the best local stuff. You will be supporting local business and making sure to get stuff that doesn’t have to shipped, packed and refrigerated for 100’s of miles.

Skip Styrofoam and plastic at picnics. When people go for picnics it is very common and let’s face it, convenient, to use throw away utensils and plates. This creates huge amounts of waste each summer! Although it may be just a bit more trouble, use ceramic or bamboo plates. You can give them a quick rinse before packing them away to be taken home and washed.

Travel in energy efficient rental cars rather than flying. Did you know you can rent hybrid cars? Well, you can and driving may not seem like the green thing to do, but traveling by car (even a regular furl style one) saves fuel and Co2 emissions when compared to flying.

Walk more for shorter distances. If the place you are going to is less than a mile away, there is really no need to get in the car and drive there unless you have a physical reason you can’t. Walking is better not only for your health, but also your wallet when you consider the cost of fuel and parking in many areas.


Would you like to win a pair of Gurus for yourself? Here’s your chance! Just enter below until 4/10/2023 when one winner will be chosen.



What to Use Instead of Plastic

What to Use Instead of Plastic- Practical things to buy to replace the plastic in your life. Reusable grocery bags, reusable produce bags and glass straws.

I recently wrote a post on cutting your use of plastic, but after I saw a documentary on Netflix over the weekend about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch called Plastic Paradise, I felt I needed to not only give you ideas on how to cut plastic but some actual products you could purchase in order to break you plastic habit. These items are not only BPA free because they contain no plastic but are low cost and should be of higher quality than any plastic product you currently use at home. Here are some awesome products to use instead of plastic.

What to Use Instead of Plastic



Plastic Drinking Straws


These Glass Straws work just as good as the plastic kind and they are washable and reusable. If you are scared of using glass around your little ones, try these Stainless Steel ones. These straws even come with brushes for cleaning them.


Plastic Food Storage Containers

plastic alternatives

Instead of plastic food containers for leftovers, use these Glass storage containers. This set contains no BPA and is made with Limestone and other natural components. True there is some Silica, but it is much better than plastic. One bonus to using glass storage containers for food is they don’t stain like plastic does.


Plastic Sandwich Bags

cloth bags

Instead of using these for packing yours and your child’s lunches, try these chic and colorful reusable cloth sandwich bags that can be washed and used over and over.


Plastic Water Bottles

reuseable water bottle

One of the things that hit me the most about the show Plastic Paradise was how many plastic water bottles are tossed each day. Stop the waste and still enjoy bottled water with these stainless steel water bottles.


Plastic Shopping Bags

reusable shopping bags

This one is a given and most people know that you can do this to cut plastic, but I really like this version of reusable bags. It features pockets in it for bottles and small stuff so it doesn’t get crushed and makes it easy to carry. Plus it is made of easy to wash organic cotton.


Plastic Produce Bags

reusable produce bags

Instead of using the plastic produce bags at the store, bring your own. These reusable produce bags are washable and easy to use at the store. Some stores even offer a discount for using them!


Plastic Storage for Bulk Items

glass jar

Rather than organize your bulk items in plastic, why not get some great looking glass jars to store them in? There are some great labels out there now, too as well as nice looking jars themselves out side of just masons.


More on Going Green:

12 Green Bloggers Tell you how to go Green Right Now

How to Cut Your Use of Plastic

Why Every Woman Needs a SckoonCup



This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for supporting my blogging efforts!


How to Find Time to Cook (When You Don’t Have Time)

How to Find Time to Cook

More and more people are eating out these days. Not only is it because we are so busy, but it is super convenient as well. It can get us in and out of the door in only a few minuets and if you go through a drive-thru, it’s even quicker. The unfortunate problem with eating on the go is of course the loss of nutrition from fast food or take-out and the big one for most people is the cost. We used to eat out a lot, and when I sat down and figured out the cost, I was ashamed of how much we were spending each month. The amount we spent on eating out would have left us eating like kings and queens if we spent that money on groceries at home.

With me, eating out is just too convenient. We live right down the block from a strip on a busy street filled with anything from local joints to every fast food restaurant imaginable and even some chain sit downs. I also suffer from chronic pain and fatigue and honestly, just cooking is sometimes too much for me to handle and so I give in and get something less than ideal. I have learned a few things along the way to prepare me for my bad pain days or the days when we are just too busy. Here are my tips on how to find time to cook, even when you don’t have time.


