Did you know you can re-grow some of your produce you buy at the store no matter what season it is? No need to waste money buying produce you can reproduce several times is there? I tried to grow green onions after hearing about it on Pinterest. I was amazed! I don’t have much of […]
Green Living
10 Uses for Plain White Vinegar
It’s amazing what you can do with simple ingredients. Vinegar is a household product that most people have in their kitchens. Vinegar is cheap. It makes awesome salad dressing, but did you know vinegar is so versatile it can be used in so many more ways? Take a peek at my list for 10 ways […]
9 Things You Need in Your Cleaning Arsenal
Many people think you need to have a ton of different cleaners and many styles of brushes to clean your whole home, top to bottom. This is simply not true. In fact, you really only need 10 things in your stash of cleaning materials minus the obvious mop and broom.And, you don’t need chemical cleaners, […]
Eco-Friendly Laundry Tips
In an effort to make simple changes to going green, one way you can do this is by following greener tips for saving energy and time. I love the added bonus of saving money as well! Eco-Friendly Laundry Tips If you are really wanting to go green all the way with your laundry, […]
12 Green Bloggers Tell you How to Go Green Right Now
On my blog, I talk a lot about living a sustainable and Eco-friendly lifestyle. I give tips on how to have a green home and even how to green your cleaning routine. If you are new to going green at home, it can seem like a daunting task as you may feel pressure to do […]
Make Your Own All Natural Lip Balm! {Tutorial}
I am a certified lip balm addict! I spend a lot of money on lip balms and I am constantly testing them out, here on my blog. In fact, my very first review was for a lip balm company! Of course I was excited when I found out I could make my own with simple […]
How to Cut Your Use of Plastic
It’s no secret that plastic is not good for our environment. Unless you have been living under a rock, you probably know that it uses lots of resources and puts toxic waste into our environment as well as plastic pretty much never breaking down. While it is almost impossible to avoid plastic entirely in […]
Green Living and Your Cat
When we think about green living, we are often only considering things like recycling or living more naturally for ourselves, but there are so many ways that living a more natural life can affect those lives around us, even if they are our pets. I have a cat that is pretty much like a third […]
What to Use Instead of Plastic
I recently wrote a post on cutting your use of plastic, but after I saw a documentary on Netflix over the weekend about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch called Plastic Paradise, I felt I needed to not only give you ideas on how to cut plastic but some actual products you could purchase in order […]
6 New Frugal Ways to Go Green in 2015
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringingInnovation #CollectiveBias If you have been reading my blog for a while, you know that living as green as I can in my everyday life is extremely important to me. You can call me “crunchy”, a “hippie” or […]
Essential Oil Safety Tips
You have heard me talk about essential oils so many times on my blog. This is because I am very passionate about them and what they have done to change the way I clean, live and take care of myself. However, essential oils can be used wrong and can be even dangerous if used in […]
Simple Eco-Friendly Changes You Can Make TODAY!
I used to not know where to start when it came to Going Green. I used this as an excuse for so long that it nagged the back of my head and I just knew I was just in denial about how easy it would be to make Eco-friendly changes. When I switched over to […]
Find Your Inspiration with The Gro Project {Tutorial}
This post brought to you by Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine. Being that spring is still barely starting in Montana, I am getting antsy to start my gardening! I love the smell of soil, the cool water on my fingertips and just being like a kid again and playing in the dirt! The ground […]
Uncommon Uses for Aluminum Foil
When I was a kid, the big saying was, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. While recycling is limited here in my hometown (recently, it has gotten better, but not very convenient), I always look for ways to reduce and Reuse. One thing I use a lot of in my home is aluminum foil. Most of the time, […]