Weigh in for Phase 2 start of Hcg Diet

So here it is, folks, you get to find out info I don’t like to share with anyone; my weight on day 1 of the Hcg diet I am doing sponsored by Creative Bioscience.

I ended up doing and “extra” load day. In phase 1 of the diet, you are supposed to eat a ton of fatty foods for 2 days. I failed on the first day because I just didn’t have time to eat as much as I should have that day. I read online that the two load days are highly important for when you enter phase 2, so i decided to start over and do another 2 days. I ate so much and was ready to eat something healthy. My husband said, jokingly, he will “sacrifice his body and health for me and eat up any junk we still have left in the house.” Very funny. :D


So here I am on Day 1 of Phase 2. This is the hard part of the diet. In the original protocol, one is supposed to eat 500 calories a day. I will not be doing that, as I know my willpower is not that strong and I will be setting myself up for failure, but also because as a diabetic, I cannot just skip meals (the original protocol asks you to skip breakfast) or live on such low caloric value. I am instead doing a 1,200 calorie diet. I suspect that although I will not lose as fast or as much as I would by following the 500 calorie protocol, I will still lose because that is a far cry from my normal diet of I don’t even know how many calories. For breakfast I had 3 egg whites, a half a grapefruit sweetened with stevia extract and a cup of coffee sweetened with sweet n low. (Some people say you can only have stevia extract, others say Sweet N Low is fine and since Creative BioScience approves Sweet N Low, I am going with their word on that).

So here comes the official weigh-in and “before pictures”. Trust me when I say, yes, I know I look pregnant and yes, I know my gut is huge. I have a typical apple body and thus alllll my weight is in my middle section.

I am *gulp!* 243.8 lbs. *sigh* I am super nervous showing these pictures of myself, but in an effort to be transparent, and honest, here I am in all my non-gut sucking in glory:

hcg2 hcg1

(By the way, I am using an EatSmart Precision Premium Digital Bathroom Scale which I will write up a review for soon!)

And yes, My kitchen really is that small. It is 2 1/2 feet wide by 10 ft long of floor space.

I can’t believe I have abused my body for so long and allowed it to come to this. I was thin as a child and I just ate like no body’s business. I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am depressed and full of anxiety, which for most of my life has been all the time.

I am hoping while on this Hcg diet from Creative BioScience, I can not only achieve weight loss, but also detox my body from all the crud I have put in it over the years and learn some healthier eating habits. The funny thing is, I don’t hate healthy food. I love vegetables, tofu, chicken, salad etc. Its just that I also love carbs and I also don’t know when to stop when I start with eating.The problem really is, I love ALL food. ;)

Anyway, here’s to my success! I will be blogging about this journey as I go along!

What are some of your goals this year? Do you want to eat healthier or lose some weight?

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About Christine

Christine is a 30-something married mother of one tween girl. A Montana native, living in Washington state, she enjoys finding bargains, reading, and cooking. Her blog, Saved by Grace, (https://savedbygraceblog.com) was started in 2011 out of boredom and led to a passion for writing and sharing her tips for frugal living as well as a fun mix of other random topics.


  1. I admire you so much for putting your pictures and weight up there. I would never have the guts to do that. (Though, since my C section, I do have A gut…) I promise to virtually hold your hand if you need it, and not to mail you any cookies lol.
    Stephanie recently posted..Forgiving, Forgetting, & Faking ItMy Profile

    • Christine says:

      Oh Stephanie, Thank you. I am so scared I will fail this diet. So far, so good. I have to say, I put those photos up as a reminder of myself and motivation to myself as well as just to be honest and “real” for those that read my blog. It was so hard though. Ugh. I HATE how I look in those pictures.

  2. I wish you the best of luck with this, my first week of this diet was really hard. I ended up having to quit for health reasons. Those reasons resolved themselves and I am getting ready to start again.
    Kat H. recently posted..To Dream or not to DreamMy Profile

  3. You are incredibly brave to tell your weight and show your pics. I applaud you! (You know you Got IT goin’ on and are Gorgeous at any weight though) I am really glad that you are not doing 500 calories a day. You dont need drops or pills to lose a ton of weight fast on only 500 calories but that is sabotage for dieting when you get down to a goal weight and still cant consume a normal amount of calories without packing back on the pounds. Seriously. 1,200 calories is still hardly anything!!! I look forward to reading about your progress! Please write posts about what you eat in a day that doesnt go over 1,200 calories so I can have some ideas! That is good information.
    jenny at dapperhouse recently posted..Better Dig Two as Done By LINXTEAMy Profile