How to Find Time to Cook (When You Don’t Have Time)


Keep easy meals on hand at all times. Sit down and make a list of meals you can make with minimal ingredients. This can be as simple as pasta with some sauce or soups. One of my favorite cheap and easy meals I can make is my Hamburger Casserole. I almost always have those ingredients on hand.

Make freezer meals. This can be done pretty easily and only requires a little bit of your time. You can find tons of freezer meal recipes by just doing a quick search on Pinterest. I like to make soup in big batches and store some in my freezer. Its a quick meal I can pull out and make a sandwich with.

Meal plan. Planning meals takes a little bit of time, but if you do it on a weekly basis, it should only take you about 1/2 hour each week total. To meal plan, I always start with looking in my pantry, fridge and freezer. I make meals based on what we have on hand. I also keep a running list in a notebook of meals that my family loves and try to include 1 or 2 of these each week. If I have some ingredients I am not sure how to use, I do a quick search on Pinterest to find some good recipes to make using those ingredients. For instance, I had some beef broth the other day, so I typed in “Recipes made with beef broth” to see what I could make with other ingredients I had on hand. Doing this save me money because I am not buying duplicates or letting food go to waste. Plus, it saves me time because I already know what I will be making.

Cook in the crock pot. My crock pot is my friend. You can make so many meals in it and it does the cooking for you. This really requires no time. Just do one crock pot meal a week and you save so much time. Freezer meals are perfect for the crock pot as well.

Don’t make things overly complicated. A meal does not have to mean a big main dish with a starch and a veggie side with dessert. A meal can simply consist of soup and a sandwich or a salad with chicken. There are many quick things you can cook that are healthy.

Make some stuff ahead of time. If you start meal planning, you will be able to see what prep work can be done ahead of time. You can shred chicken, cut up some veggies and prepare some sauces a day or two before you need them. This can save time on a busy night.

How do you find time to cook when you don’t have time? I would love any tips you can share in the comments!


Why Every Woman Needs to Switch to a SckoonCup

Thank you to SckoonCup for sponsoring today’s discussion. I was provided with compensation to write this post, however all words, opinions and personal experience are my own.

Why Every Woman Needs to Switch to a SckoonCup

There was a time when the very idea of using a reusable menstrual option (ad) was not something I would even consider. For me, it was the “ick” factor. I didn’t even like using tampons without applicators. I couldn’t imagine myself using something I had to insert that way and take out over and over to be cleaned. I also felt like my cycles were far too heavy to use it. I figured the mess alone would not be worth it.

Then I read the Chem Fatale report at Women’s Voices. To say I was completely flabbergasted doesn’t even begin to cover it. For a long time, women have been told in advertizing that our vaginas are not good enough. We are told they are “dirty”, and need to be cleaned and freshened up. The problem with this is, when you think about it, it’s not only sexist, but false. Our bodies are designed to clean for us. Yes, ladies, your vagina is a self-cleaning system! You don’t need chemicals to do the job that nature will do for you.

On top of this false portrayal of my feminine parts, I was shocked and dismayed to learn that most of the products I had been using because I was afraid of the “ick” factor in reusable menstrual cups are really fully of very “icky” things. Did you know tampons on the market today contain pesticides and remnants on chlorine bleach? Or that pads only absorb so much because they contain chemicals most of us can’t even pronounce? Our skin and bodies are so delicate there. I had to ask myself why I was OK with exposing my body to something that was so unnecessary.


I was ecstatic to be given the chance to try out the SckoonCup. It is a soft, flexible cup made of silicone. You insert it into your vagina during your cycle and only have to change it about once every 8-12 hours. (8 for me, since my cycle is so heavy, but some women can get away with only changing it once a day!)

I love that it was so easy to use. I was super nervous about it at first and I admit to wearing a pad the first day or two that I used it as a backup in case I didn’t insert it right. That will be the last time I use one since even for a SckoonCup rookie like myself, I was easily able to insert it right and had only minimal leaking.

My next goal is to use cloth menstrual pads. I figured while I am on this path, I might as well go all the way.

