With our busy schedules, most couples often overlook how important it is to connect on a deeper level on a regular basis. My husband and I had the pleasure to try out a board game that promises to help us do just that. Introducing SyncroHearts!
Syncrohearts is a game for couples to help them explore deeper into themselves, their relationship with one another and even their intimate lives together. It is set up much like a “typical” board game in that it has a die, game pieces and cards that have instructions on it. You and your partner move around the board following the instructions.
The four categories of the cards included in Syncrohearts are “Fun stuff”, “Couples”, “Insights” and “Hot stuff”. As you probably guessed, “Hot stuff” was my husband’s favorite category
The funnest part of the game is that the one who got to the end the 1st, was promised a back rub from the other. I won, but we ended up both getting back rubs, anyways.
I thought my husband was going to be reluctant to play the game because of it’s “mush” factor, but he agreed to play it and even admitted it was fun. We learned a couple new things about each other even after 5 years together. It is amazing what you don’t know about a person!
I don’t want to giveaway too much, but, one of the cards asked us to “assign” opposite chores to the other one with housework. I assigned him to taking out the garbage and making a commitment to do it without me asking for at least a week. I seriously didn’t think he would adhere to it, but that night, when he came home from work, instead of doing the usual taking off of his shoes and getting comfortable, he said hello to me and I heard the kitchen door shut. “Is he really taking out the trash?!” I thought to myself. When he came back in, I “asked” him where he went. He said,” I was taking out the trash like I promised to in that game earlier”. I have to say, this is odd behavior of him, but I am much impressed that he takes our relationship so seriously that he considered it important to keep his word, however “silly” he may think it be coming from a board game like Syncrohearts.
The makers of Syncrohearts suggest you play this at least once a month with your partner. There are a ton of cards and we didn’t even make it through even a small part of them the first time we played it.
I highly suggest Syncrohearts to any couple, no matter how “old” or “new” your relationship may be. It really was a great adventure for us
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