Spark of Amber teething Jewelry {Review +Giveaway}

As many of my readers know, I have let go of my pre-concieved notions of green and natural living this past year and part of that is examining what I could have done differently in the past. While I don’t plan on having any more little ones besides my wonderful 10 year old daughter, I do think this “new” (I say, “new” because it is newer to me!) idea of using Amber Teething Jewelry is an awesome idea!


Spark of Amber “Sunrise” Teething Necklace

I was happy to be sent a beautiful teething necklace from Spark Of Amber to review. In my research of these necklaces, I had to ask why they work and how they work. Amber has amazing pain relieving qualities that are natural and calming. This works because amber, specifically Baltic amber, contains succinic acid, a natural compound that soothes inflammation. It has been used for centuries to treat minor inflammatory pains.

You may be asking yourself the same question I did.

How is this SAFE for youngsters to wear a necklace ?!

The answer is simple. The amber teething jewelry at Spark Of Amber have a knot tied at each bead to ensure it is not a choking hazard and Baltic amber itself is non-toxic. It is however, recommended that you take the necklace off at night and instead lightly wrap it around the child’s ankle under footed PJ’s.

Baltic amber’s anti-inflammatory properties are absorbed through the skin.

Check out what a bloggy friend of mine, Jaynessa at Birbitt Thinks , said about her experiences with amber teething jewelry and whether it was effective for her little guy:

I think it helped a lot! We never used anything on him at all except the amber necklace! He never messed with it, and we definitely noticed a difference between when it was on and when it wasn’t


Here is a darling picture of her son wearing an amber teething necklace! (please note, this one pictured is NOT a Spark of Amber product, but is shown merely to demonstrate just how cute they look on little ones from a mom who has used them!)



I love this beautiful piece of jewelry. I love that it is safe for young children and that each strand has a knot tied at each bead to ensure that. Spark Of Amber also has fast shipping and great customer service. The jewelry is absolutely stunning!

As I do not have a baby myself to try this on, I wore it as a bracelet. I suffer from inflammation in my body and absolutely noticed a sense of calmness and less pain than usual while wearing it. To be honest, this completely stunned me as I am a skeptic of all things!


This needs to be watched with very young children. Please make sure you try to keep it out of your child’s mouth.


Absolutely recommended! The quality of Spark of Amber jewelry is amazing. I could tell it had quality construction and was very authentic.

To purchase:

Head on over to Spark of Amber and check out the entire line of amber teething jewelry. Amber comes in many shades and looks great on anyone. Spark of Amber sells adult jewelry as well.


Spark of Amber has generously allowed me to give away one teething necklace to a lucky winner on Saved By Grace blog! Enter to win and make sure you share this with all your friends!

Giveaway is open to US residents only and will run from 4/28/2013-5/8/2013


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Yes, I have heard of them! My 9 month old is currently wearing one however I do need one for my toddler and my newborn!

  2. Marcia Belknap says:

    No I have not heard of them until now. They sound amazing and I would love one for my granddaughter!! Thank you very much for the chance!!

  3. Marcia Belknap says:

    ” The Midnight” Calming Round Beaded Necklace!

  4. Michelle Lee says:

    I’ve heard of them and I’m dying to try one! My son just got about 10 teeth in the last couple of months and he’s in agony, poor baby!

  5. Can’t wait to try one on my baby girl!

  6. Michelle Lee says:

    I love the mother and child matching necklace set “The Seashore.” SO beautiful! Except I need two children’s necklaces for my infant and toddler. :)

  7. Melissa Frey says:

    I Love Amber teething necklaces! I used one 27/7 with my first baby and just started using one with my second. I love to get a new necklace though. I’m concerned with all the wash and wear from my first that t isn’t helping my second little one as much.

  8. oooh I love the midnight necklace!

  9. I like the nugget style teething necklaces

  10. Thanks for the chance!

  11. Christine B says:

    I absolutely love these necklaces. I am pregnant with #3 and our first girl. Both our boys wore amber beads while teething,one is currently getting molars and you wouldn’t even know it. It doesn’t work for all babies but most.

  12. Julie Murphy says:

    yes i have heard of them but never used one

  13. Great giveaway! I wish I would have thought of amber teething jewelry when my children were teething… instead they chomped on toys, their pacifiers, and my nipples. *sigh*

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