  4. You will do great!! I just joined Weight watchers so if you need a diet buddy im here!! :D
    Dianna Passanisi recently posted..Gardenia Jewelry Candle Giveaway! My Profile

  5. Let me start off by saying Good luck. Now comes the hard part. I think this diet is extremely dangerous. 500 calories a day? No one can live off of that! It’s also setting you up for failure, because as soon as you are done with the drops, you’re going to start eating like a normal person. There are SO many more HEALTHY ways to diet. Counting Calories is a great way to do it. Find someone who knows someone that you can give your height and weight to a dietician ( I happen to know someone who knows someone lol), and they can calculate how many calories you need to take in to lose weight. Also, exercise is key, and if you’re working out as much as one needs to, you need WAY more than 500 calories, or you’re going to pass out…
    Just my 2 cents.
    Melody recently posted..Let’s Talk About Men!My Profile

    • Christine says:

      Melody, as I said in my post, I am not doing 500 calories a day. I am doing a healthier 1200. I discussed this diet with my Dr and we came up with a plan for me and my body/lifestyle.

  6. Absolute worst diet idea EVER. It’s not healthy, in any way, shape or form, and I really hope you rethink this. :( Eating healthy foods, drinking a ton of water, and working out will get you the results you are looking for.
    Sadie recently posted..On Top Of Ole CupcakeMy Profile

  7. Dang that is a tiny kitchen! I did the original hcg diet last year. It worked, but was very hard. I wish you good luck.
    Amber Edwards recently posted..Dry Hair Remedies, Parnevu natural hair care at affordable pricesMy Profile

  8. Good luck on your health goals. I did a toned down version of the HCG diet last year while my friend in the military did the fully amped version. I did not use the drops and didn’t shoot for the 1200 calories per day (that was too few for my needs). I lost weight, but the most important thing that happened was I detoxed off white sugar, and I built up my water intake. I cooked healthier and gained a better perspective of portion control. Be careful with dieting - plan for a way of life change! You can do it!
    Elizabeth Towns recently posted..Raspberry Ketones and Me…Am I Really a Loser?My Profile

  9. You are amazing! I would not have it in me to post pictures of myself for a dieting post. Best wishes for much success.
    Victoria recently posted..Winter PartyMy Profile

    • Thank you Victoria! I am hoping I can post “After Pictures” that show even a slight difference! I appreciate your support!

  10. My kitchen is bigger than yours, but I do believe you have about 2x as much counter space as I do! Best of luck, lady!
    Greta recently posted..Weight Watchers Digital Bathroom Scale GiveawayMy Profile

    • Greta, whats funny is, do you notice how my fridge is leanings? My whole apartment is not level. Its seriously annoying. When I cook, everything pools in one spot of the pan and I don’t know how many times I almost fell off my toilet when we first moved in here lol

  11. Don’t let haters detour you! The important thing is that you know you need to do something and you are doing it! As a stay-at-home mom who was really sick and put on prednisone for a year I have gained 80 lbs. Right before Thanksgiving I started feeling really crappy and had enough. I have added a gallon a day of water to my diet, eating healthier (ate lots of veggies before/no fruit), and have added 1 or 2 20-30 minute work-outs a day. I also went from drinking 6 cans a soda a day to maybe a half/ maybe none. I have lost 24 lbs which I think has been pretty good since I went through Thanksgiving and CHristmas, but it has been a struggle. Coupled by the fact that cutting all the caffeine and sugar has also made me feel kinda crappy as well. However, I vow to keep trying and I am proud of anyone that is also trying. I have found that most people that have problems with their weight care too much, and if that is the worst thing, well sorry. As with you, I have kids and that is why I have been able to succeed so far, I want to be here for them, and being overweight does not mean you will not be, but it does mean very different parenting because of the inability to do some things. So here’s to you! Good Luck, I look forward to seeing your progress!

  12. Sherry Beaver says:

    You go girl! I am day 2 into Phase 2… I am feeling soo hungry but I think most of my issue is I’m using to munching a lot and eating when I’m bored… I think this diet is supposed to train us to eat smaller portions and watch what we eat. I have a journal that I’m logging all my meals in. I’m also making a cheat sheet of how many calories are in what foods. Hopefully I’ll have them memorized before too long. Would love an update and to know how the diet went for you.
    I hope you’re doing well. :)

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