Twiztt Cook Wear By Joan Lunden {Review}

It is no secret that I love to cook. Now, if you ask me to bake for you, that’s another story. For whatever reason, it is not one of my fortes.

One thing I loved about going to culinary arts school was all the awesome cooking equipment they had in class and I used to dream of having amazing cook wear like that at home.


Quality pans can cost a little more than the cheaper variety, and trust me, they are worth it. With the new Twiztt line from Joan Lunden, you can have quality pans with awesome new technology (like the Thermolonâ„¢ coating!) for a very reasonable price!

Twiztt was developed because Joan wanted a line of cook-wear that could help her eat healthier. As many people know, Joan is a shining example of a hard working woman. Not only has she been in national news programs, but she also has a line of home decor and even skin care products!


The Twiztt pan I was sent is an 8 inch pan with a Thermolonâ„¢ coating. The coating helps food not only non-stick, but also helps distribute heat evenly. Unlike other non-stick surfaces, it does not have a toxic release of fumes when heated to high temperatures. The Twiztt pan I reviewed also comes in 10 and 12 inch sizes. The pan is also oven safe.


Check out how well it did sauteing chicken!





Does an excellent job at keeping foods non-stick. I loved that I did not have to use and fats, oils or butters to saute in my pan as I normally would. You can use them if you want, but with most foods, even meats it is not necessary. The non-stick Thermolonâ„¢ coating was incredibly easy to clean. The pan heated very evenly.


This pan cannot be cleaned in a dishwasher as hand washing is recommended. For me, this is not an issue because I hand wash everything, but for some this may be an inconvenience.


I absolutely recommend this pan in the Twiztt line of products. Make sure you also check out the other products in the Twiztt line such as cutting boards, oven wear and bowls.

To purchase:

For sale at most Bed, Bath and Beyond locations or check here to find a retailer near you. The 8 inch pan I reviewed was marked at $29.95.

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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, ( was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.

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