One thing I have to say about the SckoonCup is, I actually did notice a drop in cramping. I usually get a large amount of cramps in my abdomen during my cycles and they were very minimal this time around. I was told this could happen and almost didn’t believe it until it worked like a charm for me. Where have you been all my life? The reason behind this is because most disposable menstrual products absorb too much, including any natural moisture you have down there to be comfortable. This is often what leads to much of the cramps some women expedience.

I love that the SckoonCup is one piece. Most cups are made with two pieces during the process of manufacturing them. Because the SckoonCup is one piece, it doesn’t have any seals, spots or bumps that might make it uncomfortable for the user to wear.



If you are considering switching over from traditional feminine hygiene products to a SckoonCup, I have some tips for you:


You shouldn’t really need to change it out while you are out and about, but if you do, bring a small bottle of water. This way, you can rinse it out without having to leave your stall.

After each cycle, sanitize your SckoonCup for next time by boiling it for a few moments.

Make sure your hands are clean and dry before inserting it. The SckoonCup can get slippery when you rinse it out and dry hands will make it easier to grip.

Just like with tampons, you will know it is inserted right when you don’t feel it. You actually don’t even need to insert it far back, either.

Make sure to rinse it well between uses. Check the holes at the top and make sure they are clear. This is what help hold the SckoonCup in place.

It might seem like the SckoonCup is “expensive”, however, with the price of pads and tampons, after just a couple of cycles you will reach that amount. The SckoonCup is reusable for years! Perfect for me, since I love products that don’t contribute to waste.


6 big reasons to give up tampons and pads


So let’s recap all the amazing reasons to switch to a SckoonCup:


1. You will save the environment. A SckoonCup can be used over and over and for many years.

2. You will probably see a reduction in cramping.

3. You will save SO much money. One SckoonCup costs less than 6 cycles of disposable products and again, can be used for years.

4. You won’t expose your body to harmful chemicals that can potentially lead to serious issues.

5. It’s not as “icky” as you think and so easy to use.

6. You can get a SckoonCup in several different colors and save 10% when you use my code (see below).



To purchase a SckoonCup (AD) Make sure you use my code ( R0YR3Y ) to get 10% off the price of a SckoonCup!

Make sure to follow SckoonCup on their social media outlets as well such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and G+! They even have a YouTube channel!


So ladies, would you ever consider using one of these? What is one thing that stops you for using one? Let’s discuss!



Again, thanks to SckoonCup for sponsoring today’s discussion.



Homemade Hazelnut Chocolate Spread Recipe (Homemade Nutella)

Thank you to Hamilton Beach for sponsoring today’s tasty recipe!

homemade Nutella recipe

When it comes to holiday food, nothing says it better than decadent chocolate goodies. One of these is Nutella (hazelnut chocolate spread). While hazelnut spread has gotten cheaper over the years, I always like to try to make as much as I can homemade as it contains no preservatives and I know what is going in my family’s bodies.

Making homemade Nutella is a process and it require patience, but it is so simple to do. I used my Hamilton Beach® Stack & Snap™ 10 Cup Food Processor to do it and it made it even easier. If you have a food processor, you probably know about the pain they can be to use. You have to line up things just right in order to use the machine and this can be very nerve-racking and is often a reason people don’t use their food processors much anymore. With the Hamilton Beach® Stack & Snap™ 10 Cup Food Processor, it only fits one way and it easily snaps in place, so making homemade hazelnut chocolate spread is a joy. Plus, I loved that it didn’t even get warm when it was running this long.

food processor

You can use homemade hazelnut spread for snacks or decadent desserts. I plan on making truffles with the spread I made here. One difference between my homemade Nutella and other recipes out there is I use coconut oil in mine rather than the often called-for canola oil. I just think it adds a great dimension of flavor to it. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do.

