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Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

With Halloween a couple days away, a lot of conversation happens in the Christian community.When I was researching this topic for this article, I found conflicting information.

As many people know, Halloween has many pagan roots. It is called Samhain and is a holy day for Pagans. It is the celebration of the harvest. Being a former Pagan, I remember it being a time to celebrate the earth’s abundance and the coming of the colder months.

I won’t get into my past spiritual path, as I am not writing this for controversy, but rather information, as I see no point in tearing apart a fellow human beings beliefs, even if they are no longer my own. I expect respect from others who do not believe as I do, and I will in turn act Christ-like and give them the same respect. I also believe God does not desire for me to bring discourse, but rather love others.

So the question arises; is celebrating the secular version of Halloween so terrible for a Christian to do? Many non-Christians celebrate secular parts of Christmas by giving gifts and gathering as a family.

I do believe it is a part of our culture to celebrate this, especially in a secular manner. Do you have to? Absolutely not. I believe the best way to approach questions for what is right for you and your children is completely between between you and God. The answer is always prayer. Find out what HE wants you to do.

In past years, I have seen many alternatives to the typical trick-or-treating.

First let’s look at why children started trick-or-treating in the first place, so you can be more informed.

The tradition of trick or treating came about in two suspected ways. First, it was said to be tradition for poor folks to go door to door asking for food on all Hallow’s eve ( the day before All souls’ day, now known as Halloween) in exchange for saying a prayer for the giver’s lost loved ones.

A second theory is that it is part of the Celtic tradition of leaving food on doorsteps for passing souls on All Hallows Eve.

Costumes came about to scare away evil souls on All Hallow’s Eve because it was believed that ghostly activity was more prevalent on that night.

There are some alternatives to the traditional activities, also some modifications many Christians participate in.

  • Do the tradition of trick or treating, but not allow scary or gory costumes. Instead dress up as fun superheros, princesses or animals
  • Gather at your church and do a “Fall Festival” with games, candy and dressing up
  • Go to a local pumpkin patch and have fun picking out pumpkins and going for hayrides. Come home and do pumpkin decorating with paints, stickers, markers etc.
  • Get some Christian moms and dads together and do a “Trunk or Treat”. This is done by decorating your car’s trunk in a fun theme and the kids go around the parking lot getting candy or prizes at each car.
  • Do a party with a theme for guests to dress up as. For instance, with little ones, you might consider doing a zoo party and serving fun animal themed items and playing animal games as well as coming to the party dressed as your favorite animal.
  • For decorating, consider doing a graveyard. On the “tombstones” put scripture about eternity and Christ’s salvation.

Now, with that understanding, what are your thoughts on it? Do you think it is evil to trick or treat? Will you be celebrating Halloween?



photo provided by Kam’s World via flickr




  1. Ellen Levickis says:

    For years I have thought that the day has been evolving into a commercialized party day (like Christmas is to non-Christians) where practically the only thing the same is the name, and that has evolved, too, as you noted, from All Hallows Eve to Halloween. I don’t see anything wrong with the playful celebration of trick or treating and getting dressed up as princesses and superheroes. But I do wish they would go trick or treating for UNICEF like we did each and every year oh so long ago.

    Since Catholics have the teachings of the Holy Bible and the Pope to guide them, and Pope Benedict XVI has advised us that Halloween is dangerous, Catholics have that guidance to clarify what God wants. Halloween is seen as promoting the culture of death, consumerism and materialism. Some Bishops state that if the holiday is going to be celebrated, at least don’t dress the children as ghosts and goblins (me, too).

    But other Christian-based religions, by having splintered away from the Church, make up their own rules. Maybe those parents would find direction through the statements by the Vatican, our go-to professionals.

    • Christine says:

      Thanks for your comments, Ellen. I am personally not a Catholic, but I can see where you are coming from. I do think that Halloween can be a great opportunity to do things for others in a Christ-like manner, though. Our Church has the youth group do “reverse trick or treating” where they go to homes where the families are struggling and dress up in costumes and instead of get candy from them, they give them basic food supplies such as eggs, milk and bread.

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