Did you know you can re-grow some of your produce you buy at the store no matter what season it is? No need to waste money buying produce you can reproduce several times is there? I tried to grow green onions after hearing about it on Pinterest. I was amazed! I don’t have much of […]
10 Uses for Plain White Vinegar
It’s amazing what you can do with simple ingredients. Vinegar is a household product that most people have in their kitchens. Vinegar is cheap. It makes awesome salad dressing, but did you know vinegar is so versatile it can be used in so many more ways? Take a peek at my list for 10 ways […]
- Homekeeping
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How to Organize When You Don’t Have A lot Of Space
With this move, I had to downsize a ton. We have far less space for organizing and storing and it was quite a task. I quickly learned some ways to organize with very little room and wanted to share with you my tips in case you find yourself in the same place as me. […]
9 Things You Need in Your Cleaning Arsenal
Many people think you need to have a ton of different cleaners and many styles of brushes to clean your whole home, top to bottom. This is simply not true. In fact, you really only need 10 things in your stash of cleaning materials minus the obvious mop and broom.And, you don’t need chemical cleaners, […]
12 Green Bloggers Tell you How to Go Green Right Now
On my blog, I talk a lot about living a sustainable and Eco-friendly lifestyle. I give tips on how to have a green home and even how to green your cleaning routine. If you are new to going green at home, it can seem like a daunting task as you may feel pressure to do […]
- Food
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10 Foods to Keep in your Freezer
Keeping your freezer stocked is easy, but knowing the right foods to freeze can get a bit tricky. Did you know you can’t freeze certain foods like lettuce, citrus fruits and whole eggs? What should you keep in your freezer and how do you freeze them the correct way to maximize freshness? What to […]
Essential Oil Safety Tips
You have heard me talk about essential oils so many times on my blog. This is because I am very passionate about them and what they have done to change the way I clean, live and take care of myself. However, essential oils can be used wrong and can be even dangerous if used in […]
15 Healthy Spooky Snacks for Halloween
Healthier Halloween Snack Options While candy is central to Halloween fun, there are some fun and spooky healthy alternatives. These simple recipes will be great to take to classroom parties, have at your own Halloween get-together or even just make with the kiddos at home to celebrate the spooky season. Some of these recipes call […]
- Homekeeping
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Making Moving Easier
As most of you know, I recently moved from Montana to Washington state. This was my first long distance move and boy, was I a rookie. However, I am glad I at least followed one of these tips in the infographic below. That was to de-clutter. You would not believe how much stuff you own […]
10 Ways to Get A Better Price on Purchases
Ever since I went on my journey as a more frugal living mom, I have been looking for any way to save money. I am always amazed by how easy it is to get discounts if you know how to do so. I hardly ever pay full price for most things that I don’t have […]
What I have learned with this Move
As many of my readers may know, I moved from Montana to Washington state this past week. Being that this was my first “big” move, I had a lot to learn and boy did I! Here are some of my tips for moving if this is your first time: Start packing way earlier than I […]
Design on a Shoestring
I spent a good year collecting items for my ultimate design I wanted in my home. It was hugely refreshing when I finally had enough to do it and went through my home and de-cluttered a the beginning of the spring season this year. The reason it took me so long was I do not […]