hazelnuts hazelnut spread

Homemade Hazelnut Chocolate Spread

Homemade Hazelnut Chocolate Spread Recipe (Homemade Nutella)
  • 2 Cups Roasted, Unsalted Hazelnuts
  • ¼ Cup melted Coconut Oil
  • ¾ Cup Powdered Sugar
  • 4 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
  1. Dump the hazelnuts into your Hamilton Beach® Stack & Snap™ 10 Cup Food Processor with the chopping blade attached. Snap on the lid and press the puree button. Leave it on for approximately 2 minutes. Shut off and remove lid. Your should now have finely chopped hazelnuts.
  2. Scrape the Sides of the bowl, then process for another 2 Minutes. It should look like wet sand at this point. Scrape the sides and process for an additional 2-3 minutes until smooth and creamy. It should not taste grainy at all.
  3. Add in your coconut oil and process for 1 minute.
  4. When that is fully mixed, add in the rest of your ingredients, scraping the bowl a couple more times. Process until fully mixed.
  5. Pour into a bowl and do a quick fold of any ingredients that are not fully incorporated. Place in a covered container (I like to use mason jars) for up to 2 months in the fridge. It will get thicker as it chills.
Be careful when handling the blade. It is very sharp!

50 + Gifts You Can Make with Coconut Oil

50 Gifts You Can Make With Coconut Oil

Aside from Dr. Bronner’s, Vinegar and baking soda, something I always have in my house is a good old jar of coconut oil. It’s like nature’s remedy for everything! You can eat it, cook with it, use it for dental health, make beauty products with it..the list goes on! Coconut oil is not too expensive and can be bought for fairly cheap if you know the right tips. (see my post on saving money on coconut oil for my own!) I decided that since the holidays are coming up, I needed to compile a list of gifts that you can make with it. Here are Gifts you can make with coconut oil that those on your list are sure to love! Make sure you make some for yourself, too!


50 + Gifts You Can Make with Coconut Oil


DIY Scented Wax Melts by Healthy Living How-To

Coconut Almond Makeup Remover Face Wipes by Saved By Grace

DIY Natural Baby Bottom Balm by Premeditated Leftovers

Coconut Soap by Soap Recipes 101

Brown Sugar Lip Scrub by Crafting E

Natural DIY Sensitive Skin Cleanser by Beauty and the Foodie

Homemade Headache Salve by Confessions of an Overworked Mom

Homemade Eye Cream by Homemade for Elle

Firming and Softening DIY Body Scrub by Pure Ella

DIY Lavender Heel Repair Stick by Saved By Grace

Coconut Oil Honey Hair Mask by Mad in Crafts

Bronzing Body Butter by The Sprouting Seed

DIY Lathering Hand Soap by Mrs January

Breastfeeding Boobie Balm by Complete Recipes

DIY Eyeliner by Delicious and DIY

DIY Blemish Cream by Smart Schoolhouse

Homemade Whipped Coconut Oil Cooling Lotion by Hip 2 Save

Thrifty Moisturizing Bath Soak by Sweetwater Style

Mint & Green Tea Whipped Body Butter by Saved By Grace

DIY Shaving Cream by Popsugar

Natural Homemade Oatmeal Dog Shampoo by Simply Zaspy

Deep Scalp Cleanser by Herbs and Oils Hub

White tea Coconut Oil Bath Bombs by Bakingdom

Oatmeal Honey Face Scrub by Dabbles and Babbles

Snow Cone Sugar Scrub by The Gunny Sack

Citrus Vanilla Sugar Scrub by Saved By Grace

Homemade Eczema Cream by Homemade Mommy

3 Ingredient Calming Lavender Lotion by Primally Inspired

Whipped Grapefruit Mint Sugar Scrub by The Kitchen McCabe

DIY Chai Coconut Lip Balm by Quinnface

Homemade Coconut Lime Foot Scrub by Ma Nouvelle Mode

DIY Natural Lip Balm by Saved by Grace

Sweet Coconut Exfoliating Soap Bars by Essentially Eclectic

DIY Curly Hair Conditioner by One Good Thing by Jillee

Lotion Bars for Pain Relief by Easy-Home-Made

White Chocolate Bath Melts by Bit Square

Whipped Chocolate Body Butter by Coconut Mama

Lavender Coconut Aloe Vera Shave Gel by You Brew My Tea

DIY Coconut Oil Lotion Bars by Veggie Converter

Homemade Baby Shampoo and Body Wash by A Greener Mama

DIY Coconut Sugar Scrub Bars by Kayla Aimee

Choco-Cocoa Mint Sugar Scrub by Saved By Grace

DIY Luxury Solid Perfumes by Inspire Beauty Tips

Lavender and Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub for Gardeners by Mom 4 Real

Homemade and all-natural Face Lotion Bars by Don’t Waste The Crumbs

Tinted Homemade Lip Gloss by Dollar Store Mom

Coconut Oil Cuticle Cream by The Frugal Gals

DIY Leave-In Conditioner by Beauty Tips 4 Her

Homemade Natural Mascara by A Blossoming Life

Baby Rose Sugar Scrub by Smart School House

Coconut Coffee Body Scrub Cubes by Savvy Naturalista

Lavender and Coconut Oil Bath BonBons by Sow & Dipity

I hope you have fun making these coconut oil DIY projects! Make sure to pin this list for later!

