Home Product Reviews ToiletTree Professional Oral Irrigator

ToiletTree Professional Oral Irrigator

Published on July 30, 2024, by in Product Reviews.

I hate to floss. There, I said it. It takes too long, it hurts my gums and for some reason, it just annoys me.

What I do love is the feeling when you get back from the dentist and a teeth cleaning.

With the ToiletTree Professional Oral Irrigator, I can get that feeling every day.It features a large water reservoir, three operating modes, and it is rechargeable. This tool is so easy to use; just fill the reservior with water, choose your setting and press on!


I found that while a full charge takes 8 hours, It last for a long time. I have only had to charge it once and myself and my family have been using it for over a week now. I can’t get over how clean my whole mouth feels. I actually use it several times a day because it is so easy to use and I love the feeling!

I love that the ToiletTree Professional Oral Irrigator takes up very little counter space and could easily be taken on vacations and trips.

My favorite setting on the irrigator is the soft setting. I have sensitive teeth and gums and this one worked best for me. Other settings include “normal” and “pulse”. I found that it works good if you use lukewarm water for sensitive teeth.

(YES! Those are my teeth up close. I know you love seeing my teeth up close!)

I can honestly say this beats competitors! With it’s compact design, portability, effective cleaning, and ability to be re-charged, I highly recommend this! I find the price to be very reasonable as well!

You can purchase the ToiletTree Professional Oral Irrigator on Amazon.com

I received the above products through Sublime Media Connection in exchange for an honest review. In no way was I asked to give a positive review.

4 Responses

  1. Sounds awesome. I floss all the time, because I can’t stand anything in my teeth….I shall consider this!

  2. This sounds like a great product. I will have to check it out. Great review.

  3. ToiletTree Spotlight 1 | Sublime Media Connection

    [...] Christine of Saved By Grace admits she hates to floss, but it is no worry, as the ToiletTree Professional Oral Irrigator is there to save the day! You can read her review here. [...]

  4. I am horrible about flossing but this I would use!
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