Low Carb Oreo Cakesters

When I really had to start getting serious about my diet because of my diagnosis of diabetes, I decided that this would mean I would need to get creative with food. See, I am a certified lover of junk food. While I don’t make it my main staple in my diet, I did really love it when I got to eat it. One of my favorite foods was those puffy and delicious Oreo cakesters that came out a few years ago. While they do make many lower carb/sugar free versions of Oreos and sandwich cookies like them, I have yet to find a single cakester. I decided to come up with a recipe that would be lower carb and still allow me to enjoy the cookies I love. These are so good, they were gone in no time and my family didn’t even know they were low carb and sugar free until I told them!

homemade oreo cakesters

Low Carb Oreo Cakesters

homemade oreos

For the icing/filling, I used sugar free frosting and whipped it a bit in my mixer to give it a better texture. I hope you enjoy these delicious goodies!

5.0 from 2 reviews
Low Carb Oreo Cakesters
  • ⅓ Cup Unsalted Butter
  • ⅓ Cup unsweetened Chocolate chips
  • 1¾ Wheat Flour
  • ½ Cup Cocoa Powder, Unsweetened
  • ¾ Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 Cup Splenda
  • 1 Egg plus 1 Egg White
  • ½ Tsp Vanilla Extract
  • ⅓ Cup Milk
  • Pinch of Salt
  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add in the chocolate chips and melt over medium low heat until smooth.
  3. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, Splenda and salt until well mixed.
  4. Add in your vanilla extract and milk.
  5. Slowly add in eggs and mix on medium high in your mixer for a minute or two.
  6. Pour in your chocolate chip/butter mixture and blend well.
  7. Roll out onto a lightly floured surface. It will be kind of like really moist playdough and will not feel stiff like most cookie doughs.
  8. Using a small round cookie cutter, cut out shapes and place on a lightly floured or greased cookie sheet.
  9. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
  10. When completely cooled, place some frosting on one cookie and make a sandwich with another. Enjoy!

Make Your Own Vanilla Extract

homemade vanilla extract recipe

If you have ever tasted the difference between real vanilla extract and imitation vanilla extract in recipes, you know there is a difference. It is a much richer vanilla taste and really brings depth to your recipes. Did you know it is super easy to make your own vanilla extract and costs less than buying it in the store? It is mostly a matter of waiting! Here is how I make my own vanilla extract.

Make Your Own Vanilla Extract

homemade vanilla extract month 1

homemade vanilla extract 2

You will need to some vodka and some vanilla beans. It does not matter if you use expensive vodka or not as it won’t effect the favor much. I used a cheap bottle that cost me around $5. The vanilla beans were a little harder to get for a lower price as they vary widely depending on where you go. I found in my area, they cost around $2 each. I was able to find a two pack at my local Cost Plus World Market for around $3. Other than that, you bulk order (for 5 beans, just the right amount you need for this recipe!) on Amazon for cheaper. Altogether, it should cost around 10-11 dollars to make this recipe and it makes around a pint and a half. You will usually pay 2-3 times this much for this amount!

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Homemade Vanilla Extract
  • 5-6 Whole Vanilla Beans
  • 1 5th of Vodka
  • Mason jar with a tight fitting lid
  • Dark place to store it
  1. Pour your bottle of vodka into your mason jar.
  2. Add your vanilla beans. You can split them with a knife down the middle, but I don't think it makes much of a difference.
  3. Replace your lid, put a label on it and place it in a dark are where it will not be disturbed. Every week, shake the contents gently. After about 2-3 months it will be ready!
  4. If you use some and want to keep it going, just add a little bit more liqueur and another bean. It won't really spoil because it is mostly alcohol. It will only get richer in taste with time.